>Cool as fuck and intimidating boss turns out to be easy.
Cool as fuck and intimidating boss turns out to be easy
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Vordt of the Boreal Valley.
I wanna ____ Sagiri!
>boss makes normalfags uncomfortable
What is the Gaping Dragon
>easy looking boss turns out to be cool as fuck and intimidating.
I love the music for him.
such a pushover they had to give him the chopper drones to make the no damage achievement a bit more challenging
play games with
Jecht in FFX was such a letdown, the only cool looking boss with an amazing song and he's easy as fuck
The bigger the boss, the easier he actually is.
also quelaag
>I want to . . . play games
>Cool as fuck and intimidating boss turns out to be a cutscene only encounter
>lamest boss is actually the hardest
Ruined Sentinels Dark Souls 2, I've always had trouble with this trio of trouble boss fight on my own, and the A.I sucks as I usually get a sheild in the ass as the sheild guy locked onto me while fighting the other fags, which is why players are much better, as they can warn you about it. That and its really hard for me to stay focused on them both at a time
Cum inside and take responsibility.
>Final boss turns out to be easy.
Biggest disappointment if the boss before it was the harder than it.
My favourite Boss in DMC 4 is dead ;_;
He is so cute.
You fuckers thought Gaping was easy because of the kinds of builds you were using. For me she's always one of the toughest bosses in the whole fucking game.
my favourite one
Fucking Master Porky and Natural Killer Cyborg
skip to 6:19
>playing Breath of the Wild
>have to fight two Lynels before getting to the final boss Ganon
>Lynel is the strongest miniboss in the game and even after learning the patterns you need to kill it and have the best gear in the game it still takes a long ass time to get its health down
>finally make it to the top of the castle, the big bad has been hyped up throughout the whole game, I'm expecting to die from a single hit or something
>Ganon deals absolutely no damage, dies in maybe 2 minutes, whole battle is just standing in front of his face and mashing attack button
Can't believe they dropped the ball so hard on the final battle.
Were you a maximum weight build or something?
what was your strategy to defeat bosses? sticking your dick in their mouths?
This. I was a dumbass who didn't even know you could aim in blade mode. I just sidestepped his shield entirely and hit him in the back. I kept wondering when phase two would start.
The music was cool
Like the final boss of Fable 2!
You can't trick me into watching a PewDiePie video user
I can see gaping maybe being annoying if you're doing a spellcasting build and don't have the physical stats to wield much more than a dagger, especially if you're trying not to skip it.
But seriously kill the spell casting nigger and chop off it's tail ASAP, then all you have to do is make sure not to stand in front of it constantly and it's basically free souls.
but i will get you next time
Intimidating? the fuck are you talking about? i just walked away angry with a boner...
>I was a dumbass who didn't even know you could aim in blade mode.
It's literally in the tutorial
tutorials are for casuals
this is such a lewd name
why is Sagiri so cute
>Final Boss literally goes down in 15 seconds
>Boss before him was super hard.
Why game do dis
Iron Golem and Midir.
>Boss is nigh impossible
>Figure out one subtle trick
>Boss becomes a joke
Ex from puyo puyo tetris.
Fucking Dias and Selvan in Radiant Historia.
>Boss can be oneshot on any difficuilty
Melee nuke build in BioShock Infinite is stupid
>"Oh boy this boss looks hard as fuck"
>"all these enemies swarming me oh fuck"
>"Oh shit this demon is going to tear my anus inside out"
>Its le quicktime press X to win :^)
The game was "ok" for most parts but holy fuck that last boss just made me lose my shit.
Boss has a secret lover
>tfw no longer 20 but 25
gaping dragon is easy as shit, the only treatment we have is your daily dose of get good
*boss transforms into its final stage*
i played and finished vanquish yesterday. i hated fighting the giant robots but i loved killing mooks.
final boss was pretty cool.
>cool as fuck boss has awesome fight music, but is pathetically easy
>intentionally drag the fight out longer so that you can listen to it longer
I thought he was cool as shit for a villain but the fight against him was disappointingly easy.
>Final boss is fairly difficult and has different phases
>Secret boss after the credits is fucking impossible
Who is Calo Nord?
Seriously, they shouldn't have given him that instant kill gimmick in the cantina if he's that easy to beat just a few hours later. That's a shtick you use for an endgame boss, Bioware.
>Play game without grinding much
>Final Boss is borderline unbeatable
>grind for a few hours
>Boss dies before even being able to do all his scripted shit
The one thing I didn't like about Xenoblade Chronicles
Huh, someone call me?
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