Games where you don't fight the main villain

Games where you don't fight the main villain

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man, I wanted to pop 'im in the fucking head so bad.

Way to write I character in such a way that it made me enjoy the game less because I hated him so much

huey did nothing wrong. it was kaz the whole time. if you didn't understand that you're a fucking retard.

Gives you the option to pull the trigger on Quiet and Skullface. Obvs Venom realises that like Skullface, killing Huey won't bring back what they've lost or ease their painful need for vengeance, but MGS2 canon aside, how many people would even hesitate to shoot him?

Wasn't Otacon responsible for unleashing Ray into the world since he leaked the data of Rex onto the black market?

Games where you don't have unique, fun boss fights

>Planned traitor
>Entombs his wife
>Accuses and slanders Big Boss

Sure, nothing wrong indeed.

Hal literally avenges his mother with having an affair with Huey's second wife leading to his actual drowning finally.

Go back and replay the mission where you rescue him from the lab. Pretty great how he immobile with a bag over his head, throw some molotovs at the fucker.

Ocelot leaked Rex's data didn't he? I thought that was the point of him taking the data disc you got from the Arms Tech president when Snake's being tortured.

never occurred to me, will do.

Whoops, you're right

>Hal cucked his own father

If Otacon isn't the coolest motherfucker then I don't know who is.

wouldnt letting him live just continue to create problems?


Kaz only wanted to expand MSF/DD as much as possible, his relations with Cipher were purely to that end. The 'eyes in Kazuhiro' theory that he was responsible for everything is based on nothing.

Huey: builds Zeke, bringing Metal Gears into the world
Makes you a target for inspection
Let's XOF in a kill all your men, adding to the deaths of Paz and Chico, and getting coma-fied
Builds Sahelanthropus for Skullface
Tries to make his child pilot it
Lies about this
Suffocates Strangelove to death
Lies about it
Doesn't tell you about OKB-Zero
Helps Eli repair ST-84 and steal it
Puts a gamma ray emitter on the quarantine platform, leading to a mutation of the parasites and wolbachia which if it reached land would doom humanity, forcing Venom to personally kill his own men, so he could sell a cure. This also forces Quiet to leave.
Blames Venom
Lies some more
Gets cycled by a talking tin can and his own son

Basically the architect of everything bad that happens to you.

I wish MGSV was more like Zelda :(

I agree with you on Kaz wanting to have just a business relation with Cipher, still he knew more than what he confessed to Big Boss. For example in PW he knew about the experiment in Angola.

i think the difference is intent. huey was an idiot, but he thought he was doing the right thing for the world. he was basing his actions based on a morality based on a higher authority. it ended a lot of lives due to misguided efforts to cut through the gordian knot of political and racial ties. kaz was willful and malicious puppeteering. it's necessary to send huey and that thinking right off of base, but the base cannot exist without the evil of kaz. that's why kaz is fucked.

>he knew about the experiment in Angola

What do you mean?

I think Huey claimed he was doing the right thing for the world, or even managed to justify his actions by deluding himself into thinking that what he was doing was right, but everything he did, cutting a deal with XOF, killing Strangelove when she tried to take Hal, irradiating the Quarantine platform whilst looking for a bidder for a cure for the parasites, was done purely to save his own skin, no matter how many people it hurt along the way. Kaz certainly got self destructive in his pursuit of revenge (though in the tapes after Shining Lights realises this and comes to terms with it) his actions could be seen as an necessary evil to keep MSF and Diamond Dogs running (though from an outside perspective they're pretty bad and became a blue print for PFs seeking nuclear armament in TPP and the war economy in MGS4) with the figure of Snake being necessary.
around 55 seconds they mention the angola site.

he was always playing the actor for a superordinate principle. the problem is it is so hard to extract the principle from the man. that was the problem with huey, that the superordinate principle is not a sword that can cut through the problems of societal ties, and his attempt to wield that sword only ended up worsening the problem, because there is no truth that we can all agree on. demons are the only way to be, because every other way you die.