The company that made the last non-moba game you played is going to make a sequel to it, mixing it with the moba genre.
Describe the game.
Would you play it?
The company that made the last non-moba game you played is going to make a sequel to it, mixing it with the moba genre.
Describe the game.
Would you play it?
>Rainbow Six Siege
>A moba game with a bunch of glitches
>getting a lucky prefire headshot on someone you can't even see because moba fog of war
Probably, even mobashit would be better than the combat in this fucking game
>Metal Slug Moba of Allies vs Axis
>Cute 3D Models
>destructible bridges and buildings are used to house waves of enemies/allies
>default creeps are soldiers
>those anti tower creeps are Metal Slugs/Tanks
>flying units and ground anti air vehicles/troops
>collecting tokens or power ups scattered on the maps will give your hero toons Rawket Lawnchairs and Hebby Macheenguns
>Mega Creeps are just regular soldiers but fat
I'll buy 100 copies.
>Fire Emblem
Oh fucking boy. Can't wait for more Awakening and Fates dicksucking, guest starring Marth and his obligatory cast.
You just bought me with that pitch
Looks like I need to get a job at SNK as an "ideas man" or "creative fellow".
I have no fucking idea
Moba Mario kart
Could work as a battle mode i guess.
>doom moba
Oh no don't let Todd hear about this I don't want to see this abomination actually being released
please let it stay dead instead of doing this GSC
>My summer car moba
Honestly I don't think Finndev would know how to do that.
I guess its like your standard MOBA, but in VR and with combat that's actually fun.
>ever oasis
>GREZZO / whatshisface the nip nong mana series guy
Fucking what
Mass Effect Andromeda
Lets hope Edmonton does this one
>Town of salem
Blank Media games makes a moba about lying to each other a lot.
>Sengoku Rance
I have a feeling some people might be offended by being raped when they lose.
>Playing ToS in 2017
How's ranked? Is it tolerable now or is it still full of idiots from PDP invasion?
>Diablo 3
They already did
I guess... If you put lanes one above the other, let players build creep spawners and towers on their own, throw in some loot... It's playable at least.
Its literally impossible to lose as town in ranked so I don't even bother. The new expansion seems fun but I'm not giving away my shekels for it.
So I get to play overwatch?
>Shovel Knight
>2D pixel multilane similar to Awesomenauts
>All the knights playable and have their own attacks
>Bodyswap mode is available
How the fuck would they do this.
TES moba
easly doable, but it would be boring af
What he fuck is it with this unimaginative "three lane square" default MOBA map design that everyone and their mother subscribes to?
It's fucking shit.
Nigga what? DR would be one of the better games to make a MOBA with shit ton of characters and with their talents as basis of their skillset.
Rocket League.
Mixed with Moba?
It actually exists. I've played it.
Heavy Metal Machines.
Stop doing this.
What? Saying moba?
I guess you saved your thread. The genre is called ASSFAGGOTS though.
>ASSFAGGOTS blended with anything
>Describe the game.
>Would you play it?
>Dragon Quest
I'm surprised they haven't (have they?). I would likely pay some attention to it but ultimately not play it.
>Tekken MOBA
If the end of the match is throwing someone off a cliff instead of destroying a tower, I'd be down.
Can't wait to hear the cries of how King is an OP hero.
So it'd become something like Fractured Space with NPC interaction. I'd buy it
>Euro Truck Simulator
I don't even wanna try to imagine it
I would love the idea if it were handled by anyone except modern Konami.
>No Animal Kingdom MOBA
Why isn't this a thing?
>New Vegas
Actually liking the mental image I'm getting of condensing the game into an ASSFAGGOT map, but it'd still be single player
NCR vs Legion with House + Securitrons as jungle boss, Courier is a jungler doing objectives to get XP, supplies, and allies until strong enough to take down whichever sides they want
>Atlus makes an SMT moba
It'd have good demon waifus at least
>Warhammer 40k MOBA
Like an actual one would be actually great. Dibs on Horus mid.
nier automata? I like it. Combat would be pretty crazy.
>Flight Simulator X Moba
>full of screaming steam kids in hot air balloons and F-18s pretending to be Air Force One
>presumably still no way to fight so instead ramming each other ensues
>towers are ATCs
I don't even know, but it would sure as hell be full of slavs
>number of bases on the maps
>have to capture enemies main base
>capturing other bases makes this easier
>guards automatically go out on patrols and try to capture other bases
>players sneak shoot run n' gun how ever they want MGSV style
>The more the players do the more supply points they get
>they can spend these points on upgrades form R&D, supply drops or other such things
I'd honestly be willing to play it
>Europa Universalis IV
How the fuck would this even work? Which countries would be supports? I guess historical great powers would be carries and smaller powers would be like offlaners.
>Ottomans OP as fuck taking up all the jungle creeps
>Spain, England and Portugal would be great at long range zoning
>France early-mid game carry that falls off in the ultra late game
>Byzantium shit tier hero unless you win the early game
>Ming with a shit ton of health but very little damage resistance
It sounds retarded but I would play it desu
FFXIV moba.
Make it a generic Final Fantasy moba and I might get behind it.
A Warhammer Moba? Sounds fun desu.
Black Knight and Tidus main.
>Grim Dawn
Would be a good game, but generic. Unless they make ARPG part more prominent: you level up and grind more, but PvP less.
>ESO as a moba made by zenimax
I mean, I guess it could work. It would probably play like ass, but it wouldn't be completely terrible
>metal gear rising: revengeance moba
Perform Zandatsus to acquire lasthits?
>not maining Sundowner
World of Warcraft.
Tried and tested. Less risk in mimicking something that works and expanding on it.
Dawngate tried to change things up but look at where that is now.
>Factorio moba
HotS2 players are going to get an anal aneurysm by just imagining a game where the pre-game PvE is hours long.
A MoBA with more and other types of resources than just gold with which one buys shit from a shopkeeper with infinite stock is actually a great fucking idea.
also, imagine
>piss off some random you got queued with
>instead of just having one dude run down mid lane to feed enemy gold every now and then he makes a railroad and starts delivering wagons full of green circuits or whatever else youre producing by redirecting the production line or sabotages the power production/the network
Hard fucking pass. I guess they could do something novel with the looting concept but I don't even like mobas in the first place.
>Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag
>It's literally League of Legends during the Bilgewater event
>I'm only able to play Talon
Necrovision is a good action game but the game is rougher than the pre alpha of of red orchestra 2.
5 Hours long vs AI games where the ennemies have a shitty AI but huge damage and have waaaay more units.
Winning involves taking strategic spots within time limits and destroying the enemy base which may or may not be a flying ship.
Gameplay involves cover/Field of view system and most abilities would be free aim ranged/explosives/illusion types.
But this literally already happened to me. It's called Dawn of War 3 and it's fucking shit.
One was in development, but it was scrapped. Presumably, because it was absolute shit.
isn't that what dawn of war 3 is?
Or at least that's what most reviewers and Sup Forums says. I haven't gotten the game yet
>Europa Universalis IV
>countries are characters
>you have to buy them for $20 each
>you have to unlock their skills for $10 each
>breath of the wild moba
how the fuck would that even work
how about a stealth moba with permadeath
could work
>Fire Emblem
Well, it'd theoretically work pretty well, you've already got healers, tanks, supports. I wonder if they could distinguish people enough to give them interesting movesets.
And this guy is right, of course.
>Dwarf Fortress
>Bay 12 games
>unnecessarily complicated procedurally generated moba in which losing is the most fun part
could be the one and only moba i'd play
>Literally Battleborn
It's shit.
would it be as BADASS™ and hobby-grade coop campaign, genre-blended, multi-mode competitive e-sports; meta-growth, choice + epic Battleborn Heroes, though?
Feels fucking BAD. TF2 is 10 years old in a few months and even at its peak was never as popular as OW is now. All it took was a shit load of marketing and ham-fisted esports scene (which still sucks) and one of the best multiplayer games ever made is eclipsed by a game that should died in 6 months.
>mixing it with the moba genre.
>Would you play it?
Sega (I played Puyo Puyo Tetris) is going to make a MOBA.
If it was Puyo Puyo alone it could be hilarious, so long as the character voices were as extensive as Dota 2's (or for another genre, TF2). Adding other Sega IPs could make it more cluttered but also increase the comedy factor.
>Etrian Odyssey: Battle Arena!
>Map the lanes as you defend them!
Utter shit.
>Kaiserreich: the MOBA
B4r0n Wr4ng3l: solo mid or i feed cyka