L > J > I > O > T > Z > S

L > J > I > O > T > Z > S

I > everything else

>T not top tier
And then there's this fag that doesn't know t-spins

>it's a Z and S block ruin your entire game episode

O > everything else

There's no such thing as a "Z" block you retards. It's just the S block turned upside down.


This, i doubt he can even T spin mini.

niggur wut the fuck are you talking about

>implying anyone likes these two shitters

What if S blocks are just Z blocks turned rightside up?

it doesn't matter what you call it it's the same fucking block

it's an S but upside down its a Z

>Implying Tee is top tier
I wonder who's behind this post?

Make a brand new tetris piece Sup Forums bonus points for adesign that makes the game objectively better.


I don't think that's possible

you first.

>tfw stuck on scene 1 doggo
I don't think this game is for me

a single block

All the original pieces cover pretty much every single combination of 4 blocks you could do in the first place

You must have been dropped on your head as a baby

Considering it would have to be kept at 4 blocks total it would be really hard to make just about anything

I call it "the pill"

A "+" shaped block

thanks doc

Gracias doctor

Yeah now that i think about it. Any 4 block combination would have to be broken. Like a Y # # and thatd be shit.

T >>> O
T can fit pretty much anywhere while O fucks you over if you don't have a two space wide gap

Thanks, Dr Mario.
I needed my daily. I was worried I wasn't going to make it.

Came here to post this. S and Z have cost me a lot of games, and I think it's programmed so they pop up a lot to keep you on your toes. On another note, remember how butthurt people got when the L block beat Link and Cloud on those faggy character battles? The faggots on that site tried to bring Sup Forums in and were promptly told to fuck off.

T > L = J > I > Z = S > O

I is the only necessary piece to make a TetrisĀ®, making it best by default

are you retarded?

why is S bottom tier?

T-spins > Tetris, and the required piece for that is a T piece.

The asshole.
No matter how you place it, you are fucked.

I like it

>No matter how you place it, you are fucked.
>he can't meatspin
What a fucking pleb.