Sup Forums is dead

Sup Forums is dead

Sup Forums has been dead since the fappening

>video games

The fappening killed most of Sup Forums, but gamergate did more damage to Sup Forums

the fappening and the election murdered Sup Forums

>year 2008
>"reeeeeee youtube and social media is killing Sup Forums and stealing our memes"

what if Sup Forums was stillborn

This is my first day on Sup Forums, please give me some advice!

As long as you hate video games like the rest of us you'll fit in just fine

just shitpost like everyone else

>The fappening brought a lot of newfags
>GooberGate gave us reddit newfags with a cause
>The election gave us more reddit newfags with a political cause

l hate to be "that faggot that probably uses meme arrows on youtube comments" but Sup Forums was better when it was RELATIVELY unknown.

Blame Sup Forums

>people still crying about the declining quality of Sup Forums

It's been shit for years, it's time to stop crying and accept it or move on already

>Blame Sup Forums
>When Sup Forums started the reddit plague with goobergirble

Really initialize my avocados

everything is better when its unknown
it's not even real Sup Forums, they dont give a fuck about us. its fucking kids, the same kids who think pewdiepie is based because le ebin hitler. Sup Forums is having the same problem, the useless fucking mods wont do anything about it

I didn't come to Sup Forums until 2018

stay assblasted kiddo

2016 is pretty old though


>complaining about Sup Forums culture on Sup Forums

>implying Sup Forums wasn't heavily involved in goobergate too
>implying the traffic didn't increase twice as much during the election

how new r u?

>Sup Forums is having the same problem, the useless fucking mods wont do anything about it
Fucking this holy shit. The fact there is a fucking Trump Generals shows how fucking retarded the mods are.

Fuck l bet more than half of nu-Sup Forums wasnt there for the Zim-Zam trial.

GabbaGhoul started on Sup Forums as regular internet drama then it got political you retarded sack of shit. At least try to hide your reddit.

>time moves forward in a linear fashion
it fucking hurts Sup Forumsros

>muh reddit

spoken like a true Sup Forumstard, next I'll be a sjw shill jew cuck

thank you for screencapping a fourth of my post, it's good to know you care about me enough to make a meta thread in my honor.

This. Ever since Sup Forums was created, Sup Forums has completely lost it's spark. Now it's just a den for loser nazis.

No shit, anyone who's been here could tell you that.

fuck off GNU/NEET scum

it's r/the_donald fags that are shitting up both boards

>people who use Tomorrow/dark themes

>Ignoring the post while getting mad because of an adjective.
At least make it more difficult
You'd be surprised by the sheer amount of people that just say "Sup Forums killed the 4chens".

l mean, new people are gonna come here and its normal but they just skip the newfag college that was Sup Forums or dont lurk before they post like that probably doesnt even know what /news/ was.

>reddit is an adjective

I want to believe you're baiting but the truth is that you're actually this stupid

found a redditor

>get BTFO
>cry reddit

I accept your concession

daily reminder

>tfw oldfag since 2012
>there are ancientfags who consider me new

>he thinks i'm the person from before

lmao dumb reddit subhuman

this pic is wrong. everything newer than 10y = newfag newer than 5y=cancer

found an assblasted shut in gigaNEET

>people call retards "reddit" contemptuously for years
>he doesnt know that
You cant help being new but at least try not to be so fucking retarded.

>get BTFO

every time, this is your last (You)

As an ancientfag, why would I waste any more time complaining about the new people rather than steep in the existential dread of having been here longer than 10 years?

>editing the original titles to make you an oldfag
How fucking pathetic

Hahaha were you around for chanology? Thats what started it all, made people think this was a place to get super cool hacktivist movements going. If it wasnt for chanology none of these happenings or gates would be a thing.

ledditors were here long before that and the election fags mostly came from jewtube.



This is my first day on Sup Forums.

This. As an ancientfag I'm too busy being worried about how I'm supposed to get out of here, and coming to the realization that I've long passed the point where I could. My only solace is knowing that it will happen to the rest of you.

nothing post-2010 will ever be "oldfag", and I first came here that year. In thirty years it still won't be oldfag. You can't have missed the site's golden years and be anything but cancer.

That's the worst part
This place gets worse every day and I can't quit it. I've tried leaving this shithole since 2011 and I always come back. Quitting porn was easier than this

Nice try you stupid redditor.

>Quitting porn

Its strange because back in 08 we did use the term ancientfag as well as oldfag

You're a fucking poser that timeline is fucked fuck you

>there was less time between that and 2003 than there has been between now and 2011
guess we had to single out the Chanology fags somehow

I must have Alzheimer's then, because I remember browsing here throughout my college years, and graduated in May of '03. What drugs was I on?

>x thing was better when it was unknown
no shit

Why do people hate the use of 'greentext' outside of chans even though its great for quoting

Because it doesn't make any sense outside of the context of an imageboard setup. Just use fucking quotes.

When you come here is fairly irrelevant. The fact is people never tried to fit in or mold into Sup Forums culture. So they bring their change and molded Sup Forums around the culture they bring here. They absolutely refuse to care about the culture that was already in place.

Now you have modern Sup Forums

I wanna go back to 2010. Kill me.

it didn't even originate here, it used to be used in group emails way back when and was pretty common for quoting on forums. Communicating through it is what began here.

It's mostly used for condescending messages.

>greentexting outside of Sup Forums

>great for quoting
so are actual quotation marks

It's funny to see post-chanology newfags claim that "certain event that happened after they started browsing Sup Forums" is what killed it without realizing they were festering on its corpse all along.

You faggots complain like what happened to Sup Forums is even new.
>The Election killed Sup Forums!
>Gamergate killed Sup Forums!
>The Fappening killed Sup Forums!
>Reddit killed Sup Forums!
>Chanology killed Sup Forums!

Kill yourselves. Look up Eternal September before you even begin to cry about shit like this.

>everyone blaming Sup Forums itt


>been on Sup Forums a least once a day for 10 years straight

I'm not the only one right ?

I think the worst Sup Forums I've seen was during the GG cancer. It was shit during a whole year.

Best was probably Japan time Sup Forums, but it may be just nostalgia.

What was the worst period for Sup Forums and why was it Cancer?

Irony and Post Irony ruined the fucking internet

No fucking shit Sup Forums is dead.

This is you. This is the site you are browsing.

Look at it.

It's not Sup Forums its literally le ebbin reddit falseflagging

>one redditard means everyone who hates nu-Sup Forums's cancer is reddit

Japan time was solid. I still enjoy when we used to make OC like Weegee edits and megaman comics.

This is your beloved ''''''''''''''''''''''secret club'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

>2 years ago
is it because the original called you meanie names and you self inserted so hard you had to change it you autist?


when the fuck was the last time there was even OC on this shitty site besides nigger twitter memes anyway?

Enjoy. Your post post post ironic humor and ironic weebs.

I'm surprised nobody ever mentions the Sup Forumsgas which brought on mass reddit hysteria. I don't think I'll ever forget Sup Forumsgas post thread

too easy

Obviously. Fuck women, niggers, kikes, fags, and women

>even /tg/ and /m/ are complete trash now
I don't care what you Sup Forums apolgoists say; there has been a lot of shit on Sup Forums, but you all have managed what even Sup Forums couldn't do. You've ruined all the hobby boards.

>Sup Forums before Sup Forums were way less crin-

These are from a reddit thread you stupid fucking moron.

I've been here for over 9 years now.
You all can suck my dick, just form a line and everyone will be served.

Man just look at those solid master race white genes. Fine specimens.

>I Have No Argument And I Must Shitpost

Eternal september applies to a medium predating this site. Chanology however was an event that had a very negative effect on this site specifically

>Sup Forums

This site only steal meme from social media site now.

Sup Forums was practically unusable from 2010-12
ironic shitposting was at an all high, every thread always had a bunch of obnoxious faggots going "ROFL IS THE BIRTH OF A NEW EPIC MEME XD?"
REDdit scare killed OC and any attempt at making any was met with ironic shitposts like the aforementioned above (and of course this still happens now)
people started using the phrase "weebshit" at any Japanese game and shitposted their threads into oblivion
off topic threads ran wild (which still happens now but not the same extent as before)

I first posted on Sup Forums when desu was a thing but I didn't actually start posting hardcore until 2007.

yep, that's what happens when you allow mobilefags to post


Irony ruined fucking everything. Everyone likes shit ironically and you cant find genuine discussion anymore

makes sense actually, you have to understand you'll never be part of something you weren't present in that time, I came here around 2009 and yet I still consider and accept myself as newfag because I wasn't there before, once a newfag always a newfag, I miss the lurk more posts

And yet you guys act exactly like those ''reddit'' users.

Praise kek right my fellow retarded frog poster?


>Been here since 2008
>Still think I'm a newfag