Sonic Adventure 2 was released worldwide on the Dreamcast in June, 2001

>Sonic Adventure 2 was released worldwide on the Dreamcast in June, 2001
>The overall superior Battle port to the gamecube was released December, 2001 in Japan, and 2 months later in North America

how the fuck did SEGA get away with this? the original release and the superior port in less than half a fucking year?

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they got away with it because people were screeching about console wars to a much lesser extent than today

No one cared because by the time battle came out you could get a dreamcast and copy of sa2 for practically nothing.

It's $2.50 right now on Steam. I bought it for Shadow and Chao Gardens.

Did it really add anything other than multiplayer?

Also think of it as more of an enhanced port. Which happens not that infrequently.

More characters to play as, but that was part of the multiplayer iirc.

Why the fuck hasn't Sega capitalized on Chao even after all these years. You'd think they'd make like a Chao raising mobile game or something.

Holy shit wow I can play as Tikal here's 50 buckaroos sega

>not wanting to play as Metal or Chaos

Like half of SEGA and the Dreamcast team was laid off because the console died in 2001. They just released it on the Dreamcast because SEGA thought the fans and owners of that console still deserved the game as one final goodbye.

They went full third party by 2002 so of course it would go on the gamecube.

Because even back then nobody really cared about Chao. Who the fuck in their right mind would give about Chao now? I mean besides autists of course.

If anybody could be capitalizing off mobile games right now it'd be the faggots who made Giga Pets. They could totally re-release that shit with some type of Pokemon Go gimmick thrown about. Muh nostalgia would have normies crawling all over that shit.

Dreamcast is version 1.0
Gamecube is version 1.1

Well playing the multiplayer knuckles stages wasn't that fun to me but Metal Sonic was cool I'll give you that.

Don't know why they had chao bots instead of Gamma.

They'd need a massive overhaul and that's probably too much of a money-sink for SEGA.

Seriously, as good as Chao were in 1999 and 2001, try going back and raising a garden now. It's just glitching the animals/drives so you get infinite uses, and then waiting for your chao with 1 perfect stat to breed with another chao with a different perfect stat and then rinse and repeat until you get the perfect chao.

Chao was great at the time because it was before the internet explained every single mechanic from stats to colors to attributes to races to facial expressions.

If they slap on a chao garden for any Sonic game nowadays, people are gonna beg for it to be multiplayer, and when it is, you will see nothing but min/maxed perfect chao that everyone has just from following a guide online.

It was really weird that chaos could fly

Too busy focusing on PSO2 and Miku.

Gamma died

and the only weird thing is that the whole light vs dark theme the game has isnt reflected in the multilplayer chao bots. You have 1 neutral chao and one dark one. It should have been 1 light instead of the neutral.


The reasoning is the neutral chao is more iconic. But yeah, it is weird.

Everyone I knew thought chao raising was the best part of that game.

Tikal was long dead. The multiplayer wasn't canon anyway.

Its not a superior port if I have to play it on an inferior platform

I know I did.
>breeding an all S-rank chao
>made one of each immortal chao
>exploiting the black market for limitless rings

>superior port
The Dreamcast version actually had lighting. It's especially noticeable on Eggmans first stage.

i honestly think they fucked up the gamecube version. every person i know who hates sonic adventure has only played the gamecube version.

It's unfortunate, but this guy's probably right on the money. It just won't turn out the way you'd think it will.

It's like releasing a game titled Sonic Adventure 3; no matter what, it won't live up to anyone's expectations and if it's so much as mediocre, it will blow up in their faces.

dude, SA2B is one of the highest selling gamecube games

That's a nice detail, but Battle improves on a lot of things, including textures.
But the thing that makes Battle actually the definitive version is the improved and expanded Chao Garden.

>Tikal was long dead

She survived as that little ball of light that helps the characters in Sonic Adventure though

After she calmed Perfect Chaos thousands of years ago, she seals him in the master emerald. She and him are released when the master emerald shatters in the beginning of SA1's story.

They did with Sonic Adventure 1. DX didn't improve jack shit. They had an opportunity to fix the shit out of that one and they just didn't.

SA2B was pretty solid on Cube though.

>but Battle improves on a lot of things, including textures.
It also damages a looot of textures in terms of lower quality and sometimes missing decals. I think what Battle improved the most was models, extra stage details, and draw distance.

>before the internet
when the worlds most brilliant minds united in grand academic symposium on the official sega forums to perfect the science of chao eugenics,
you were cum.

>DX didn't improve jack shit's_Cut

seems like a whole lot of improvements with of course some downsides like lighting, but the positives definitely outweigh the negatives

Fixed glitches, 60fps in cutscenes, 60fps in multiplayer, stuff that you could only download through the DC online was now on disc, new intro, shorter load times.

They cut Big the Cat out of the game. It's garbage.

playing a sonic game on a nintendo system doesnt feel right desu

Because Dreamcast died and nintendo fans never had a Sonic before, to a point they got SA2 before 1.

Still, original SA2 had content that was released for months on their website, like more colored chao, kart tracks and voices. Battle got the sumo chao and more voices in the menu which the dreamcast had them for download anyways even as hack. But had censored shit, like that Hell Chao Garden where the cave wasn't the same as the original

>for Shadow
>a character that have 3 levels and a half one that is Sky Grindhill Zone

Thanks Sega. What I wanted was more shooting on ice with Tails

DX is broken in exciting new ways, and you can still fall out of the damn map just by rubbing on walls. So DX is still incredibly underwhelming as far as a "fix" goes.

I guess I wasn't friends with autists then, so I lucked out.

By having none? Lucky.

>with of course some downsides like lighting
They also recompressed every texture and sound in a format that the GC could read adding a shitload more artifacts. Also, the 60fps "enhancement" they added is the cause of many of the collision and sound issues in DX.
They also straight up had to remove nearly every effect involving overlapping transparent textures. This issue can be seen pretty largely in some areas like the waves at the start, the final boss, the blurry movements from sonic/tails missing.

Is it me or DC Sonic is slower?

They had to change the speed and length of the boosts on the whale section so DX Sonic wouldn't fall through the floor. I think the wall collision is also slightly different there.

Not just boostpads, seems DC Sonic takes longer to pick up speed.

>Only have a PS4 with me
>No way of playing this game on the system unless I sub for that shit service.

Why live.

I might have to get it on my laptop.

Ah, not sure. He could be playing in nullDC. If he is there's an issue in it with the mapping of the analog sticks. DEmul doesn't have that issue.

I took the ending as them going to the afterlife or some shit. I don't think it was ever really cleared up, though.

you get a free trial

Literally $2.49 on steam right now

you have no excuse

I will always carry a torch for this stupid, stupid game. It hits a perfect zenith between "actually pretty good" and "hilariously stupid and buggy in ways that don't actually handicap playing it"

one of the all time GOAT soundtracks too

>Did it really add anything other than multiplayer?

Yep. The only thing it should have added is the costumes for 2P from the SA2 DLC.

Shame Sega were lazy and sold a lame port of SADX and SA2B for X360 and PS3 instead of making a definitive version.

What else did they change from Sonic Adventure -> Sonic Adventure Deluxe?

No, they weren't.

underage b&

SA2B has objectively improved chao system even with the smaller gardens.

They improved the chao garden, replaced most playable character models with higher poly count, changed hub world textures, changed water textures, fucked with the lighting, fucked with the main menu, got rid of motion blur on the character select screen, fixed the sonic jam model on the tornado sections, removed most models with transparent textures in them (you'll see fountains and flowerpots are different throughout the entire game), and even changed textures on some stages (I think red mountain was pretty different). The Dreamcast version also had a lot of DLC but idk if that counts as a change.