How are those rerolls coming along?
How are those rerolls coming along?
Post the white version
Got a Waver, Siegfried and Kaleido. Is this good?
I'm finally done rerolling, but how do I actually play the game now? I'm supposed to be leveling my 5* right?
Anything with Waver is good so yes
Waver and Kaleido yes but Seigfried not so much
I'm assuming zhuge is waver? I'm assuming the account is good but I wanted Jeanne more
>wanted Arturia
>got Jannu
I know it's a good roll but still
When is the free pick?
Finished that nonsense yesterday.
Finished prologue, now have nothing to do.
>how do I actually play the game now?
Just play through the story.
Go to the Chaldea Gate > Daily Quests > the first ones if you want to get XP cards for leveling characters up.
now post the faster version
Did you spend all your AP to complete story mode? What the fuck?
Thanks, much cuter
Terrible. At this rate I'm considering giving up
>Finished story mode
>see all the memelords keep rerolling
>have to fight the urge to keep rerolling myself
My line up isn't perfect but usable
Reminder that mommy will punish by not coming to you when its time to roll her when if you're looking at porn.
You said you finished it and have nothing else to do.
I finally got Jeanne after like 30 rerolls and said fuck it. I'll just grab Hec with the free pick.
Real gamers don't reroll and get stuck with 2 shitty 4 stars they don't even like
Is vlad good?
Finally pulled Jeanne and going to settle for her instead of Weaver so here's my prior pull for anyone who wants it:
Berserker + Elisabeth + EvilCat
Expanding on this is this good? Are people still trading? Looking for Jeanne
>"Finished prologue" somehow translates to "Finished story"
user, take a break. You've either been rerolling too long or reading too much of the text.
Oh shit dude, if you want Jeanne I'll trade with you, just throw me an email at:
[email protected] and we'll sort it out.
t. kongming
My problem with Zhuge is it's Waver. Talk about creatively bankrupt.
I'm trading vlad+Tamamo Cat for waver
waver is currently the best 5* by country miles
wont be matched until merlin update some time from now
S-she's fast!
Which roll is less retarded: herc + Liz + altria or martha x 2 + weaver?
What are status up items? What status??
I'm so high level now I run out of AP before I can finish any chapter, annoying as shit
So how should I go about leveling my servants? Focus on using the free lvl up stones on one or two?
Who is the best berserker?
Do Orleans you dumb motherfucker.
Personally i doubt fate is my game, im already suffering rerolling in symphogear XD, and im already trembling in fear about how things will be in magirecord.
Pretty good, I'm just too fucking greedy to stop at this point. I want a Jannu/Waifu or Waver/Waifu
Current tally of accounts
>2 Jannu
>3 Good Civilizations
>1 Waver
I wanna R O L L this slutty mom
Kintoki or Cu if you want more defence.
Don't wanna, i still have overflow AP for when i get bored and want to hit a daily.
Im tempted to reroll, can I keep my current squad if I use the transfer number?
Umu when?
>Orleans with my Jeanne and the NPC Jeanne.
How soon do you guys think we'll get the first event?
What should I be rolling for? I haven't followed FGO at all.
How hard is it to get more of those class pieces?
How many billions of currency do I need to roll her?
Heracross and Fastwheels Jr
It's finally over good luck to everyone else i have a Jeanne+martha account to spare so first to reply gets it
A 5* seems to be the consensus. If you can get a good 4* like emiya, herc, or Carmilla too then you're gravy.
You've got at least a year until she's even out.
In the game already, just complete the third story arc. But she got a rate up event early in the JP version so save up.
>Mfw Sasaki with Imaginary Around in Orleans
I didn't reroll even once. I got nothing I wanted and I'm happy!
shit, takes me like 1 hour x reroll thanks to dowload times
and I just want the french dragondick slut
Should I just save all of it until then?
She's a 5* right? The drop rates seem kind of atrocious.
Soon I will get the fucking suit.
As usual headpats are some serious shit
Lvl 39 here, sucks that the lvl 40 experience daily is riderfest, I wonder if I can beat it with a lvl 30 Jannu support and lvl 16 REGEND
Not sure if keep or reroll
Where am I supposed to farm ascension mats? I need saber pieces and dragon fangs for Altria's 2nd ascension
Give me an add, Jeanne soon to be ascended again then off to level 70. Then she can carry you though any content out right now till your waver's become good later this year.
>Got my ideal servant rolls
>Have absolutely shit Craft essence
I'll take it if you don't want it already got Jean just re rerolling for better 4s. That's pretty good unless you really want Waver.
CE arn't a big deal, you'll get them over time.
You wouldn't mind another Saint Duo to be friends with right?
Sent, need some help with the 40 daily
>Reroll for 5*
>Get Altera
>Go with it
>Buy Quartz for first time
>Roll second 5* Altera
Cool. (●´ω`●)
What are the chances?
>dragon fangs
orleans nigga
What the fuck happened to Lancelot.
Can you repeat dailies for the experience cards?
Bitches and whores
That's a very strong account, one of the more desirable 5 stars.
Could have been another 5* but you got the worst one 2 times...
What are the Pt. points under HP and Attack?
Giving out a Jeanne with Kaleidoscope. Fair warning: the 4* is SUMANAI and there are a shitload of Cu's. A complementary Kiyohime included and like 4 Robins. Give temp e-mail and I'll send it your way.
Now I feel like an idiot for rushing Orleans with a lvl 28 Waver
Which quest? I tried farming them in Fuyuki-0 for hours and didn't get a single one.
It's an odd feeling to not be rerolling anymore, I actually forgot what the story was up until I started rerolling.
The chances are like 1 in 1000. Alteras mediocre though, she'll carry you till better servants and rate ups though, so i'd keep that account
added you both
If anyone's interested or needs help you can add me on discord Protagonist#0682 although really all I can offer is advice and my overleveled jeanne.
>What are the Pt. points under HP and Attack?
Probably how many Fou cards you can still feed him.
>The chances are like 1 in 1000.
The chances are 1:10000 of getting two 5*, 1:50000 of getting two of the same 5*. It's 1:250000 of specifically getting two Altera, although I assume that user wasn't talking about Altera specifically.
Sent! Let me know if it made it.
I really need to buff skills on my servants. I've made it to Orleans and already took out Lancelot and Sanson with my level 12 team, but I barely scrape by.
How do I get the materials to level those skills up?
Wew, nice.
I'm wondering if it's best to stick with Atalante or Emiya though. Having leader classes seems rewarding.
40AP daily quests
grind them for a few hours, you'll max out your team
Chaldea Gate > Daily Quests > the first ones drop XP cards with every enemy you kill.
I don't think my team is strong enough without some godlike supports. Who goes well with Jeanne?
Thanks user. Should I try leveling a 2nd servant like Sasaki or Robin (or Herc when we get the free 4*) or just focus on Waver?