Dragon Quest series

Post your favorites

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is this the shitposting thread or is serious discussion allowed
dragon quest VIII is best on ps2, right?

I kind of liked VIII but not enough to finish it. DQH is my jam tho. I love the look of the world, characters and monsters just not the gameplay of the mainline games.


DQ2 is my favorite. It has the simplicity of the first game but with the party system of later games.


So what DQ game would you recommend to me?
I've only played the one with that tanned fairy on the DS.

have some DQ2 speedrunning & singing

8 is great, I just wish it was ported to Switch over 3DS

9 and 6 are the best in the series




>dragon quest VIII is best on ps2, right?
Haven't played the remaster, but DQVIII looks and plays great on PCSX2, just use OpenGL.

3DS has more content, a new ending, more party members, and no random encounters, but the PS2 has better visuals.

Does the 3DS version have functional 3D?!

No idea, I never tried turning it on.


DQV, the first one I finished.
T b h doujins are the one that compelled me to try.

What would you guys want in a DQH3?
I'd like a focus on stable performance across all platforms this time!
Also the ability to swap out the MC, and include custom party members based of DQ3/9

porn is the best of DQ5.


Not that user, but thanks for the informative response
I kept seeing everyone shitting on the 3DS version and probably wasn't gonna get it becuase of that, but I will now

While I'm here, what's the best way to get into the Dragon Quest series?

Well if you're fine playing on 240p the 3DS version might be okay I guess, but most people won't

Of the games I've played, 4 or 5 are probably the best bet, and the DS ports are pretty good. Mobile versions may be better, but I'm not the one to ask about those. 1 is too grindy, at least on NES, but is also a great history lesson if you go in with no expectations.

DQ 4

Its not terrible like Sup Forums says but it could be better visually, but most of its visual issue stem from it being based off the mobile phone version rather than the PS2 version.
DQ8 is probably the best way to get into the series since its the most modern traditional game, 5 on the DS, and the SNES/GB versions of 3 are good places to start as well, after I would recommend 4 and 6 on DS, then 7 3DS.
You can try 1, 2, and 9 whenever.


Oh man, that comparison is worse than I remember seeing, that is a tough decision

Thanks for the responses, I'll probably start with 4, not, the other ones suggested

Doesn't the 3DS version lack the orchestral soundtrack as well?
I can't remember if that was an issue

Its weird, the US PS2 version has the orchestral soundtrack while the Jap PS2 version doesn't, while the US 3DS version doesn't have it but the Jap 3DS version does.
Its mainly because the composer is fucking dick

Ok, the worse graphics was bad enough, but a worse OST is a deal breaker
I hope the extra content wasn't that big

I'm pretty sure there's hacked rom somewhere that restore the ost. You need hacked 3ds naturally.

He hasn't hacked his 3ds

Post Divine Bustiers

Here's just some list of the content added, I think its everything

No more random encounters. Enemies are seen on the field.
You can speed up battle animations.
Balanced some spells and attributes.
Bonus storylines and cutscenes.
New alternate ending.
New monsters for scouting.
New costumes for everyone.
2 new dungeons available after beating the game.
Blue chests that respawn over time were added to the world map.
2 new playable characters added: Red and Morrie.
HP and MP is now restored when you level up.
You get more skill points early in the game.
New High Speed combat mode was added.
Automatically get dungeon maps now. Old chests with maps now give gold.
Added a new SS rank for Monster Arena.
Added a new Photography Mode and Photography quests.
Alchemy is instant and more recipes were added.
New weapons and items.
New mini medals and rewards were added.

Some of those sound like nice quality of life improvements, I'll see if I can find the patched version mentioned

Really 8 should have been a PS4/Switch game when the ported it but it was being worked on for a long time on 3DS and they probably liked the idea of people being able to play DQ4-11 on one system.



What makes DQ gals so lewd?
Even maribel.


their everything.



oh hey i like rape-horse fodder too


Kon was a mistake

>tfw DQH2's ports are fucking messes due to them spreading out their resources and using the same engine
>little to no optimization across all platforms
>whenever people ask Koei or Square about patches they avoid commenting

DQ4 on the DS doesn't have party chat.

I'm playing it right now. Started on DS and played up to chapter 4, found out about party chat and started the mobile versiom from scratch. Party chat is amazing.

I'm playing it on PC with an Android emulator, it works fine. Keyboard controls for moving around/talking/breaking shit and mouse for menus.

I really wish Square would release these games on Steam like they did the FF ones


Interesting. I wouldn't have thought to emulate the phone version, but when I play 4 I'll do that
It would be so much easier if they just put the games on steam
What andriod emulator are you using?

>DQ4 on the DS doesn't have party chat.
Fuggg now I remember why I skipped that title. Android ver is legit? I don't actually mind mobile if it support Bluetooth controller.

fixed that for you, OP

don't thank me, I'm just that upstanding kind of guy

I'm using Nox app player. Had never used it before, and messed up with it a little to make it optional. Just remember 800x1080 with Direct3D gets you perfect sprite scaling, and you'll want to disable all the google services like playstore etc in settings for best performance. For the controls you can map them directly onto the screen, Nox has a directional pad thing that maps that to WASD and it's pretty good. Also nice that I found where the game stores it's save file, and I'm able to transfer it from my PC to my phone and vice-versa whenever I need to play it on a trip

Yeah, it's pretty good. Party chat aside it also has MUCH better music:

youtube.com/watch?v=kO4YnLJvSSg - DS version
youtube.com/watch?v=oWzdtUemKZw - mobile version

>Just remember 800x1080 with Direct3D gets you perfect sprite scaling
Ooooh, thanks so much for that, blurry sprites piss me off so much

>I don't actually mind mobile if it support Bluetooth controller.

I thought so too at first, but the touch controls are actually pretty good. The UI is simplified enough, playing with one hand and touching through the menus is pretty great

>now I remember why I skipped that title
I don't get the obsession with party chat. I like it better when the party doesn't chat and you imagine their personalities yourself.

Because it does add so much to the game. DQ4 doesn't have any interesting mechanics like 3 or 5, so it's often played for it's characters. Party chat adds so much to that, and they have a ton of dialogue.

How big is the difference between Heroes 1 and 2?
I enjoyed demo of the second game and was thinking if I should start with the first one, since it's cheaper right now.

Huh, normally I'd much rather physical controls, but if they're that good, I might give it a shot on my actual phone
Saves messes around with an emulator

>DQ4 doesn't have any interesting mechanics like 3 or 5, so it's often played for it's characters.
I don't agree, I play Dragon Quest for exploration. In fact, I think that player freedom is heavily limited after the 3rd game. 4 was still fairly open in the final chapter, 5 and 6 are almost entirely on rails.

Just don't like rubbing my finger on phone screen for too long.

It's more like tradition, man. DQ need party chat.

>music is MUCH better


Damn it actually is.

DQ4 , DQ5 , DQ6 ,DQ7 and DQ8
DQ9 can die in a fire

Yeah I did say often. DQ4 doesn't have full party customization like in 3 nor monster taming like in 5 for example

Here's DQ1 in 30 seconds




Post yfw DQXI doesn't get localization.


>Best Buy got my hopes up when they listed it pre E3
>it was all a ruse


They listed it for switch when the switch version's most likely canceled anyway

We got an update at the SE financial meeting saying how they are putting it on hold until they finish the PS4/3DS version but its coming along well and the staff has been working on it in their free time.

3> 1 > 2> 4

Don't mind me, just being the best monster battling game of all time.

>not DQMJ3Pro
Never ever.

Yeah that's what they say before something gets canceled.

I don't see why it would be canned unless the competition pays for it to be scrapped.
Just easy money from an easy port.

never played one, should I start with which?

I understand that they are like FF, each on their own world, and I dont mind playing old ones but maybe I dont have time to play all of them.

>theres no buzz around DQH2 so it will probably never be cracked

shit sux, I really don't have the 40 bucks to buy it but I hear it improved literally everything over the first

maybe it'll get down to 20 by the winter sale

I asked this earlier and got some responses you might find helpful

3, 8

5,7 and 8.

Have yet to play 1, 2 and 3.

>DQIX is almost 10 years old

IV and V are tied for favourites. Played IV, V, VIII, IX and Heroes 2.

Currently burnt out on Heroes 2 because fucking mini medal grinding

This Jap dlc that'll never come west or the map dungeons?

DQIII has the best music in any rpg ever.

What are some good ways to grind mini medals in Heroes 2?
I've been trying to get the 130 weapons before NG+
Its the Switch exclusive boss, the other Switch stuff is Ragnar as a character, DQ2 costumes, and apparently some improvements to DQH1's balance and controls

DQ5 is better.

It adds a lot of character and really doesn't detract from the game at all when characters already have existing personalities.

Only way I know how is the very first map dungeon, the level 3 one, I get about 6 mini medals per run. The dungeon gets stronger after you get through it a certain amount of times, though most of the time I got carried by level 99 japs spamming rain of pain with Angelo or some big boomerang attack with the maid woman from the first heroes to blitz through the dungeons.
First few runs I was getting 3 medals and now I'm getting 6. Managed to get the Metal King Sword for the final boss this way

>not DQ2

You picked the wrong one senpai


Yup, nothing wrong here.


i stand corrected.
Sugiyama is a literal God in his craft.

I hope he dies soon, old racist piece of shit.

>realizing that if they make Heroes 3 it will most likely run on the same fucking PS2 tier engine instead of DW9 engine
>despite them saying how the new engine allows for better performance on all platforms

the 3ds doesn't have functional 3d so i'd say no


dick status: muh
