who else here is /tekken/
Who else here is /tekken/
I can button mash like a fucking pro. Fight me.
How good is Bryan if I can't do taunt jet upper?
My hworanagnanan mash is top tier senpai.
bro that shit is ode hard, 1 frame to go forward, 1 frame to go back and press 2. Shits max
getting gud
Now that's what I call Tekken it easy!
Would anybody want to play some rounds on the PC verison?
I can't get gud . Only win with king and I do alright but it's not really that fun I just abuse lows. Can't kbd and not putting effort into learning
20 hours and I still have barely any idea if I'm play Lee correctly. I feel like I could be learning this game a bit more efficiently.
Fight stick or ps4 controller? on PC
shit, just picked up bryan today cause I wanted to learn someone new
any pointers for using fb+2? struggled using it so far, I always whiff with it or else it's too slow. I've actually found that when I accidentally just hit b+2 it's a more consistently useful counter hit
>spent hours today doing treasure battles so I can play dress up
Bryan is my main, gotta love those types of characters. King is secondary.
>can't EWGF for shit
>Kazuya still /myguy/
anyone else?
Its just literally down foward + triangle user.
This is my first Tekken and I'm trying to learn Yoshimitsu. I get the feeling that's probably a mistake but I'm not gonna give up on the guy yet. Any tips on getting gud, or at least winning more than 1 out of every 10 matches?
Paul 4 lyfe
Sadie pls leave
Wait a minute that pose
Anyone on PS4 wanna play?
electric version is a difficult input even for pro's to bang out mid match m8 dont be a faggot
are you really trying to say ewgf is easy, and I mean especially in a game
I dunno, i pretty much got it. Problem is i don't find it all that useful.
I actully play paul and asuka but ok.
Who the fuck is sadie?
As with any new fighting game, your ability to learn is based on your persistence. You're going to lose more times than you can count; it's just the way it is. As long as you're learning anything from those losses, then you're making progress.
You are probably doing the regular god fist. It has an electric visual on hit.
the EWGF is a 1 frame move, and it has electric visuals the entire time
Holy fuck newfriend i have been playing Tekken for 20 years i know what an Electric one is. Fuck outta here condecending whitebelt.
>mfw reached fighter with ease on PC
>can barely maintain grand master on PS4
what does this mean
Since you are new you need to practice movement and just punishing people's unsafe shit.
Also early on noobs never block low so you can score some free wins with that.
Looks up AvoidingThePuddle on Youtube, Aris is a cool dude who has some tutorial videos where he explains things really well.
this, you are literally doing a regular godfist my guy. EWGF is straight up Kazuyas best offensive tool for pressure and combo potential.
next you'll be saying you pretty much got bryan's taunt jet upper down and it's no biggie
I rarely play fighters outside of KI. Will basic fundamentals from KI translate over to Tekken at all?
you are retarded if you think EWGF is not useful kiddo
>been playing for 20 years
>I don't find EWGF useful
It means you bought the same game twice dingus
Nope. I don't give a fuck about bryan, just Kazuya.
Yes, fundamentals will always transfer over.
You will have to get used to fighting in a 3D space and what it means though.
can't rank up if you can't connect to matches
Taunt jet upper is basically useless unless you're a Korean who has played tekken for years.
There are way better things to do off his taunt, not because they do more damage but because they are possible to hit in a match.
oh he's just a one move character, no point playing him if you can't even taunt jet upper honestly I mean seriously dude
electric is the best launcher in-game because of it's fast, can be done from a wavedash and is + on block.
how could you have missed this?
>Opponent ducks me
>it missess
>i do it mid move
>their hit lands first anyway
the most useful i found it is it pushes them back on block and can potentially throw their game off and bait them into a whiff
should I spend tomorrow learning how to play kazumi? I've screwed around with her once or twice and she didn't click with me, but then there's times I play against a kazumi player and her shit looks so fucking cool that I want to be able to do it
Didn't actually deny any of what you just said though did i whitebelt. Sounds like you read that out of a textbook, can YOU actually do it?
I did too because I wanted what I thought was going to be the definitive version (PS4) and wanted to support their PC version.
its usage off of movement is insane and its probably the fastest launcher in the entire game. You cant blame the move not being useful because your opponent ducked your attack lmao
Combos, maybe?
The game is fundamentally extremely different
This guy might be an idiot.
console folks report in, do you guys play on a monitor or TV?
I'm on PS4 and seriously considering trading it in and waiting for the PC verison to go on sale if they don't patch the online and 8ms lag input. Forgot how many console shitters play over wifi online when I first bought this game.
Nevermind i'm retarded
If by fundamentals you mean punching, learning frames, jabs, pokes, etc, then yes you will be able to learn most of the stuff.
Also glad to see another KI player. Love that game, and i'm finally glad it's coming to Steam.
I "personally" don't use it as much as i do other things. Sorry, do you even play Kazuya m9?
>reach initiate
>go on to lose 10 times in a row and get demoted twice back to 2
I'm kinda shocked how alive PC is even now when it's nearly a month old
literally never had to hang around in the warm-up lobby for more than a minute to find a match
maybe that's just cause I'm playing all the other plebs in the lower ranks
>reach fighter rank
>people still cant punish anything
>still dont know combos
>still just mash strings 10 yards away and hope you walk into it
>raw 10 hit combos
I know that feel.
>reached Maurader on like Tuesday
>do quick match sets after that and thought my game had improved quite a bit
>do a ranked session yesterday
>get put on tilt pretty quickly
>keep playing out of boredom
>get demoted back to Grand Master
yes i do and of course its dependent on situations but if you think the move isnt useful you are either retarded or have been playing low skillers who don't know how to fight Kaz
I'm so bad at it but I love it so much
Have i completely missed out on Eliza if i didn't preorder?
Who do you main in KI?
no other fighting game brings out the masher in people as tekken
people just never stop pressing buttons in this game and if you dont know most of the moves of most of the cast its really hard to deal with
>play against chloe fag
>he doesnt skip any of his animations
>"2D is all I need"
>mashes random buttons, cant pull off a single combo
Did you lose?
You are legitimately retarded.
My good old giggly skeeeleton.
you are legitimately a faggot
No, that's you again.
the first round, yes
not the same user, learn how to check IP count monkey-boy
suree add meee steamcommunity.com/id/invidiousinsidious
I'm fucking trash but I love it.
Shame that I picked a full blown homo though.
Its like they think because tehy are weebs they have to play chloe
ah well most of them have already quit the game
Who is a fun character to lean? I main Kazuya but want a back up or maybe a few back ups. Wanted to learn Steve but was put off by stance faggotry.
I'm pretty sure she'll be available for DLC soon. A month after launch iirc. So it should be July 2nd
Keep crying, retard.
why the fuck is hwoarang such a fucking scrub magnet
most played character by far
another user triggered by chloe
i main bryan but i need a secondary so i picked up shaheen because he has some nice counter hit fuckery
I'm a Weeb and I play Chloe almost exclusively. I just bought the game so I'm not leaving yet.
you will be gone in 2 weeks for sure
Is this a jojo reference my dude?
How's Asuka for a beginner? She clicks more than the rest for me.
>can only find fights against the same 2-3 players who figured me out quickly and rekt me numerous times
Guess I'm playing something else tonight
She's probably one of the best beginner characters. Really simple combos. Her punishes are pretty straight-forward. The only thing that sucks is that her moves are pretty slow so you need to have really solid defense with her. She's an extremely fundamental character who doesn't have too much trickery, so if you are trying to learn the game, she's probably your best option.
The fuck are you even on about?
Who /Bob/ here?
>practicing korean backdashing on keyboard today
>tfw feeling the burn in your ring finger after it's being worked hard for the first time in your life
This is my wife.