ITT: /reddit/ games and opinions to discard

ITT: /reddit/ games and opinions to discard
>DaS2 > Any other Souls
>PC-hating Sonybro
>muh VR
>FF7 > Any other FF
>Pokemon B&W
>hating metroid fusion but liking other M
>federation force isnt that bad guys
>le portal 2 > hl2
>waaahh dark souls 3 was too easy, despite the fact that I have put 100s of hours into the souls games and use that experience to play well in the new games

>but its fun with friends!

This, I hate that developers are substituting real content and good game mechanics with "its a story/experience you create yourself with your friends. Fucking hacks.

>i dont agree so (((you))) are reddit

Metroid fusion was fucking terrible, but Other M was worse.

Alright I laughed at this

There are plenty of opinions I disagree with that are reddit cancer sentiment. They generally have low standards and love to praise underrated games for the sake of being contrarian, even if said games are objectively shit. I'm not even presenting an argument or debate here, just sharing some patterns I've noticed among newfags and redditors. Thanks for posting Molymeme though, hes a cool dude.

Don't you mean "hating other m but liking fusion"

get ready for the most reddit opinion of all
>people with an opinion i dont like must be from a different inferior website

>that arent reddit cancer*

yeah someone should remember these people that EVERY game is fun with friends
except mario party

When did I say this? You apologists always bring this up even when I haven't mentioned non-reddit opinions I disagree with. I am exclusively talking about reddit shitposts here.

Dokapon Kingdom

>enjoying video games

you wouldn't understand, obviously

The game is fun. If it's not fun, why bother?

>if its not fun, why bother?

If a game is only fun with friends is it still good?

FF7 is not the worst FF. That's 2, 10, 11, or 13-2. It's not a god game but there's nothing wrong with stating that it was good for the day and still has a great soundtrack.

>>Pokemon B&W
But this one's true you fucking double nigger.
>Waaaaah! It's different so I hate it! Waaaaah
People like you are the reason why we got the shit that was XY and ORAS

You seem to know an awful lot about reddit

I only know what I have observed lurking here for almost 7 years