I would say Nintendo is crazy for thinking they can sell an almost 30 year old console with only 21 games priced at $80 but they managed to sell a console whose only worthwhile launch title was a fucking multiplat. People will eat up anything with the Nintendo brand attached to it.
I would say Nintendo is crazy for thinking they can sell an almost 30 year old console with only 21 games priced at $80...
>the SNES is 27 years old
> Nintendo is crazy for its business practices.
> sold out everywhere
yeah clueless bastards
Like I said, people will eat up anything with the Nintendo brand attached to it.
>mfw US SNES design
not that hard to sell out one of these things because they only release 4 of them
get a job
The US SNES looks awesome though
looks like it's from the 80s instead of the 90s
> Mad that effective business practices are effective.
Next you'll be telling me that the only reason controllers have joysticks is because humans have thumbs.
Honestly? I think that version looks like shit.
What the hell are you talking about, what business practices? They said "We're releasing this plugnplay version of the SNES" and people are eating it up.
Why does this shit trigger Sup Forums so much? Continue using emulators and ignore this. You're clearly not the target audience.
They are literally entitled and somehow feel insulted by a product by a company
There was nothing more right than the anti-gamer backlash that kicked off gamergate, it just wasn't properly targeted at the autists who make it their lives
Creating a company/console/game that gives the illusion that it cares about it's consumers/players and generates lot's of nostalgia is a business strategy. Humans are easily effected by Nostalgia, Nintendo recognizes this niche and exploits it.
If Valve rereleased HL1 would you be pissed if it sold a ton of copies solely because it's HL1?
If they rerelease it for $60, yes. That's unacceptable.
Considering all those games are actually good
Considering they sell old games on wii
Considering those games were usually 60 bucks worth
Yeah very crazy
>People will eat up anything with the Nintendo brand attached to it.
That or Switch owners have literally nothing else to spend their money on.
>only 21 games priced at $80
Try legally acquiring those 21 games for under $80 and then you can tell me if that's a good deal or not.
>mfw Raspberry Pi with every game from Atari to PSP, with a DS4 plugged in
And? SNES is the best console ever made. Great, innovative games, fantastic controller. Are you really this butthurt over a christmas present?
Why would I legally acquire them?
user, you don't have to pay for presents
yea, they should be off copyright. It's been 20 years.
What's to stop me from torrenting all of these games instead?
>You fags will buy anything lol
>We literally just got a bunch of roms from coolrom and put them on a raspberry pi with a SNES emulator on it
That's pretty insulting
then don't buy it :P
Literally nothing. You're basically paying for the plastic shell and controllers
Nothing. Supposedly this is meant to be for normies and gamer gurls. Or so it seems, even remotely computer literate people wouldn't buy it. I convinced my normie friend that I would buy her an xbox one controller and put all the nes game in her computer.
What a cuck
>can't play cartridges
dropped like a sack of shit
Seriously, this would literally be the only reason to buy a nearly 23 year old system for $80.
80$ for 21 of the greatest games ever made is perfectly acceptable.
Target audience is for casuals who care more about the 'hardcore gamer' identity than the games themselves. The people who actually care for the games are just a bonus.
It doesn't even have mega man X
>People will eat up anything with the Nintendo brand attached to it.
tell that to the wii u
>all the sour grapes itt
lol so many people mad they weren't fast enough to pre-order the NES classic. Gotta justify your failure somehow.
>even remotely computer literate people wouldn't buy it.
Nintendo sold over 2 million NES classics despite the limited stock. It would have sold even more if they weren't stupid and produced more. You really think nobody wants to buy this?
You're literally wrong, but the simple fact of the matter is yes, it's missing a lot of games, but that's only because the SNES had the single greatest library of games a console has ever seen. Of course they aren't going to be able to include them all.
>it's cheaper if I just pirate the roms
Well duh.
It's the power of good games.
>yfw the switch and nes mini were 1st and 2nd in the USA, before shortages. Leaving PS4 and Xbone to 3rd and 4rth.
Really, why do companies sell games when people can just torrent them?
I'd rather play the SNES games on emulator for free, but moralfags will buy it.
> but they managed to sell a console whose only worthwhile launch title was a fucking multiplat.
Snipperclips and Fast RMX were worth buying considering they were only $20. Snipperclips was a great game for couples to play, and Fast RMX is the closest thing we have to F-zero. BTW, both have about the same metacritic score as The Last Guardian, which most PS4 owners consider a worthwhile exclusive, including myself.
>father want his kid to play good games just like he did when he was young
>don't want to spend time looking for a CTR and overpriced used SNES games
>buy SNES mini
Fucking Nintendo and their business practice.
By the way, who are you quoting?
I'm just upset about this artificial scarcity bullshit. I want Nintendo to make games, not "collector items" for 40 year old scalpers to buy in bulk and horde.
How is that expensive at all? DVD sets or old books will cost you more. Faggots have zero perspective.
lol, nintendo would be making more money if all they did was keep supporting and updating the form factor of their old consoles. they could support the NES and wii indefinitely and both would print money for decades off of normies and people older than 40
I would buy it if it had a universal controller like say the gamecube's and it allowed you to buy shit from the eShop, THEN I WOULD BUY IT.
why would you want to use the gamecube's shit d-pad on a snes game?
are you a degenerate?
itt people who have never talked to other people outside of Sup Forums before
80? it costs $176 here.
>paying $80+ each for 25+ year old crusty cartridges with internal batteries with an expected lifespan of only ten(10) years
>can't even use save states and have to make room for a fat ass CRT in order to get the "authentic" experience
No matter how you slice it, emulads get the better and free experience with playing older games nowadays
>paying for games
BotW wasn't a multiplat though... Are you retarded, user?
Still a nintendo console. Is smash 4 multiplat too?
Nah dude, multiplats are games available on platforms by different companies
Remind me again why people bought PS4s at launch?
Oh, right. Knack.
Inb4 he says Cemu
No, a multiplat is a game that is available on multiple platforms. Why would I buy a Switch to play Zelda when I can buy the exact same game for a Wii U
you can play most of the games online you retard cunt
because WiiU is a dead console and you'd be an idiot to buy one now. Also, no portability AND it runs better on the Switch.
80 bucks for 21 games, one of which was previously unreleased?
Fucking steal.
It was 80 bucks for ONE of those games back in the day.
>paying for ROMs
Yes. That is exactly what you did back in the day as well. You bought ROM chips housed inside plastic shells.
What if I already had a Wii U for a long time
BotW was developed for the Wii U and runs better on the Wii U
Here's an even better steal;
You can actually get all of those games for free
yes switch is portable
yes it was also designed for the switch and no it does not run better on the WiiU
illegally, great going.
>yes switch is portable
If you have a purse, sure.
>yes it was also designed for the switch
No, it was ported to the Switch.
>and no it does not run better on the WiiU
It literally, quantifiably does run better on the Wii U.
There is no way to legally buy old games. Who gives a fuck about piracy anyway, especially for old games where the money doesn't go to the devs.
>No, it was ported to the Switch.
no it wasn't, it released at the same time...
not an argument
Your bait wasn't good enough
Not the completed version of StarFox 2.
>tfw I won't be able to buy one