Who else here is /tekken/

20 hours and I still have barely any idea if I'm play Lee correctly. I feel like I could be learning this game a bit more efficiently.

Fight stick or ps4 controller? on PC

shit, just picked up bryan today cause I wanted to learn someone new

any pointers for using fb+2? struggled using it so far, I always whiff with it or else it's too slow. I've actually found that when I accidentally just hit b+2 it's a more consistently useful counter hit


>spent hours today doing treasure battles so I can play dress up

Bryan is my main, gotta love those types of characters. King is secondary.


>can't EWGF for shit
>Kazuya still /myguy/

anyone else?

Its just literally down foward + triangle user.

This is my first Tekken and I'm trying to learn Yoshimitsu. I get the feeling that's probably a mistake but I'm not gonna give up on the guy yet. Any tips on getting gud, or at least winning more than 1 out of every 10 matches?