Youre beginning to not have as much fun with vidya as you used to

Youre beginning to not have as much fun with vidya as you used to

That ship has sailed.


>barely able to play videogames because "you are an adult, put your time to better use" thoughts keep popping up

>having 3 days off, thought i could play lots of vidya
>end up only playing vanquish for a couple of hours
i like it, i really do.. but can't keep playing for more than half an hour without having a break or just doing something else..

I sit and stare at steam all day but don't play anything. I've done this for 4 days.

Help me.

This is part of it. Also, no good games being released. I'm forced to replay games I've already finished many times over. Also, I've just started enjoying movies better, especially older ones. I'm still looking forward to RDR2 and am probably gonna play through Zelda and Mario soon if money anxiety doesn't stop me from buying a Switch, but fuck it, maybe I won't.


fuck off, retard

>don't enjoy any game anymore
beginning is over since a while it seems

Ahck-tually this is the most fun I've had in years.

>tfw you still have fun with vidya
Wanna hear the secret for it? The real secret for it? Don't pirate. I'm serious.

This is the most newfag thread I have ever seen on this board.

actually i reinstalled oblivion with oscuros this week and ive been having fun for the first time in a while

>gamble with your money
>it's fun

>"I want to make video games."
>"I'm too busy with high school, I can learn how to make video games when I'm older."
>"I'm too busy with college, I can learn how to make video games when I'm older."
>"I'm too busy with my job, I'm never going to learn how to make video games."
>See games like Undertale and Unturned made by literal teenagers all by themselves become super popular

I'm not having any fun at all with any other aspects of my life, so that's okay.

ehh kinda true
every game i pirated i never finished

>"I want to make video games."
>get into a programming university
>get into another
>get into an economics degree just to have any kind of degree at all
>barely pass
>get into the vidya industry
>end up as a level designer
>work for about a year before project shuts down, spend a couple months looking for another, scraping the little money I have together to get by, then repeat the cycle
>no motivation or will to work on any kind of project on my own

Who said about gamble? If you dislike the game refund it, don't blindly buy it etc etc. You can only blame yourself for buying shit.

Not entirely, im just not finding games that engage me.

In the last month or two ive played and beaten
>Furi, again
>Titanfall 2
>Darksiders 1& 2 + DLCs
>XCOM EW + 2, currently playing LW2
And im currently doing some bro-op in Dying Light with some friends.

>If you dislike the game refund it
This is effectively piracy with a time limit. It flies in the face of what you suggested.

not really now that i have disposable income i'm enjoying it more then ever. although i have way less time for it

false, but close to the truth
buying a fuckton of games is no better

I'm loving...LOVING the Nier combat system, it's so much fun

To bad the fetch quests, 2D bits and bullet hell kill it for me

No actually I'm becoming increasingly dependent on video games because my life's been so shit recently. It's funny my gaming friends don't even like me anymore


All a game needs for me is decent gameplay and a sweet soundtrack. Seriously if there's good music in my ears while playing that lifts the experience up by miles.

I know you americans dislike basic customer rights, but it isn't piracy. Also why would you buy a shit game had you actually researched it a bit.


The secret is I basically ony play sixth gen or earlier. I fucking love videogames.

Of course not, you have to buy the games that interest you, not just madly hoard them.

Sound design seems to be very lacking in a lot of games, like it's completely pushed aside for features that can be expressed with screenshots or described with words. Same with responsive controls.

The new games are starting to feel like mongo dick so I've just started emulating and playing classics
[spoilers]it feels pretty refreshing t b h [/spoiler]

>fun with vidya
>with vidya
Nothing is fun anymore.

So what you're actually suggesting is that people find better games to play when there are less good games to play. All right, stupid ass. You're not acknowledging the problem.

Refunding a game is worse than piracy. Piracy has no impact on the publishers or developers. Refunding actively takes money out of their pockets. More money than you paid. That's the cost of doing business with Steam. Refunding is worse than piracy because of the inherent time limit; both time played and time owned.

Your suggestion that people just refund games they don't like does not parallel your point that to enjoy games better you need to buy them. To get the benefit of that process you would need to undergo post purchase rationalization which requires you to actively sacrifice your money; which means NO REFUNDING. This is why I ridiculed you for suggesting gambling with your money is somehow going to grant you happiness. This is not the case unless you are exceptionally skilled at deluding yourself.

tl;dr: Suck me.

I have 20 fun and immersive games I am half way through.

All I play is rocket league now.

>boohoo games are bad nowadays
user, I don't know how jaded you are but loads of good games have come out this year, and seem to still be coming. Perhaps you just simply want to dislike games?
>refunds are cancer, you're killing bad games and their makers
I'm not seeing the negative here. Do you know the phrase "vote with you wallet"? If devs make a shit game that gets refunded, then perhaps they won't make the same mistake again, or they'll keep the sequel/s as a low grade niche choice so that the buyers won't refund it.
>requires you to sacrifice money
No dipshit, the point is that you actually own it. Pirating is easy, you just download the game and start playing, boom that's it. When buying a game you think about your purchase, if you need it or don't, will you like it or not, not just "lol I'll buy this gaemu, let's roll the dice if I'll like it!" Piracy is the other way where you feel like "might as well pirate it since I can," even though you don't really want to play it.
>tl;dr: Suck me.
Ah so you were reddit all along. I should've known.

Nah, not true. Most Nintendo games I still have a lot of fun with. My tastes are starting to change though, I'm much more into RPG's than I used to be, but I still have just as much fun with video games as I did back when I had more time to play them.

>Pirating is easy, you just download the game and start playing, boom that's it.
You can literally do this when you buy a game.
>When buying a game you think about your purchase, if you need it or don't, will you like it or not, not just "lol I'll buy this gaemu, let's roll the dice if I'll like it!"
When you can refund the game this makes how you treat it no differently than how you would if you pirated it.

The only time your experience or behavior changes is when you actually lose the money you spent because that's the point where it cannot be taken back. Thinking otherwise makes you naive. I already explained to you in vivid detail WHY this occurs, but you fail to consider I'm right.

The only reason buying something would give you more pleasure over not buying it, all other things being equal, is
post purchase rationalization.

For me the problem is that everything is only a little boring improvement.

I disagree, I pirated saint rows the 3rd and almost platinum-ed it.

fuck, this so hard.

It's time to make America Great Again.
Put down the vidya and MAGA.
white power btw.

I haven't had fun with vidya in years

only have fun when I'm playing with other people, it's a struggle for me to enjoy playing singleplayer games anymore

Yeah, I'm really waiting for identity politics to die, or for a voice for white men to pop up. Trump is our best bet, for now. I just need something to really believe in. I've worked hard but the results are so minimal in today's society it was barely worth it anyway so I became a NEET. I have so much to give, but ten bucks an hour ain't cutting it.

I've learned video games are a catalyst for fun, not a substitute.

If you guys seriously don't have any friends, then you should seriously consider it. Otherwise you'll end up playing frogger irl.

This. The whole essence of playing vidya is working to have fun.

If you give your self everything for no effort with cheat codes, buyfagging everything, or pirating it takes out all the fun.

>pirate dishonored 2
>play 5 minutes of the first mission then quit
life is suffering