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Video Games #3820
Video Games
Who is the cute eng voice actress of Neptune in the PS4 title?
Signs of a bad game
Dragon Quest series
Girl comes over to your house
FFXIV Stormblood
Adam is a better character than JC
People who trigger you
How the FUCK do I beat him?
Okay, so this game was pretty challenging on normal. It get difficult after the first 4 stages and only goes up...
Can Sup Forums unanimously agree that this is the best zelda in the entire series?
First step to getting better is to admit it's your own fault when you lose
General threads for various games are starting to crop up on Sup Forums again's not as good as Gears of War 2
Did anyone else stop playing after how bad the last event was?
Alright, I can't lie to myself anymore: the Nintendo Switch is pretty fucking awesome
Better than any recent far cry game
Why is this garbage being sold on Steam?
Prove me wrong
Why haven't you played Titanfall 2 yet user?, It has actual gamplay
Let's settle this once and for all
Nekopara is fucking garbage
What did you think of BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea?
Which one is the least dogshit?
Four kings
Give me ONE reason why games you don't like are bad
Look at this idol, she is the best one
The company that made the last non-moba game you played is going to make a sequel to it, mixing it with the moba genre
Sell 5 times less than FromSoft
Fire Emblem Heroes
Why do video games do this?
Dragon Ball Fighter Z has completely BTFO Marvel vs Capcom Infinite in every way possible and the games aren't even out...
Monster Hunter Trailer is view botted...
I Hate To Say It, But The Witcher 3 Is Ass
Simple, repetitive boss fight
The most recent Spongebob Online update came out. Fucking pirate ships, and fighting the Kraken...
Is it worth getting into DotA at this point...
FO3/NV/4 screenshot thread?
We live in the timeline where Crash Bandicoot unJUSTS himself before Sonic the Hedgehog does
New party member joins
Hidden Gems
Third game doesn't give closure
Admit it Sup Forums, you are hyped
Do you think game developers should like video games?
Post the game in your Steam library with the lowest Metacritic score ITT or I'll blow your brains out!
Diablo III
Project M Returns
What the fuck guys
Post your vidya ideas
Ubisoft's new logo
Four kings
Why aren't you playing the new Diablo 3 necromancer pack?
I just got a new game in the mail
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds
Which one Sup Forums?
Vidya is now too expensive to buy new
Indie game cliches
Buying single player games
Why do people this scene so sad?
What order should I do the missions in?
Are MMOs a waste of time?
This shitty suit will be forced into the Metroid remake on the 3DS and you are going to like it
Why don't Japs utilize their nuclear history...
What are some must play GBA games besides the obvious pkmn/ff/megaman/Mario/fire emblem ?
What games let me see some pantsu?
Princess Maker 3 english version is out!
I'm going to finish Horizon Zero Dawn today. What will I think of it?
Sup Forums Approved Fightan Gaems
Anyone else play Aerogauge? In my opinion it's fantastic once you get the hang of it...
You take screenshots, don't you?
/aos/ - Ace of Spades
Give me your absolute best boss music, Sup Forums
You buy consoles because
VRMMORPG is the sound you'll be making face deep in her tits when you get around to saving her
You excited?
Was Handsome Jack actually the hero and good guy of Borderlands?
Xeno series funeral thread
Eco friendly cases
Persona 5
What are some games that just play themselves?
Nioh patch 1.12
*Whirlwind sprints behind you and deletes Skyrim 6*
Emuparadise gets BTFO
Best metroid game
I just started this and holy shit Velvet is annoying as Fuck and clingy as hell. I hope she gets better soon
Which is better and why?
ITT: 10/10 Games
Whats some good $10 games on the Steam Sale right now? I pretty much have all AAA titles...
Whats the max fps you can get irl?
Games where you get locked up?
Rainbow six siege
*triple jumps over you and snatches GOTY trophy with his hat*
Gameplay is the most/only important part of a video game
I'm in the mood for one of the newer CRPGs, either PoE, Tyranny, Divinity, or Wasteland 2...
Why does Minecraft give people fucking autism?
Fate grand order
Memes aside, this game is worse than Castlevanina 2
He's still rerolling
I already know that this thread will attract a bunch of console-warring shitposters, but all that can fuck right off...
What happened to horror games?
Why is the male character always canon in these scenarios?
Will there ever be a Disney Princess fighter?
Not a shill here, just someone who doesn't want to waste $15
What's the best character to start off with for someone who has literally never played a tekken game?
What does Sup Forums think of darksydephil?
What does everyone think and want to discuss on this VIDEOGAME board about this VIDEOGAME expansion released a week ago...
Game lets you play a dragon
With all these meme survival games coming out and selling like crazy...
I miss TechTV
Will we EVER get another good Vampires rpg?
You. Yes you, what are you emulating right now?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Is there a more disgusting individual in existence?
The 20 Best Fighting Games Ever Made
Steam Sale Thread
What went RIGHT?
Open crack program for a game
The '90's are back Sup Forumsros!
SPORE Part 3: Indians Killed Timmy Turner
What games let me change my character's physical appearance based on decisions I make?
Internet goes out
Any gengu mains willing to drop tips? trynna get better
Can we take a moment and appreciate how great Filia is, also Skullgirls Thread
Fuck Superman, fuck Flash, fuck Batman, fuck Spiderman
That time again gents. VIDYA RUMBLE. Come watch retarded AI fight eachother in a 40-man royal rumble. thevidyanetwork...
Party member leaves your party permanently
Am I the only rational human being getting tired of the "all Nazis are evil" trope in video games?
Are there any game developers who visit Sup Forums?
Persona 5
Literally factually the best game ever
ITT: fuck you, I didn't like it
Can you guys give me some games that will make me feel ,or dare I say, cry?
>70% of online players gone in 4 weeks
Is this a good port?
Arguably the best GTA ever
"The actual Midna's Helmet was the physical manifestation of extremely powerful shadow magic passed onto the royal...
We never are going to get a handheld as good as the PSP
It did so bad they have to cash Starfox 2 in on the mini to make up for it
Late Night Chiaki thread
Steam avatar thread
This was better than Skyrim. In fact, it's the best Elder Scrolls game ever made. Debate me. FUCKING DEBATE ME
Kenny did nothing wrong
Enemies can steal your items including the special or story related
All opinions about the rest of the game aside, what in the christ-fucking assfuck is this combat?
People arguing whether a $2-$4 dollars game in a well known franchise is 'worth it or not'
This thread is dedicated to the ones we left behind
ITT: Times you acted like the joker in video games
DLC adds a hero who is unkillable
I got bored of this around the time Alex came out, but I'm thinking of getting back into it...
ITT: Games that you can't discuss on Sup Forums
Should games mock players for picking easy?
Are you Badass enough to play Battleborn? Its free right now to play, but not a free to play game!
Subnautica thread
Indeed... this KOTOR 2 Thread is far from over
What should I play first? P5 , Witcher 3 complete or bloodborne game of the year?
Co op horde mode
Ubisoft is so progressive that they take characters directly from other sources
Hello Sup Forums, I am quite confused about computers; I keep hearing terms like rx 480, rx 570...
The PS2 Trilogies
What's the funniest thing you've ever seen in Oblivion?
Post your feel when Disney buys Nintendo
Best ending: pic related
Do you ever cry yourself to sleep knowing that Shantae isn't real?
Should I infuse my Greatsword+6 to be RAW or Enchanted
What the fuck is her problem?
Name a more annoying videogame character
Casual filters
Holy fuck why the hell is the micoloshi even a boss fight?
*Ruins your franchise* nothing personnel, kid
Essential /momcore/ video games
What are some games that let you play as a cute girl?
/aos/ - Ace of Spades
How do we stop this madman?
[Rocket Jump Waltz starts playing]
Were weebs outraged about censorship when this happened...
Fire Emblem Echoes
Play Mother 3 because Sup Forums says it's the GOAT RPG of all time
Now that the dust has settled, was it really that good?
So is Sup Forums ready to admit that Persona 4 is still the best Persona game?
What was it like owning an Atari 2600
Remember when yahtzee BTFO weebs forever?
Crash thread
Breath of the Wild is true LUDO
Steam sale for piratefags
When will we start seeing good Star Wars games again...
Why is Venom Snake a much better person when compared to the real Big Boss?
Tell me Sup Forums
Buyers remorse general
It's time for a Resident Evil thread. In RE2 remake news, poor Claire can't catch a break even in the recording booth:
Implying you wouldn't fuck this
Starting off with a hard one
FFXIV poll
What's the best space combat game in terms of combat and sense of scale (multiple fighters,frigates,cruisers...
No games
Did you like 2B's game?
Think about playing a JRPG
Is it cringeworthy to want to write poetry for your favorite video game girl?
What is the point of videogames?
Rebecca is best RE girl
Who is the character in this picture? 9/10 people fail to answer correctly!
Who was in the wrong here?
Battlefield 1 on a Handheld
What kind of person is Samus?
If you got to banish one of these from gaming forever, which one would it be?
Oh boy....i can't wait to not be able to get one and the only alternative is to pay a scapler $500 on ebay
Tokyo Xanadu comes out on Vita on Friday in the US, is it worth getting...
Vidya cringe thread
Have at it
What would the plot be, anons?
How were you suppose to know to jump over/on this goomba?
Battlefield 4 Campaign Is STILL Broken!
Why is this game so fucking boring
So did you kill Roy are let him take over Tenpenny Tower?
Why was everyone so confident this would be hot shit?
The new gen version of Sam Fisher will have a beard an a fuccboi haircut, mark my words
Less than half of dark souls 3 owners on ps4 have finished the main questline
How did it sell so well?
Nintendo's Bill Trinen
What's there to do after beating the story in this game
No threads about Princess Maker 3
ITT: /reddit/ games and opinions to discard
You still remember her, Right Sup Forums?
What is the O Brother, Where Art Thou? of video games?
So my nephew broke my 360 controller and I need a new one...
Any canadianbros trying to get a snes classic? how come no retailers have put up a listing yet?
He fell for the Nintendo NX meme
I have put 20 hours into Monster Hunter gen, and it is such a great game...
Is Sup Forums excited for League of Legend's newest champ?
What went wrong?
What am I in for, Sup Forums?
ITT: Sick videogame plays
Fallout 4 : "end" game feel thread
Do you have to have autism to enjoy this game?
Where's mario odyssey special edition?
Throwback LOL
Tfw real necromancer soon
If someone ever did a game with authentic swordplay/fencing, would you play it?
How hyped are you?
Who is your favorite Danganronpa girl
Is she the new Minfilia?
It warms my heart to see nintendo doing so well again
What am I in for Sup Forums?
Let's ignore all the Sup Forums shit that doesn't belong on Sup Forums for awhile and discuss what WE want from the...
So did anything cool get announced at E3?
/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday
Developer makes game
"meta" is cancer
What's your favorite BotW gear in terms of looks, Sup Forums?
Pirate game
Junpei or Ryuji?
Just beat pic related. Am I missing something...
Why japs dont create FPS?
What are some GOOD games set in the Wild West? RDR need not apply, played it a billion times
So why doesn't nvidia and amd just make more video cards to counter the crypto currency?
[distant mooing]
Why would anyone on Sup Forums hate Compile Heart?
This controller is ok but what I hate most about it is the triggers have no clicky feel to them...
These are your party members for tonight
How do I make friends on steam?
When was the last time you had this expression on your face that was vidya related?
Main menu changes base on story progression
Remake when? I would kill for a remake of this game with better graphics, better lighting and smoother animations
How does a ''sexy'' female character in video games transcends that simple label and become memorable...
There are people on this board that never used an emulator
I thought the Switch was the next Wii?
Wubadubaduba is that true?
Ace Combat 7 Performance
That glorious feeling when you made the right choice
How do you pick your main in fighting games Sup Forums
Why is this fucking allowed?
Why do souls gamest try to hide the story from you?
Turn based RPG
ITT: lazy current gen remasters/ports that you'd actually like to see
When was the last time you got up and walked around?
Do you still play your Vita Sup Forums?
Why are there no good kamen rider/sentai games?
Sup, Sup Forumsery nice people
L > J > I > O > T > Z > S
What's the best racing game ever made?
This is Ann Takamaki. Say something nice about her
"Hard" games (or DLCs) whose difficulty has been greatly exaggerated
What is the most obscure game you know? Pic related
Meta thread
Pirating indie games
Etrian Odyssey bread
What are some games where I can kill rednecks?
Metro redux?
Have you ever gotten legit scared when playing a video game?
I have 6.49 on my steam wallet, recommend me something for that price or low
On average, how much time do you spend playing video games every day?
ITT: Enemies that arouse you
Which main-line Final Fantasy is the comfiest?
This is shinryu, say something nice about her!
He makes a dual wield melee character in Skyrim
User, you're in college now, you shouldn't be playing vidya...
About 30 hours into GTA V, having a pretty good time. Leagues better than 4
Resident Evil
So we know this is going to happen eventually
Hopes and expectations?
With SGDQ coming in 5 days...
Can we all agree with this?
Really makes you think
Can't get immersed in snow levels because it's too hot IRL
Game has noob trap stats like luck or charisma
*creates an artificial hardware scarcity to drive demand*
I thought you guys said these were sold rare
Are you happy that Fire Emblem had a resurgence and is more popular than ever?
Fate Grand Order
Is FF12 gud? Never played it at release
I would
Wow everyone forgot about this gimmick game already? Big surprise
Meta Thread
It's time to discuss the best RPG ever
So... uh, I'm bored of ARMS
Why didn't they choose Hayter as Snake in MGS 5? wtf?
SNES Classic
I just started playing Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate...
Would you pay $30 to replay OoT in BotW graphics?
Where the fuck is Half Life 3?
If voice actors can unionized and go on strike, does that mean devs should too?
So.... this is the POWER of STEAM DIRECT?!?
Destroy All Humans
Some of you might call me a shill for this, but I just wanted to get this information out there
Are you embarrassed to be considered a "gamer"?
Better dead than Al Bhed, ja?
What are some games where you can create a happy family?
This is it, sony won
Look what just came in the mail today, Sup Forums!
It's fun and cute
How the fuck does Japan get away with putting such imagery in their games...
40% winrate
Name one (ONE - 1) flaw
Silent Hill Thread
Has competitive play killed your interest in online video games, Sup Forums?
Hey bro, I took that crusty old game console you had laying around and turned it into a killer gaming rig! Pretty cool...
JoJo Vidya
Why did this game decline in popularity so much? There was a point where it was the largest esport in the world...
How's life user?
Why don't videogames have good box art these days?
How do I get good at this game?
You now remember that I exist
Which one is better?
Dead space
Is this the plebest someone can get?
Just build a pc bro
So what's the Sup Forumserdict on this geimu? I've been meaning t
Super Mario Odyssey thread, let's share gifs/webms and shit and talk about how excited we are. Hype is fun
Help me choose guys:
ITT: Casual Filters
Remember when Minecraft had potential way back, Sup Forums?
We settle this once and for all
Would you buy a PS1 Classic Sup Forums?
Are you going to back my kickstarter Sup Forums?
Let's settle this once and for all
Is this actually the best fighting game ever made?
Who are some famous people who play video games?
RPG maker fes
Why doesn't square just make Metal Gear Prompto?
Alright, Sup Forums, I'm going to gamestop in a couple of hours to buy either a PlayStation 4 or an Xbox one...
Is he right user? You're not a wagecuck are you?
Is this the only good kickstarter game?
The best Middle Earth is in Minecraft
What are some games with actual, legit, unironic race tensions?
Games where you don't fight the main villain
Vidya Cringe
Stoner gamer thread
What are some games stupid people like me can enjoy?
Fate Grand Order
Post top 10 and rate others
God of war has kratos raising his own biological son
Hi Sup Forums! I main Mercy and carry my team through healing...
Talk about a video game
Sup Forums is dead
What did they mean by this?
How did we go from this
Metroid: Samus Returns Hands-On Preview
ITT: Series where every game is worse than the last
So many years later, and she's still my favorite video game girl
Switch couldn't handle this game!
Does Nier:Automata get better?
The anime gonna get it
Would you go through hell and back and risk your life to get a kiss from Peach?
Put effort into video game related post
What are some games about damned traitors?
Filename thread?
Is this game any good? Looks pretty interesting but I'm not sure if it's worth it
Joker, it's a treasure chest. We can get more money!
Were console warriors ever this mad at a game? Which was it?
Character has a unique design trait
Time for your daily dose
Steam Sale
Just got this on sale for 25$ and it's actually good
Have you ever started smoking because of a game? Pic related for me
Would Nier Automata have been received as well as it was if the characters in it looked like this...
Countries of Sup Forums
The Sup Forums tribe - King of Dragon Pass PART 3
It is morally correct to pirate Nintendo games
Nintendo Switch games
I'm going to Elysium for her!
RE4 .2
Are the Parasite Eve games good?
Which WoW xpac was the best, vee?
How can the falmer use magic if they can't read spell books?
Just bought Horizon Zero Dawn, what will I think of it?
Zelda Breath of The Wild is running beautifuly on my Switch!
What are the quintessential JRPGs of this generation?
What is he screaming Sup Forums?
Who is the target audience of this game?
Sup Forumsidya red flags?
Did you enjoy your WiiU user? I had a very good time with mine
What happened? It seems everybody completely forgot this game existed...
PoE II: Deadfire
Warhammer 40k Dawn of War
Youre beginning to not have as much fun with vidya as you used to
Would you fug a dear?
Why do people buy this shit?
Which one do you prefer Sup Forums?
Is JC Denton the great protagonist in video games?
What emotion is this expression meant to convey?
Why isn't Sup Forums allowed to have meme culture like other boards?
2019 release date
6 hours in
Friendly reminder that this is the worst area in any video game ever made period and an insult to any fan of the...
PSN Mid-Year Sale: Not Shit Edition
Have you sworn fealty to the queen of curves yet?
Metroid Prime 4
Is there a way to bypass Blizzard's 50% w/l ratio matchmaking odds rigging?
The phantom
It's my first Elder Scrolls game, any tips?
Should i buy this? I never played any of the Souls games...
This is Maria, she lives in a clock
He didn't name his group the diamonds
Can anyone actually defend pirating? Like...
Might and magic
Hi we are the best games of the eighth gen
Game features black people, some LGBT subplot
Go hang out with friend
Tekken 7 tier list
Shortages I presume?
Item is currently out of stock
How do you fare, Sup Forums?
Rune Factory
Hand and Wrist exercises
Humble Bundle thread
This game is on sale and I've never played a MGS game...
Get bullied
Why did he get so poplar?
Fire Emblem Heroes
I would say Nintendo is crazy for thinking they can sell an almost 30 year old console with only 21 games priced at $80...
/our guy/ telling the harsh truth about Oblivion
Confirmed pewdiecunt lurks Sup Forums
It's just a boring platformer with mediocer combat, graphics, sound, and cryptic puzzles...
So with all the NintoddIers being hyped over the an overpriced emulation machine can we all agree on that liking...
Hi, I'm the best Fire Emblem game, and will likely never be topped
Chroma Squad
Switch owners, is it safe to carry the joy con straps in the official switch case? The packaging says that it's ok...
The only Link to become a hero for personal reasons and not because of "destined legendary hero" bullshit
So is this coming to other systems? Does the retail box have a 'Only On Playstation' logo slapped on it?
So, how your Susano weapon farm going?
This game was
ITT: Games that destroy lives
ITT: We post our autismos
What went wrong?
3DS Thread
*blocks your youtube channel*
Sonic Mania
Hey, Sup Forums, I heard you guys are real BADASSES...
Mankind Divided
ITT: We brainstorm about a likely N64 Classic's library
Doesn't even get raped
Komaru's game releases today on PC and PS4
Why do people pretend that Zelda has a good open world?
Which one is better?
Dragonball FighterZ Thread
Fate Grand Order
Mobile games
Ps1 mini classic
My biggest problem with games today is the art direction. everything looks so unoriginal and generic. pic related...
TES > TW3. I'll prove it now
Free shit
Why is there never a "PC WON" thread?
Is this why Sup Forums hates him now?
Create stunningly beautiful stylized video game with atmospheric maps and amazing character models
How are those rerolls coming along?
So now that the dust has settled and WoW is finally dead for good, can we all agree that WoTLK was the best expansion?
I'm glad we all agree that no RPG can surpass Gothic 1 and 2
Steam Gifting
Name some games with better open worlds than Zelda Breath of the Wild
Is there a single person who liked seeing this gun in a game?
Diablo 3
Go to beach
Does any good trap music exist?
You wanna get on stream and debate me about that?
Whomst hype for the remaster of Dragon's Dogma this fall?
PC game feels worthless to me if it's not a steam copy
"We need to go back"
Console-tan Tuesday
Tfw you're slowly getting better at fighting games and enjoying it even when you lose because you're still learning...
You have 10 seconds to find me a better DLC. GOOOO!!!!
What's the best Mount & Blade faction to start with?
3x3 thread
This shit's been in development for 3 years and it still looks like trash...
What are some underrated hacknslash games...
Move over, Overwatch, there's a new and more skill based e-sport in town
No open-world Middle Earth RPG
What segment are you looking forward to the most in FFVII's remake?
10/10 character designs
It's on sale so imma pick this up for some casual play. I'm no pro at all. Problem is: PS4 or PC?
Why is Alice so cute?
Here's your mail, sir!
How come people are going absolutely crazy over NES/SNES classic but no one gave a shit when Sega did it first?
Modern Warfare Remastered: Standalone physical copy
Where were you when cryptocurrency miners destroyed PC gaming?
Which game has currently the best graphics on the PC?
What do you guys think about the Star Fox crew?
Outlived the Xbox 360
Why dont Sony and MS do this?
Which Beauty is the best Beauty?
Brother, may I have some good video games?
Super > Fusion > ZM > NES > 2 > Other M
Can't kill any of DLC bosses
Sacrifice chloe
That series that came back after a long hiatus
How does Sup Forums feel about SMT? Is everyone looking forward to Deep Strange Journey...
Why haven't you hacked your Wii U yet?
So when are we getting a My Hero Academia game?
Item has 1% drop rate
Review this game in a single sentence
Let's make a list of the best 2D Platformers ever made
How do you like your hacking mini games?
So is RE a horror franchise again or what?
Cool as fuck and intimidating boss turns out to be easy
What's the peak of your favorite franchise?
Tfw nintendo females are taller than you
The most powerful console ever?
Which one is the better FPS?
Soul Reaver
Steam Summer Sale 2017
What is the thinking emoji of videogames?
This game is linear and boring as fuck. Why do normies love nu-naughty dog so much?
What's your dream game Sup Forums?
Anthem thread
First dubs gets Risk of rain and the privilege of being my friend on steam
Someone types your name followed by "..." in game chat
Shh, Sans is sleeping
Hey user, you're not illegally copying and/or distributing Nintendo Co. Ltd.'s protected intellectual property, are you?
P-p-paid m-mods!!!!
People said this game has good writing? Give me a break. You guys just hate Bethesda, don't you?
The 3DS is dea-
Can we have a subnautica thread?
Have you noticed that no one is using chat in online games anymore?
Name a game where I can just relax on a ship or space station with goofy characters
ITT: Gamer Grub
So Sup Forums, how much do you expect to read/hear "well Crash Bandicoot was never that great" in the next month?
Filename thread
So boys, I'm upgrading my PC soon for optimal gaming...
So Sup Forums, when was the last time you played as an elf?
Where does one buy a built emulator console...
Refunding Witcher 3. Last time I fell for your memes
So, I just read that you can pay $20 to get a MS dev account and then sideload emulators onto an Xbone
Who is the Fantano of video games?
I fucking hate Australian politics
Will you purchase it Sup Forums?
ITT: God tier villains
Can we all agree on this ?
S-should I....?
Have you played the greatest JRPG ever created yet?
Is there any reason to hate Resident Evil 6 outside of it being action rather than horror...
The only solution to fixing this on disk DLC, season pass, paid mods...
Should I pull the trigger? What am I missing?
"The game is fun. If it's not fun, why bother?"
Fate Grand Order
Valkyria thread
Sup Forums's top 100 games
How does one make friends in a video game?
SNES Classic
How do you play this? The character is so fucking slow and lazy. I am falling asleep due to the pace of this...
40% OFF until 4th July
What would the perfect Touhou game look like?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...