PoE II: Deadfire

>PoE II: Deadfire
>Divinity Original Sin II
>Copper Dreams
>Underrail: Expedition
>Pathfinder: Kingmaker

It's a good time to be a cRPGfag. What other titles are you waiting for?

Other urls found in this thread:


It's a good time to get your privilege checked by all these games.

Get out of my thread.

>Pathfinder: Kingmaker
>Copper dreams
Tell me more user

I wish PoE was actually good but it really is not, at least D:OS's combat was fun for a few hours until it was time to drop that game.

who is that waifu?

Did you just state this thread had an owner like a slave? In 2017? I'm reporting you to Josh Sawyer right this instant, once he bicycles over here and re-energizes with a healthy fruit and nut bar composed of activated almonds he's going to give you a damn good seeing to.

I know Tyranny was pretty shit, but I hope Deadfire's combat system is more like it.

some Obsidian employee
Katrina or something

When you've become more crowdfunding meme than man. Taking bets on how long it takes until he's chained up in a bathroom like Randy Pitchford.

>Underrail: Expedition
I was told it was coming out this summer.

Where the fuck is it, Styg? We haven't even had a dev log in over two months.

>Divinity Original Sin II
The first game's co-op and combat were great, but they really have to improve their writing if they want me to pick this up.

We know it for a few months now that the tentative first half of 2017 won't be met, Styg said it in an interview. It's probably going to be the end of the year.

Grimoire comes out in 10 days


he looks like a fat slob and as if he hasn't slept in 10 years

Damnit. Well, as long as I'm playing it by Christmas.

>>PoE II: Deadfire
Please tell me they won't bring back the backers NPCs.

they won't

Dog bless

There is also that banner saga like new rpg ash of gods that recently got kickstarted. Might be good.

>Want to play a priest in PoE
>Have a hard time not feeling worthless story-wise because Durance is clearly the better priest in every possible way
Dude's a walking embodiment of magranic power while I'm stuck asking basic bitch questions about my own god

I don't play games that require street begging to get made, what was a backer NPC and why was it so bad?

Pathfinder: Kingmaker

That's kinda cool but it aint ___Carrion Crown___

Honestly it's your loss, the game's pretty fucking great. Backer NPCs are completely ignorable NPCs marked by gold name plates that have past lives written by kickstarter backers, most of which are pretty cringe-worthy with a few exceptions. Incidentally the main character's gimmick is that he can look at people's souls and see their past lives.

path of exile is making a sequel?
Did they fuck up the first game that bad, I quit around scion and the economy was already fucked badly. Despite GGG wanting a barter economy.

>Path of Exile


too bad its not Freebooter: Pathfinder Edition

Don't get me wrong, I don't play any games on release. Me not being into kickstarter games is just another extension of the pre-order culture, it requires you to put alot of time and effort in "staying up to date" with a game when you don't have to. I've still got PS2 games I haven't beat in my backlog.

Kickstarter campaigns are like an even worse pre-order set up. With pre-orders and season passes the idea that you aren't getting a complete game out of the gate is apparent. With a kickstarter game they haven't even got to a point where they can jew you that efficiently so you end up with a game with cut features because there was no interest (financial backing from the player) for it.

Its like being told why MML3 got cancelled, just every day and at every turn of events before the game comes out. I just can't be doing with that level of manipulation in my funtime hobbies.

Good for you that you liked it, I remember when it got released and people were excited, and upset by it. I heard its a pale shadow of the games they used to make.

If you donated enough you could create a NPC who when the player clicked on you could read their soul (which is what the PC can do after the games and become a watcher, which let's you read souls and such.) and get short story about them essentially. They were just there if the player wanted to read them, they weren't mandatory.

The two problems where the game only told you what they were in a loading screen hint, and if you don't see that right away or hadn't know about them beforehand you might get confused and think you should be reading these things.
The other problem was a lot of them picked the godlike races as their character, who in the games world are pretty rare, yet you'd see a few in pretty much every town.

It is honestly a good game, your loss if you won't play it because it was a kickstarter.

Is he Avellone's best character?

Only recently got into crpgs so haven't gone back to some of the older ones, like planescape or baldur's gate, so I can't speak for planescape.

Avellone's best character is, by far, Kreia.

He's nowhere nearly as good as anyone from KOTOR2 cast.

Not really. PS:T and KOTOR2 were Avellone's best. Durance is still a shining beacon of light in PoE, but that honestly doesn't mean much.

I've heard people compare her to Ulysses, that she's basically his mouthpiece to point out what he thinks is wrong with the starwars universe.

Why does no one ever talk about build spells and shit in PoE threads?

Only game on that entire list that I give the slightest shit about is Underrail.
PoE was straight up garbage.



Looking forward to Deadfire. The first Pillars was great (even if very flawed) and this one looks like it's gonna be better in almost every department. Underrail: Expedition is gonna be pretty great too, although I was hoping we'd have gotten it by now.

Have you been following the news about Copper Dreams? Serpent in the Staglands was rather hit and miss, for me it was actually the latter, but CD is looking interesting. They are saying all the right things about gameplay.

Maybe another Age of Decadence game. I know it's unpolished but damn did I enjoy playing it for a few days. Had so much effort with the writing and questlines.

Divinity OS 2 as well. The first one was fun. Love playing a game that doesn't hold your hand and actually makes you pay attention to quest givers.

If they fix the loading times for POE II then I'm sold. haven't finished the first because of loading times. Jumping from room to room shouldn't take a minute on an i7 1070 SSD rig.

You want cooldown waiting and ability spamming? Unfortunately, you might get your way. There's no vancian casting in Deadfire, for one.

>Maybe another Age of Decadence game.

Iron Tower has ideas for a sequel, but it's not going to happen soon, if ever. But they are working on a new sci-fi game called The New World. Well, but that isn't going to be ready for a long time. They are hoping to get it on Early Access by the end of next year.


Basic gestalt?

Do you know if they removed friendly fire? That was among the most retarded design decisions of Tyranny.

they didn't


>Basic gestalt?

Still on Kickstarter, a vidya adaptation of the Kingmaker module. It's done by a Russian studio with a decent pedigree (Rage of Mages, Silent Storm) and published by My.com. RtwP combat, no co-op, Avellone is on the writing team, but you can't really tell that by reading their companion descriptions.

>Copper Dreams
Cyberpunk game by the two-man team who made Serpent in the Staglands. The most innovative rpg when it comes to systems in a long time, which may work out well, or end up fucking terrible. Gameplay gets the main focus, but it's hard to judge it without seeing the game. Closed alpha will start in about two month. One thing is sure, it is going to look ugly as sin. As in, really ugly.

Well, that's good then.

Sawyer recently commented (I think it was about a comment made on PoE1's console release) that he'd rather quit the project than have to compromise on his design to appeal to a larger audience.

Seems like he lives by that.

They're back but there's only like 10 of them and they will be normal NPCs as opposed to backstory dumps.

That's good for him, but if push comes to shove and Obsidian has to pick between Sawyer and profits, you and I both know what's going to happen. But, until that happens there is no need to worry about it.

The past lives are written by the kickstarter backers, but the actual game writers actually had to bother writing all that shit text.

>If they fix the loading times for POE II then I'm sold.
They are working on it. They expect to have much better performance.

>Cyberpunk game by the two-man team

Actually a mand and his literal waifu
>We're Hannah and Joe Williams, a married couple living somewhere around the Misty Mountains of the West Coast. Joe is an artist and animator and Hannah is a programmer and writer and with our powers combined we make RPGs.

Check this

Banner Saga with samurais and hopefully better combat

>Path of Exile

>tfw Josh will never give you a damn good seeing to
why do I even keep waking up in the morning

I want references to him, at the very least.

Because it's insanely easy to see which spells are worth taking and using all the time. Slicken, Wall of Colored Light, Paralyze.


Thanks, user

>TFW you don't even like SitS that much but you still backed them because they're living the dream and aren't just nostalgia peddling shitlords like Obsidian

Age of Decadence is fucking T R A S H

This is why Avellone left. He was no longer the prettiest and couldn't take the shame.

meme self insert shit outsourced to the kind of bottom feeders autistic enough to donate to a fucking kickstarter

It wasn't outsourced, it wasn't storytelling, it wasn't relevant.

How appropriate that this thread was made, they released a new update an hour ago.

>Greetings, everyone! First up, some great news: Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire has won the Best PC Game at E3 2017 from HardcoreGamer.com. This adds to the RPGFan.com Best of Show award we received at E3 a couple of weeks back.

>Contratulations to the entire Deadfire team! Now on to the update. Last week, we said that we'd be back one more time with the E3 video to provide a deeper dive, and that's what we're doing. To help us with that, we're joined by Pillars II Executive Producer, Adam Brennecke! Adam is going narrate the video and point out some of the updated systems in play, as well as flag some key information you may have missed when he and Josh were talking to IGN. Without further ado, let's pass it over to Deadfire Producer, Katrina Garsten, to tell us more.


>That was a lot of great information! As Katrina said, we'll return in just a few more weeks to take a deeper look into the mysterious and always enrapturing videos that Game Director, Josh Sawyer, has been putting up on his social media feeds.

>Let us know below what you thought of the features we discussed in the E3 video and what you'd like to see us discuss in future videos. We also want you to keep July 12th marked on your callendars as we'll be doing a Q&A stream over on our Twitch channel at 4:00PM PST/1:00AM CEST with Josh Sawyer and Lead Character Artist, Dimitri Berman. Until next time, everyone!

>Be sure to join in on the conversation over at on our forums.

Just got Divinty Orignal Sin from Steam. Is it good?

>Underrail: Expedition
>It's a midway expansion
>Can't use my finished save
>Can't just start up a new save
thanks Styg

>being excited for Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Talk about shit taste senpai

>PoE 2
I'm still mad they didn't just give us Sea Monsters and Fishing. At least one.

Kinda thread related, but

How's Titan Quest?

Am thinking of getting it or Underrail

I was livid with rage about the monsters but if you read that goal it seems like it was more about expanding the amount of monsters. It's still a shame because those additional monsters sounded fucking cool.

>Can't use my finished save
You can use your old save, no matter which point of the game you are at. It's just not ideal to play with an end game character, because most of the content will be for mid game builds. There will be some encounters for characters who hit the level cap too though.

>Can't just start up a new save
You sure can. The new areas won't be accessible at first (probably after Depot-A, when the tunnels get cleared), but if you want to try the new psi school for example, that's better done with a new character.

The writing as a whole seems to have taken a hit by including it. It doesn't matter in which convoluted and nepotistic way it found its way into the game, the game was made worse by its inclusion.

The game was made in no small part by its inclusion, as each of those NPCs represents a significant pledge. If you are autistic enough not to click NPCs who are literally color-coded for your convenience after a few attempts, do not reply to me again. The game had enough actual flaws to pick, anyway, perfection it was not, but not because of this irrelevant shit.

>if you want to play an rpg based on worldbuilding but don't want to talk to the npc's which comprise 95% of worldbuilding in crpgs thats your fault.

Any other genre it would have been okay, not in crpgs. You like it, cool, but it is patently bad for a game that relies on character interaction as a vehicle for its plot.

I don't shit on games that have a dev room with essentially the same idea as this kickstarter stuff. It just irks me that its in a crpg and scattered about the entire game.

A flaw is a flaw it doesn't matter if you can ignore it

Yeah, it always seems to me that the stretch goals are more "we'll expand on this feature a lot more. then we " We'll only add this if we reach this point." I am curious about the sidekicks stretch goal, and glad we got the crew management.

I am disappointed we didn't get it as well though. We also missed out on another party member right? Some sort of ocean godlike?

there are plenty of non-backer NPCs though, stop being autistic

Nah, 8th companion was supposed to be that Elven weaboo waifubait animancer who is currently a sidekick.

Expedition Vikings is pretty good now that they patched it a lot

Are Blackguards 1 & 2 any good? They're pretty cheap right now.

>We also missed out on another party member right? Some sort of ocean godlike?
Nah, that guy is there. He's called Tekēhu. They just haven't said much about him. He's a Chanter and/or Druid.

Really? I could have sworn it was some new type of godlike. Actually not that bothered about it now.

What are the sidekicks anyways? Are they party members with less developed backstorys or something?

Will the writing be worse, bros? Reminder that they have Megan Starks (Writer of Kills-In-Shadows from Tyranny) writing in this.

I'm disappointed they chose her instead of the guy who washed up on the beach and was a different kind of human from the ones in the world and spoke a different language.

Seemed a lot more interesting.

Too bad Fenstermak isn't taking as big of a role

Not all flaws are equal. The inclusion of backer NPCs is minor, all things considered.

Yeah, they're party members without quests and other cool stuff.

They were waifubaiting really hard.

>there are plenty of non-backer NPCs though, stop being autistic

Fuck you kid, stop defending terrible business practices.

Thank fuck. I was interested in him and was worried we'd lost him.

So have they revealed the whole party now? The returning 3, Kana's sister, Xoti, the Orlan pirate and Tekēhu.

It's a completely valid business practice and we knew it was going to be in the game from day one. Should've pirated the game if you disagreed with that decision (which you probably did anyway).

What exactly is peoples problem with kills in shadow? Genuinely curious.

Also grieving mother was very underwhelming imo. Durance was great though.

Hope they won't go with the first draft this time

best writing in PoE
>white march pt2

i just hope whoever wrote these is still there otherwise it's gonna be painful

You're getting really mad at a non-issue.

>Pathfinder: Kingmaker

Do people actually give a fuck about the Pathfinder setting? Almost everyone who plays PF does so for the system (which is really just 3.5e+), not the setting.

I barely even know what Pathfinder is, but the game mechanics sound interesting.

If it gets to a mil, I might back.

PoE sucked fucking ass and is nowhere close to the other games you listed there.

Why do you try so hard to defend those shitty npc? Which one was yours?