Are MMOs a waste of time?

Are MMOs a waste of time?

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I thought I would be playing WoW forever until Cataclysm.

What a fucking waste.


Everything we do is a waste of time since eventually all life will die and the suns will too

MMOs give you an artificial sense of progress. The moment your monitor turns off, the reality is you have stunted your growth as a person in favor of developing some shitty avatar you lose the moment the servers go offline.

It only compounds the problem the longer you play.

Life is a waste of time.

Short answer: Yes.

Long answer: Yes, but it doesn't matter.

Yeah and probably one of the worse ways to waste your time.

if you dont want to waste your time you should be the beta provider of some mom and her child

>Implying there is a "good" way to use your time

Name one (1) video game that is a good use of time

Ones that involve exercise?

all games are a waste of time, that's why we play them

you can waste your time being happy or you can waste your time being sad, either way you're doing to die in the end

WoW was a new experience in gaming. At the time, consoles were so limited in performance that every game featured enclosed areas with invisible walls. WoW let you run in any direction without massive loading. Now that virtually every open world game follows the same idea, it's not new anymore. Most of the concepts and ideas have been copied by every major company. The only thing Blizzard does that is original, is find new ways to rip off subscribers.

>200+ days /played
>nothing to show for it


No leisure activity is a waste of time.

World of Warcraft is fun and all, but the entire model is built around wasting your time. I guess i can say that the dailies aren't as boring as they were in the last two xpacs, Garrisons were awful and pandaria rep was just as boring. but its a time sink just like every MMO. if they didn't waste your time you would only play for a few months

I pretty much wasted my high school years playing Runescape. Instead of getting decent grades, I maxed out my character completely, only to quit with that shit EoC update.

Video games in general are a waste of time, but MMOs especially, because for a lot of them, it takes months or even years to have fun. And in the meantime, you barely exist outside of your monitor.

But if you're some NEET looking to kill time and do not care about much else, enjoy your MMOs.

>200+ days
I had that back in WotLK.

>it takes months or even years to have fun. And in the meantime, you barely exist outside of your monitor.

You sound like you have issues. You can certainly play MMOs at a high level without doing that at all

How so? Being a low level in MMOs, for the most part, sucks ass. So what do people do? They grind... for months and years.

There's really not a way to be a high level in MMOs without grinding or the use of bots.

Most fun I had in WoW was leveling up in vanilla
Hard to beat that sense of adventure when everything is new

>2030 is as close as WoW's alpha

It was nice to suspend your disbelief for a few months or years in this large world people put a lot of work and heart into. Be it WoW, City of Heroes, Ragnarok Online... Fucking Runescape. When you were young you got this incredible sense of wonder from these games. Genuinely interested in the stories it would tell you and areas to explore. You pretty much got your info from other players, actually socialized and made companions to share the experience with.

That is worth a lot. That type of experience is timeless. That type of experience is something you can not get from these games in the current state of the internet.

So now? Yeah pretty much a waste of time, since people don't play these games for that sense of wonder, since most people just solo everything they can until the game forces you to do otherwise, in which the games have become designed to do with as little human interaction as possible. People would rather play single player fantasy rpgs for world building and exploration since they can give you a much smoother and immersive experience. That and there is a clear goal set should you wish to reach it.

With mmos there is no end. It's just a life simulator, only even more boring, since you can't do any of the cool real life shit. Just crunching numbers and hitting macros.

Maybe i just got old and jaded. Idk.

I'm playing MS on a private server, it's pretty fun.

MMO titles are made for people with no lives, I'm not even being mean because they really are.

They are made to eat up mass amounts of your time. If you are someone with things going on in your life an mmo isn't for you, younger gamers don't like these games.

Most of the mmo audience is older, the no-lifers from years past. Talking 30-50 age range.

This is very true, also applies to most competitive multiplayer games.

>With mmos there is no end. It's just a life simulator, only even more boring, since you can't do any of the cool real life shit. Just crunching numbers and hitting macros.
implying I can be a hot elf and have sex irl

Yeah. IRL. it's not in the game. You don't have to play the game to do this.

Anything that doesn't make a lasting impression on the world is technically wasting time

The only non-wastes of time are actively inventing new things/ideas, making lasting changes to society and having children

At least wasting time playing vidya is more fun than wasting time as a wage-slave

When I was a kid (13-16) I would have a lot of trouble dedicating myself to an MMO due to my belief that it would all go away once the servers went offline.

Then, I got really attached to this one Minecraft server that had a cool gimmick: It would roll a new map every week. No warning, no keeping anything, just "Poof!" new map on Friday.

I had a fucking blast on that server. I was part of the "Spawn Protection Squad" that would patrol the 100 x 100 spawn area and attempt to stop people from just TnTing the place all to hell.

I had more fun there than I ever could in a normal server concerned with keeping everything through who knows how many updates, TNT blasting, etc.

So, from then on, I just tried to have as much fun and just experience as much as I could from any game without worry. That pretty much jump-started my love for MMOs.

Right now I'm playing the absolute shit out of BDO. Have a really good-looking house decorated, I'm part of a great guild that regularly goes on fishing trips now that one of our guys has the Epheria Sailboat, and I've been just doing whatever I want without worry.

>MMORPG is a game that demands all your attention and time
>modern gamers have low attention spans

This is why mmorpgs are dead.

Pretty much this. I basiclly have no "Social Life" outside of my job (Currently attending police academy) so I just dedicate time to my MMO of choice. (Whatever it may be that month.)


I wish I enjoyed wasting time in them still

not if you manage to create a lasting and fufilling relationship with people


People who play MMOs never had the potential to grow as a person to begin with. It is not a cause, but a symptom.

>People who play MMOs never had the potential to grow as a person to begin with

I've been to college, currently in a relationship with my girlfriend of 10 years, and I'm about to have my dream career.

Only if you play them that way. Never underestimate the social aspect. You can make some great, long lasting friends thorough mmos.

Not these days though, because all mmos suck now. Every single one.

Most people who play these games are completely clueless, they are stuck in a bubble that the world has passed by on.

Most people play MMOs to meet friends, not for some fake ass progression. Only spergs play for e-fame.

All video games are a waste of time.

That doesn't mean they're not fun.

Whole fucking life is a waste unless you get some offspring which you will leave behind. We all will die someday.

if you enjoyed yourself during the moment, no it wasn't a waste of time

you can't go back into the past and not enjoy something you liked doing, this goes for everyone, even serial murders and rapists

>Whole fucking life is a waste unless you get some offspring which you will leave behind. We all will die someday.

I had a vasectomy and have no children. Didn't want to deal with the emotional/financial responsibility. I also felt that 7,000,000,000 humans was a bit to many.

Is my life now worthless?

I view it like this: Life has absolutly no meaning. Our only duty is to just live our lives, maybe attempt to make the world a bit better, and always try to not be a dick.

Not memeing but is it possible to fix the popin
The only thing that stops me from buying it is the popin it looks fucking horrendous

...hey at least we didn't spend 5000 hours on facebook looking at other peoples' lives r-r-r-right guys?

Not really. Some people say that crystal-boosted visibility (+visibility stat increase) sort of makes it a little better, but I doubt it, and even then people have complained.

It's a problem with how the landscape is rendered. Due to there being no fast travel, they didn't really bother to add in a way to load in far-away landscape. They basiclly didn't think people would worry about it.

Yes, they're idiots.

I'm betting their art department hates them, because I would argue that this is the best looking game currently available if you're into fantasy aesthetics.

Pretty stupid question in the context of video games. It's all about your perception, time you enjoy wasting isn't wasted time, etc.

Its all a waste of time, so just do what's fun I guess. Even if that means you enjoy mmos.

Damn, that sucks. I might still check it out. And I agree. I did some googling and apparently there's a graphical update coming out but it's just post processing bullshit. This game could be so fucking beautiful if those stupid gooks would just fix the engine. Just crank up the rendering distance on NA and EU releases since we don't use shitty lan cafe computers holy fuck

It depends.

Playing an MMO like a faggot nonstop and going for the 1337 gear is a waste, in the sense that every such activity done in excess becomes vicious.

Playing an MMO with frieds, having a great time, doing quests, PVP, exploring, shit like that - is one of the epitomes of gaming - for me at least.

Generally speaking going too far into one single thing (being that a hobby, a particular game /world or even a job) is a sign of an unhealthy / unimaginative / autistic mind.

>Just crank up the rendering distance on NA and EU releases since we don't use shitty lan cafe computers holy fuck

Actually, you'd be surprised how good Cafe PCs are. Most have the latest i7's and 1080ti's. It's a big selling point for a cafe to have the best computers in any given area, and competition is extreamly fierce.

The problem really just is that they won't fix it. They're super afraid of losing the low-spec PC players in the West.

I've been wanting to go back to MMOs, tried BDO for a few hours then realized that the only way to get a visible helmet was through crafting or buying cosmetics. Instantly uninstalled it.

You can buy cosmetics from the auction house. You don't need to pay real money for them.

The same goes for mini pets.

Pic related cost me only 30,000,000 Silver. If I had bought it with real money, it would have been about $34.

Considering an integral part of their core design is to have mechanics that artificially prolong your playing time, you can say that they're objectivelly, at least partially, a waste of time.

>They're super afraid of losing the low-spec PC players in the West.
Why don't they just add a slider REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

According to Reddit and the official forums, they're reasoning is that a slider would allow high-end PCs to have an advantage in PvP. (They count visibility as an advantage.)

Yeah but that doesn't really fix the issue. I know they went for a p2b model, wich I like, but having only a few free sets and NO VISIBLE HELMET from drops is a deal breaker for me.
I looked into actually buying a helmet with real money, but they all looked way too cool for a beginner character.

It is an advantage.

They should put it in anyway desu.

God fucking damnit BDO is one of those games where you can't see what kind of weapons people have anyway right so just have horrible low poly people in the distance or something FUCK
Never before have I actually wanted a game to be imbalanced because that pop-in is just so fucking unbelievable maddening
Or fucking just make the draw distance for foliage and stuff and keep the enemies invisible

this game already runs like absolute dogshit on a 1060 and i5, and steam didn't do the game any favors lag wise.

>Or fucking just make the draw distance for foliage and stuff and keep the enemies invisible

That's already kind of the case. Grass/trees/not-gatherable objects already have a higher view distance than players and interactable items.

I'm running on an i5 3570k and a GTX 1070. Normally get around 50-60 FPS unless in a major town/city.

>That's already kind of the case. Grass/trees/not-gatherable objects already have a higher view distance than players and interactable items.
Yeah but an extra two metres on top of an already abysmally small draw distance ain't much.

>spend hours to achieve the maximum level, maximum status
>developer sees that a lot of people have progressed so offer new content which raises the bar
>players are kept in this perpetual circle only to try to become the best when they never can
>the players that begin later have no chance to catch up to them

How do people still derive enjoyment out of the actual gameplay after talent trees were basically removed?

> nihilism
Good goy

Not the way I live.

I buy very little, have a relatively cheap hobby (Play around one game per year due to playing almost solely MMOs) and I'm doing all of this in a major city with a surprisingly low cost of living compared to my salary.

I really enjoy playing wow on a private server, but I can't into moderation, so I do binges. Like, i download the game, I play for 1-2 days no stop, realize all the other priorities in my life eventually take over (university, lifting, etch) so I delete my character and uninstall. Been doing this several times now. Do you guys have any tips for moderation in gaming? Wow specifically. Cos when I play I really enjoy it, but Its just not sustainable in my life..

Find a game/MMO where progression is very gradual and no matter what you're doing it contributes towards something. So even if you don't play much, there is still a small, yet tangible sense of progression. I'd recommend FFXIV, but that draws hate around here

WoW is a pretty casual game that still takes over 20 hours a week of playing to get anywhere.

>You can make some great, long lasting friends thorough mmos.
But user they're all gone. Pretty much the last contact I had apparently deleted and blocked me on Steam. Feels bad, man.

sucks to be you, my three irl best friends are originally from WoW

That's why the cool people play ARPGs now

Problem with that game is that its genuinely everything wrong with modern WOW, rolled in a fancy new package.

>tfw trying to get into BDO but failing miserably at it
I wish I wasn't so retarded. It feels like a lot of it just eludes me. I love the idea of the game and I'm gonna keep trying, though.

Today? Yes. 10+ years ago? No.

It's scary as hell seeing shit like this for the first time. The UI literally just throws information at you, and without prior knowledge of what it all means you can really be overwhelmed.

I guess I'll just give you the information I wish I had when I first started the game: Quests give you no EXP for leveling. They could give you items, money, or contribution points (Things that you can invest to make money) but no quest will ever just plain-out give you EXP.

If your goal is to get to the soft level cap, then skip questing all together and just grind mobs or farm/fish/gather mats for EXP.

I think right now my goal is to just hit 56 and go from there at this point. I know quests give contribution points and talking to people gives energy, but how to use the contribution points properly intimidates me in a way. I know I'm supposed to 'invest' them in buildings and get workers, etc. but how do I know what buildings/nodes to invest in for the best profit?

And I did figure that grinding gives me EXP, but is there a good way to find info on what mobs are the best to grind for items once I hit 56, or does it depend on profession?

this is not true, some quests do give you leveling xp, its just generally miniscule compard to what you can get just straight grinding, the exception being the promotion quest you can get at lvl 55 which will give you about 30-35% of the xp you need to get from 55-56 just from the turn in. Its once per character though. Dont do it past 55, its worthless past that level due to the stupid bullshit exponential xp curve.

>how to use the contribution points properly intimidates me in a way.

That's literally the most complicated part of the game. That's the normal response.

>but how do I know what buildings/nodes to invest in for the best profit?

First, start by figuring out what you want to do to make money. If you want to craft armor to sell on the auction house, then you should invest in a grade there refinery and an armor workshop. Weapon workshop instead if you want to make weapons instead. (They're easier, but make less money)

Do you just want your workers to gather materials for you so you can have purely passive income while you just have to keep your workers fed? Invest in nodes that you can gather wood and ore from, and then have a refinery and woodcrafting station to make plywood and ingots.

If you're going the passive income route, then you're going to want to get to gathering and processing "Skilled 5" so you can make your own plywood and ingots. You'll be able to make nearly double what your workers can craft from the buildings.

Hey, thanks a bunch man. That clears stuff up for me quite a bit. Appreciate the responses.

No worries. I bought the game NA launch day, so I've been around long enough to know what you should know when you first start out.

Different person, figure I'll ask here since the general thread is filled with shitposting.

How much does my first class choice matter for getting up to speed?

Kind of wanted to roll a Kunoichi, but I've been told it's better to start with something that can farm effectively.

Only if you're not having fun

>How much does my first class choice matter for getting up to speed?

Super important, since it will be your main. This game basiclly forces you to play only one class, but also have alts for energy/fail stacking.

My advice? Play every class to at least level 30 (Takes literally ten minutes of mob grinding) and go from there.

>Kind of wanted to roll a Kunoichi, but I've been told it's better to start with something that can farm effectively.

Ninja/Kunoichi CAN farm effectively, they just need pots way more than other classes. Don't worry about effective farming when choosing a class. It's going to be the same character you play for literally thousands of hours. Choose what's most fun. Fuck everything else.