What went wrong?
Hard mode: No politics/e-celeb drama
What went wrong?
Hard mode: No politics/e-celeb drama
Other urls found in this thread:
no personality/charm whatsoever
people paid for banjo kazooie and got yooka laylee
They were so wrapped up into whether or not they could make a 3D collectathon platformer, they never bothered to ask if they should.
The answer to that question is always no.
100 Pagies was fine
145 Pagies was fucking painful to collect and the 1010 Quills were even worse.
The levels were too large.
Shit needed more collectibles.
There's like no atmosphere or theme to it whatsoever. It just looks like a shitty, ugly nuMario knock-off, complete with the worlds floating in nothingness, the reused stock enemies, and the generic environments.
The NeoGAF trash fire was just the icing on the cake.
Levels were too big and empty.
People, when given exactly what they ask for, often realize later it's not something they really wanted, even if it's good
See also: Twilight Princess
The structure of the game is really fucked. If you're like me and want to rush to worlds to get new moves ASAP, you'll hit the last section of the hub like 35 pagies in. Leading to the game feeling like its meandering for the next 65 pagies as you do cleanup. It's like if Grunty's Furnace Fun pad was located in the Clanker's Cavern section of the hub but you'd get turned away if you didn't collect 80 jiggies total or something. You also get flight, at which point actually doing most of the games platforming trials becomes a self-imposed challenge.
That said the game isn't bad, it's average. People are probably upset because nobody in the world wants to invest in and have a personal stake in mediocrity.
3D platformers are a dead genre unless your name is Nintendo.
It wasn't Gex.
Pretty much this, people like vague memories of the old Rare titles, but they don't actually like the execution of the games when the nostalgia is rubbed off. I thought Yooka was a pretty good facsimile of those games for one playthrough, but I'll probably go back to those older titles if I'm ever feeling nostalgic for anything.
Not made by nintendo
no charm or personality, when banjo gets a jiggie he's happy about and there's a jingle and a dance, there's nothing like that when you get a pagie
too big of areas
stamina bar
too MUCH shit to collect
1200 quills/notes? fuck off
>Hard mode: Don't name the only two things wrong
So, those were the only things wrong with the game?
The game itself was good then?
Some parts of the game are not that fun. Specifically the minecart and rextro games.
Other than that, it's pretty good.
No. They made a mediocre Banjo clone without charm and never fixed the issues the genre had.
Well then the politics/e-celeb drama clearly aren't the only two things wrong
I liked it, but there were some parts I didn't like. Maybe I just needed to git gud, but most of Rextro's games were not great. Only the ones in the ice level and the swamp level were 'okay' that was because they were easy enough to do and get them out of the way.
The controls were a mess in some situations. Say what you want about Kazooie's ERK ERK ERK, but at least she could change directions on a dime.
They forget that Nintendo are the only publishers that can make good platformers nowadays.
Taking easy mode on this one. It was because of the Jontron fiasco. If they kept their mouths shut about him being in the game, much less releasing him after his debacle, it would have been a 90 at least on Metacritic
the minecart parts can fucking die
it's so god damn wonky
Jon was probably in the game as fuckin' Jon. Just like they yanked Shovel knight and the like.
The Banjo games were critically panned when they were re-released for the 360, I expected Yooka to get criticized when not even Banjo is liked by people that are not blinded by nostralgia.
Blind nostalgia and failing to understand why the original game was good
>mfw people on Sup Forums were certain it would be good even after MN9 failed for similar reasons
It's a better game compared to MN9 in comparison.
people wanted banjo kazooie and forgot the problems of banjo tooie
No nostalgia to hide how bland these games actually were
>ask for banjo kazooie
>get dk64
simple as that baby boi.
>shitty levels
>Terrible collectable distribution
Wow it's like they got the two most important parts wrong
One guy made a superior Banjo game in his free time, for fun.
He's in the unpatched version.
It's not even how many collectables there are, it's how they're all spread about five miles apart and the common, coin-like collectable is found in tiny, infrequent clusters, and sometimes just a single one behind a bunch of stuff so you won't ever find it.
the e-celeb shit and drama is literally why it failed though. When you center your game around controversy, regardless of whether the game has any semblance of it in the core gameplay, you doom it to being used as a political tool. they didn't think to just quietly push him out with a patcha nd instead made a spectacle of it, and then they got all the backlash and drama that's standard of that sorta shit.
As for the gameplay, it's big open worlds with not a whole lot to them in many situations, and too much crammed into small spaces in others. It tried really hard to copy banjo kazooie and didn't do it well.
• Quills (which were a replacement for notes) were hidden arbitrarily instead of being a reward for exploring new areas
• Expanding worlds was so poorly implemented that it became stupid to not expand the world before you even entered
• There were only six worlds (and a hub) for 145 pagies which resulted in an appalling lack of variety.
• Everything about Rextro is annoying,
I 100% the game because I'm a sucker for collectathons, but let's not pretend the game is good.
>Villain is a capitalist who runs a successful corporation
>friendly NPC named "Burnie"
>"Fat shaming" line by Laylee removed pre release
>Jon Tron removed from the game for suggesting that white people should be allowed to have their own country and protect their borders
Rare was my favorite developer growing up, but seeing what they turned into is depressing. I will not be buying anymore games from these chucked white men.
> Expanding worlds was so poorly implemented that it became stupid to not expand the world before you even entered
Fucking this. You're not "expanding" the world at all, you're just unlocking the second half of the world.
6 worlds isn't that bad. Mario Sunshine only had 7
Underrated post.
I finally got around to playing this, I haven't decided if it's better yet but I can say for certain that the music in the game is infinitely better than Grant's tracks. twinkling tunnels, sparkling springs and the space area from night and day vale all are catchy as fuck and give off more of a Banjo vibe than anything in Yooka-Laylee
Because Sirena beach is entirely unchanged between the manta fight and navigating the hotel.
C'mon now, you can make better argument than that.
>because the Icymetric Palace is totally unchanged from Glitterglaze Glacier, right?
It's Rare still doing the Bigger is Better mentality they got from Donkey Kong 64.
They got Banjo-Kazooie though. Yooka-Laylee was just as shitty as B-K.
>No politics/e-celeb drama
>Brings up both
Six worlds would be fine if the worlds weren't huge as fuck, unmemorable, and not a pain in the ass to traverse. I can't imagine doing the swamp-like world without the flying ability.
This, unironically. Unity continues to be a hotbed for horrible games.
Banjo Kazooie wasn't nearly as popular as its vocal niche fanbase pretends it is and not enough people cared about a spiritual successor in 2017.
I guess I'm confused. Where was the level wide boss fight in Glitterglaze Glacier? And how did it contrast with the world integrated puzzles of Icymetric Palace?
Or maybe your example doesn't stand up to comparison and you're just trying for some weird version of false equivalency.
Emulating a game that was never good to begin with.
You had a segmented, Zelda style dungeon contrasted with the large open world of Glitterglaze
I am so sick and tired of you fucking idiots saying that Yooka Laylee using Unity is some sort of fault because Dunkey said it in his review.
Unity is a wonderful, easy to use game engine that plenty of great games have used. For example Hollow Knight was done in Unity, Rust, and even Hearthstone (although that game is pretty shit now). So how about instead of parroting shitty youtubers you actually go and form an opinion for youself
atmosphere was nice looking but superficial
>unity engine
destined for failure.
> Unity is a wonderful, easy to use game engine
Are you being fucking serious?
>unity is wonderful
you have never used it. its fucking awful.
Certain abilities you learn don't compliment some of the level design. There's only 5 worlds. The bossfights range from nice to horrible. Half the characters you meet are recycled into all the other worlds. Visual fidelity is inconsistent.
One of my biggest issues is that you can unlock a flight move in the game that totally breaks the level design of most of the game. The developers tried to make it so you only unlock this flight ability before the last world, but the awful world hub's design resulted in the player being able to easily just open each world without playing in them for very long, unlock a bunch of moves awarded to you for progression and then return to start actually playing the worlds with a full moveset. This results in a lot of jumping and gliding and obstacle puzzles that can be totally bypassed by your flight ability. I do like the freedom of movement and exploration you get in Yooka-Laylee, but this issue goes beyond that and ends up being counter productive to the game design.
Graphical style and general Zelda formula aside, there was nothing particularly similar about Twilight Princess to Ocarina of Time. That's just a brainless meme people who can't see past the graphics repeat.
Yookah-Layee is pretty different to Banjo-Kazooie aside from all the little 'homages' to it.
Im a huge fan of BK and BT but didnt buy this yet. Was going to wait for a price drop. Would you argue it's still worth getting for cheaper later down the line?
people paid for a banjo-kazooie successor and got a superman 64 successor instead
No, play this instead and save your money:
Like 90% of indie titles, the game collapses halfway through because they suck at desining stuff.
>another Greenlight catastrophe
Enemies had little to no combat prowess. Either minions, eyes possessing things that only know how to ram into you, or lots of both.
>wanting to get banned
>Expanding worlds was so poorly implemented that it became stupid to not expand the world before you even entered
They should have made 2 smaller worlds in each theme, instead of the expanding mechanic. They'd still be able to save time by reusing assets, but we'd effectively get 12 worlds.
What people asked for was a Banjo-Kazooie successor.
What people got was a Banjo-Tooie successor.
the switch version isn't released yet
The game is good. Like, REALLY good.
Still in world 1, bro? Don't worry, the illusion will pop soon.
It took people 20 years to realize collectathons belong in the trash
Bullshit. Banjo-Tooie had a couple worlds that resembled mazes that made exploring fun and made the game feel like a metroidvania at times. Y-L uses the same Disneyworld level design from the first game just making the world's 5 times bigger
six? I count Tropics, Swamp, Glacier, Cashino and Sci-fi?
The final world is blatantly unfinished, and half the size of the previous worlds
Think of banjo nuts and bolts. Now remove the vehicle creation but keep the lack of level variety and poor distribution of collectables.
I think I just came up for a counter argument if someone says banjo Nuts and bolts would be better without the vehicle
"why do something new or learn from modern lessons in game design, when we could just cash in on that sweet sweet nostalgia dollar?"
It had all the bad stuff in Tooie (worlds that are too big and empty) with none of the good stuff (diverse and fun cast of characters). On top of that the game is just ugly. The characters are hideous and their designs suck.
A long time ago there was this game called Mario 64.
The game was great because it used its true 3D acrobatics to challenge the player and used a star system to break the game's linearity, so you didn't needed to pick all the stars to end the game.
Then everyone saw the star system, misinterpreted it as "autism collection simulator" and completely, COMPLETELY ignored the 3D acrobatics, making a bunch of "collectaton" cancer.
And this game, this game is one of those, but even worse.
Also the politics don't matter in terms of the politics themselves, but do show the mindset of the creators.
Are there any quality 3D games designed with Unity? Syberia 3 was made with the Unity engine and it's a disaster compared to the old games too.
It's possible to do a good 3D game on unity.
But its so freaking easy to do a shitty one.
So freaking easy.