Four kings

>four kings


are you going to make this thread every day until you stop being awful at the game

*until this so-called "boss" stops being shit

until then, those threads will keep on going, faggot.

nigga u is gay

Fucking ridiculous.You should stop acting like a piece of shit and start to grow some.I smell Saltlake City in your threads you degenerate magic caster.

Four you

Large Club+5-10 & Charcoal Pine Resin

>4cucks apologists

i beat this boss on my first try without looking up a vid or guide on the fight.

get gud

>Dark Souls
>Souls in game are bright white


king (female)

>He doesn't kill a dragon in his cutscene

>needing anything heavier than an SL1 pyro can carry
no user, you are the scrubs

>any right to call others scrubs

But humanity is fragments of the dark soul. Go back to the drawing board

It's the only class starting at SL1, retard. you don't even need to learn how to shit out firecrackers, just bash the fuckers in their heads with a small axe, rolling around nude. this ground is too soft, I wish more of my bones were broken


The game is called DARK SOULS, not DARK HUMANITY

Also, if there is only one "dark soul", then why is it called DARK SOULS?

>look at me nekid im so hardcurr
>oops cornered, I'll just use this pyro real quick, just once is fine, never doing it again honest ;^)

What a fucking shitter holy shit

>there is only one dark soul
all humans are dark souls born from pigmy

>needing to use pyromancies in the first place
so you don't know how the run works, don't know about startup time for pyromancies (save for combustion which is still not that useful against 4 kings because of limited uses), and need to rely on made up situations to try and refute an argument. have one last reply

>thinking he has an argument going

BASED autismal poster

Even at lvl 1 pyro is at a advantage of all other classes. I made a lvl 1 run and really had fun with it but I can't deny it's stats and starting items are the best choice for most of the challenges you will find.

>I killed the four kings my first try
>I recently replayed to be more of a magic caster
>Took me over 30 tries
Sometimes I surprise myself

A sword and shield makes the game seems hard but totally doable while a wand make it seems easy but totally frustrating.

more like 4 kids lmao

the existance of this piece of fanart should be celebrated.

I never noticed that they actually have legs

>having trouble with Dark Souls in 20 fucking 17. Neck yourself.

>tfw Zweihander

>tfw BKHalberd



"4kings" my ass
more like 4skins.

xd le so random maniac shift of tone from gentle to sadistic in same sentance ^^xdddd upboated

Only problem I have with this boss is that there's no reference point in the abyss so first time around you don't know how big they are or how close you are to them.

>Most legit way to beat the boss is to get the best armor and just spam attack till you win

wow they have a face?

Where stone armor, get real close to them. The BLADE of their swords deals the most damage, but if you get real close they can only hit you with the handle/their arm so you can just facefuck them without bothering to roll or anything.

I literally beat this boss on my first try every single time and never seen 2 of them spawned at the same time. Just git fucking good you shitter.

There's shit bosses in every game mang.
4king, Ceaseless discharge, bed of chaos, gaping dragon
Covetous demon, demon of song
Micolash, celestial emissary
Vordt, deacons of the deep

I will give you quick guide I used every time I fought this boss including the first time and always beat them on first try:
>look around you
>as soon as he spawns, run straight to him
>spam left click
>if he attacks, roll
>kill him
>repeat from step 1
>do this 4 times

It's really fucking easy, the only bullshit attack is the homing purple shit that literally can't be avoided, but as long as it doesn't kill you in one hit it's no problem.

four is maximum number of kings you can fight at once

i'm pretty sure the 4king's homing missile attack can't hit you if you stay really close to them either

so what do YOU think is the main reason for 4cunts being so much shit?