Post the game in your Steam library with the lowest Metacritic score ITT or I'll blow your brains out!

Post the game in your Steam library with the lowest Metacritic score ITT or I'll blow your brains out!

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OP here, for me it's Deadly Premonition: Director's cut at 59

is there an easy way to filter for that or are you seriously expecting us to search through hundreds of games

Go into List view and organize by Metascore :)

cortex command at 44

Take that ugly fat faggot back to Sup Forums.

>hating liberty
I seriously hope you don't do this

>thought it was either E.Y.E or Sacred 2
>E.Y.E is 10% lower
>enough people gave praise to the shitpile of fuckwaste that is Sacred 2 to get it to 71%
Gaymen is dead

Probably Technomancer.

Which was still better than ME:A.

Postal 2, whose Metascore is 59

Duke Nukem Forever at 54

Hatred, 43.

Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 at 52. Don't know what it is and have never installed it.

This garbage. Don't even remember where I got it.

That means someone probably has bought through your account. You should change your password.

Harvester, which is completely understandable.


Painkiller: Resurrection and Painkiller: Recurring Evil both at 38


Cortex Command with 44

They were really asking for a low score by making it a fucking mobile game. This game's existence probably directly contributed to MD's lackluster sales performance. It left a sour taste in fan's mouths.

Was it really that bad?

Wait! I hate the globalists! Just put the gun down!

I just checked and I'm retarded that was owned by a friend on my family share.

Painkiller: Resurrection


Same here. Why is it rated so low though? I enjoyed it a lot.

It was fun.

Husk at 44, never played it though

The real piece of shit in mine is the fact that Hard Truck: Apocalypse (45) is lower than Legendary (50). No chance. To put thing into perspective, PC Legendary comes with an unpatched gamebreaking bug that hits you in the run up to the final sequence, this on top of the game just being a disaster overall

Hard Truck on the other hand is generally buggy, poor translation but the actual game is rather fun. Post apocalyptic Freelancer near enough, just with trucks

Clockwork Empires: 58
It should be much lower imo though

Contrast. I thought it was okay.

Kill to Collect: 57
I liked it though.

Dangerous Golf with a 54

got it in a bundle, is very mediocre even if you can run it well.

the bureau xcom declassified and lotr witk


I never even installed it.

This, never finished it and it was my first Steam game because it was for free.
Its not bad though.

Talisman: Digital Edition
bad DLC ridden port of a mediocre board game. makes sense desu

To be honest I bought it, download it and haven't played it yet, I saw some guy playing it and it seems like a lot of fun but you know how it is; you put things off for a day and next thing you know, it's a hundred years later.

Alex Jones is a liberal, Sup Forums only pretends to like them because they're try-hard redditors that think they're red pilled.

Postal 2 at 59
damn they really hate fun
No one who isn't retarded thinks of him as anything but an insane idiot who is fun to laugh at

If your answer is not Bad Rats, you should kill yourself

Bad Rats doesn't have a score displayed

lord of the rings: war in the north at 66
never played it , didn't want it, was part of a humble bundle

Postal 1 has a 56 and Postal Redux has a 54
Not to mention Postal 3 at 24

Surprised the series lived for so long given the reviews

Come back when you have white house press access then you can talk down about news organizations

He's actually incredibly intelligent but people only watch "best of" compilations and meme videos of tiny portions of him and think that's who he is.
For instance his famous (and hilarious) TURNING THE FROGS GAY line is contextually a joke brimming from a very real attempt made to fight enemy forces with chemical weaponry that would in theory reduce their hostility and "turn them gay".
He has some bogus theories but he is a lot more intelligent than you're led to believe and a lot of his stuff is well researched and demonstrably true.

Problem is the ironic-weeb cancer KEKitor Sup Forumsfags think he's an epic meme man on their side just because he interviewed Trump and is pro-gun.
The fact is he's liberal as fuck and doesn't represent their retardation in the slightest.

All the dudes are either Auschwitz-mode, or skinnyfat.

Tell me about it. I have like 300 games in my library I've never even installed.

Postal and Hatred, wtf


DMC3 on PC with a score of 66.

The Hunter: Primal
I can totally understand it, but I still liked the game.

forgot to include score: 49

I don't remember Painkiller being so bad.

My friends always want to play something but from all the games I've gifted them, they haven't even installed a single one; but they have like 400hrs on warframe.

Planetary Annihilation at 62

>The fact is he's liberal as fuck and doesn't represent their retardation in the slightest.

Naw if anything he is more of a genuine "moderate" conservative ,for whatever weight that bullshit term has, He just argues and uses the worst of liberal tactics to try to get his point across. He is not a liberal he just pretty much argues and bitches like one.

But i do kinda agree that if for whatever reason he were in an area in which people around actually believed his meme fuck fans believed he actually believed he would more than likely be the most liberal fag in that area. That is of course assuming that Alex Jones is not actually a coward hiding behind alot of false bravado he puts on.

40 - The Chaos Engine

Dunno why, it's a pretty good game

>Civic nationalist with minorities in this pic

I hope they don't browse Sup Forums too often, it's full of edgy kid who hate both of them


Managed to avoid that when it was going around

>friend even jokes about gifting it
>birthday comes up
>happy birthday, enjoy :^)
>oh god
>Borderlands GOTY

Colonial Marines. 45

Never again.

He's literally admitted to being an actor

>AoE2: HD Edition
>68 on Metacritic

Hatred. Game is straight up okay. I think it's still pretty ridiculous that people have a hate boner for it when mortal kombat x is far more violent.

>22 Metascore
wew lad

context is pretty important
Mortal Kombat is a known entity and even normies are aware of it and have come to accept its violence to the point where B movies were licensed
Mass shootings on the other hand, strike a nerve

It's pretty adequate. They have a hate boner for it because it's apparently too violent.

Worst game on my list is some shitty greenlight spam I bought because I saw a funny playthrough of it.

Duke Nukem Forever 49

you can go around killing random people in GTA, and such.

no he didn't his lawyer lied and said he was a performance artist in a custody hearing.

It's never the premise of the game's plot to go on a murder spree against innocent people and quite frankly, isn't canon to the protagonist's character arc

deus ex the fall at 45

No Man's Sky - 71

>his lawyer lied
>implying he wasn't forced to admit his lies in order to cover his dumb ass

Dementium 2 HD at 37

look at the finebros grandma's play GTA videos.

Out of my installed games it's Serious Sam HD: First Encounter at 66. I don't get it

>look at a bunch of boomers coached to overreact to a controversial game that attracts viewers and advertising dollars


the score should honestly be even lower, it has it's charm but it's not a good game

Hes a hardcore libertarian turned bootlicker

Painkiller: Resurrection - 38

Apparently Hatred at 43

I'm still depressed over how bad it was

Rambo: The Video Game at 34

>faggot liberal derails a thread just to show all his hate against drumpf

b-but its Sup Forums thats being forced on Sup Forums i swear

X Rebirth (33)

EDF 4.1

Deus Ex: The Fall

we're breaking the conditioning

No Time To Explain at 54

>Why is it rated so low though? I enjoyed it a lot.
The dev claims the poor reviews were due to it being reviewed it in an unfinished state
the game was released on Steam effectively in Early Access before Early Access was a thing and this wasn't communicated well apparently

Sup Forums doesn't like Alex Jones because he's apparently a kike-loving shill.

Heck, they don't even like Trump anymore because of the same reason. They got what they asked for, and now they've purity spiraled past the breaking point.


>Heck, they don't even like Trump anymore because of the same reason.
Hasn't he been sucking Israeli cock since the beginning of his campaign? Why come around only now?

Duke Nukem Forever at 54. Never played it.

Most of these games are ok.

>Clive Barker's Jericho

It's a shame about that game. The overall concept and lore behind it were pretty solid, and it definitely captures the weird body horror which is typical of Barker's stories, but I'll be damned if the actual game wasn't a slog to get through. I don't think I've ever seen another game which had a $2 a minute cheat hotline either.

get a skin for steam that has that feature

Just loaded up Painkiller Redemption because I thought I remembered it as being good. It's garbage. In the very first area they just throw a fuckload of enemies at you that take like 10 minutes to kill.

Mighty No 9, I honest to god still don't think it's all that bad it's just amateur

Some Pid shit i got for free