Have you sworn fealty to the queen of curves yet?
Just finished the game, had a great time. Anyone looking forward to Aegis Rim?
Have you sworn fealty to the queen of curves yet?
Just finished the game, had a great time. Anyone looking forward to Aegis Rim?
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Haven't even played the game and I own both of her figures
She's perfect
I wish she was more fun to play, Cornelius was my favorite easily.
250+ combos are so easy with Cornelius, especially with whirlwind and toxin spam
I should really get to playing this and Muramasa Rebirth soon.
I wish you could remove Velvet's shoes.
>queen of curves
>queen of curves
>just a skinny girl with a thin waist
She looks like a dwarf. Tell her to go back to the mountain and forged me a sandwich
>aw that's a cute little bunny maid
>start speaking
My favorite thing to do was put on the orbitals, whirlwind, catch enemies out of the air when they do the wall bounce with the orbitals back into another whirlwind. Could pick up entire encounters at a time with that shit.
>ara ara speak was a great boon
Gotta throw in the thunder cloud too
>Anyone looking forward to Aegis Rim?
Any new info? Did we get anything at E3?
Played it last year, thought Mercedes would be the shittiest part, but I ended up liking her the most.
mercedes is bullet hell from the AIs perspective
you can't fucking lose
>Anyone looking forward to Aegis Rim?
I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of game it is first. Leifthrasir is the first game that I can say without a shadow of doubt that it's a good game. Not so much for their previous output that fluctures between so-so and meh.
>I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of game it is first.
its been like 2 years and we STILL have no fucking gameplay and nothing out of E3, so now we gotta wait til TGS in Sept
She becomes super easy to use when you get to the point you can spam magic. She turns the screen into bullets or you can focus all those bullets into one spot and instantly destroy something.
Is anyone even remotely suspecting it to NOT be a 2D brawler?
That's what Vanillaware do, and they do it best
It's like expecting Platinum to suddenly release a racing game or Kojima to make an RTS
That design is so fucking perfect, jesus
How does Kamitani do it?
I know, it's pretty satisfying once you can do that. Especially since she can float right in front of some bosses' heads rather than having to jump all the time.
I looked forward to doing the endgame boss with her more than the other characters.
>Not wanting Platinum to work on a completely new version of Blur under Activision
Times like these make me want to sit down, list the best character designs (mostly female ones) and figure out what made them perfect.
Problem is that it will be all subjective, but Valvet is one of the few I feel need to be on that list.
I mean, it would be cool, but the chances of that happening are ridiculously low
They have two 2D action games that play wildly different from each other, one 2D RTS and a Beat em' Up with a 3D plane. Yes, I want to see what their new game plays like.
I think the key is to not overdo it
Japanese games these days are filled with overdesigned fashion disasters, look at that faggot MC from Xenoblade 2 and many many others. They think adding as much shit as possible will make them look more interesting, but it actually does the opposite. Overdesigned piles of shit are not memorable or attractive
What other female characters would you put on the list, by the way?
Does the PS4 version add anything new? I bought the PS2 version a few days ago real cheap
the overdesigned and the extra ''anime'' designs (such as the SK gals) may get attention for the short while, but unless their games keep popping up, they'd be passed by quickly.
Most of who I would consider are from older games, though I would like to look at recent games as well. Problem with that is its hard to choose a new gal since it takes a while to see if the character stands out and isnt going through flavor of the month syndrome.
I'd consider the Sorceress from Dragon's Crown to be analyzed. On paper she seems like just another voluptuous woman, but something about her simplicity and ridiculousness of her makes her work. I'd consider Morrigan from Darkstalkers as well.
These girls may have gotten popular for just being hot from the start but they had something extra that gets attention even to this day. That's true beauty there.
Why did she get the ending she did?
No one got as cucked as she did.
>I'd consider Morrigan from Darkstalkers as well
Most girls from that series look great, imo
Duty is heavier than a mountain.
>not swearing fealty to the wisest queen in the land instead
>Anyone looking forward to Aegis Rim?
Love me some Vanillaware, so definitely. Shit just needs to actually come out instead of releasing a teaser once a year
I played the PS4 release and had a great time, would recommend it instead if you have the option
Changes from the PS2 release depends on the mode you play
>In Classic mode, players can experience the game as it was originally released in 2007, but with updated graphics.
>In Refined mode, players will get more than just updated graphics as the mode includes new monsters, story scenes with voice-overs, an updated battle system, and more.
Sorceress is well animated and so in game she looks hot but also technically gorgeous as well. And, well, playing as her is a ton of fun.
I need more games with cute bunny boys.
Currently loving the game but goddamn it am I supposed to be spending points growing food or leveling skills?
They do but if I had to choose one from the series, Morrigan is the one. Any revisit would probably go to Felicia.
In fact, fighting game characters will be tough since so much of the appeal has to be front and center at first glance. Mai Shiranui would be on the list, but I'd be trying to figure her appeal out cause frankly, her iconic attire is rather dumb,
Her presentation (animation) is definitely key here.
I need to rewatch that scene of her speech before her final battle with Odin again
She's so fucking based
Fucking nothing. Can't get hyped without any gameplay, personally.
The VA in this game was beautiful, period. I think VA tends to be cancer in video games, but this was one of the few games where it actually elevated the experience. It was so fucking good. The script that they worked with was phenomenal as well so that obviously helped.
Is the english VA actually good? I'm playing in JP and liking it.
The writing in this game is definitely above average for an animu Japanese game
Stick to JP, Miyuki Sawashiro and Mamiko Noto are goddesses
So they're never going to make a non playstation version of this, right?
>you will never have a Pooka to cook delicious meals and grind against your crotch
I really, really loved how she grew over course of her story
Just goddamn, that final ultimatum she gave Odin after their encounter
5:40 if the link is fucked
Both the sub and dub are honestly great
Try both.
>that voice
Her voice was beautiful in JP, why would they do this
But fuck me man. Leifthrasir might be my favorite game of all time. It achieves perfection in everything that it set out to do.
Except for uh, you know, the endless repetition
God Oswald looks like total shit. It's just those stupid kneepads and brown pants. It's a shame that I like him as a character, but his design is garbo
Each character plays radically different so the repetition doesn't really set in. And the gameplay evolution of each character is paced well and interesting.
Who cares about gameplay when you can eat delicious food?
Vanillaware x cooking mama when
The sword is the worst part for me, by far. Especially if you compare it to Cornelius' sword that looks, you know, normal
Yeah it's just a psyphere on a stick, his shadow version is pretty fucking funny to use though bosses lifebars melt like crazy
I never expected much from the story in this game, but it was really great
The tiny bit at the end, with the prophecy, where you have to choose which hero kills which boss, I just ended up with Mercedes fighting the Inferno King because she was the only one left so I just guessed that she's going to lure him to the World Tree or something, but the tiny bit about the elves revealing their true name on death to be spread across the forest was a really neat detail
I want to cook a pooka
I was sad Vanillaware didn't show anything at E3, hopefully they will have something at TGS.
the combat and alchemy systems are completely redone and much better
better graphics
runs better
some new content
The fuck is wrong with you? Cornelius is like the main reason I dont want to replay Odin's Sphere.
That could be said about almost every game except "cinematic___experience" games that are just sequences of moving through setpieces and watching cutscenes.
I think Odin Sphere Leifthrasir is 9.5/10 easily even with some feeling of repetition. I mean the original was repetitive for REAL. In this one the maps change a lot more (each time you go to a place you already visited before with a different character it's new level design, just with the same theme), each character is pretty different and the gameplay is very satisfying. All that on top of one of my favorite video game stories, gorgeous visuals and sounds makes it a masterpiece.
They did show a trailer of Aegis Rim that was almost the exact same thing as the trailer shown in the past. But at least we know it's not dead. It got announced for western release too already.
Odin Sphere PS2: Pretty neat game, story and presentation alone made it a hidden gem of its time. Gameplay was a bit clunky but passable for the time.
Remake on PS3/Vita/PS4: Much better gameplay and level design to the point of making the original look like a turd in that aspect. HD visuals, same great story.
I must be an exception because people always talk about how awesome Cornelius when I found him boring to play. Had much more fun with Mercedes.
I really like the whole "stage play" feel that Odin Sphere gives off.
The spikey knees make sense. He has several special moves that involve kicking.
because unlike some hoes she understands that duty is more important than getting the dick and is willing to die for it
Cornelius becomes crazy powerful with the rotating electric shield that stuns. Between that and the move that jumps him behind your target, he becomes untouchable in melee. The spin moves hits everything on screen and keeps them in stunlock animation for so long. The drill move does crazy dps agains bosses. Of the 5 hes the powerhouse melee character. Only oswald in shadowform can surpass him for pure melee dps.
I want the amazon to fuck me.