By people who mass produce shovelware shit by the millions. Like it fucking matters. Just give me a solid case that doesn't cause my artwork to get mangled and creased just from holding the shit.
Anyone else miss solid cases from the ps2/xb/gc era?
By people who mass produce shovelware shit by the millions. Like it fucking matters. Just give me a solid case that doesn't cause my artwork to get mangled and creased just from holding the shit.
Anyone else miss solid cases from the ps2/xb/gc era?
PS4 and Switch still use solid cases.
So does Xbone.
not really an issue since games are digital now.
If you really want the physical display aspect, better jewel case is still cheap.
this only really happened with the odd wii u and 360 game
It's not done for you or the environment.
It's so they save a fraction of a cent per unit in plastic and another fraction of a cent on shipping costs from the lessened weight.
EVERY Wii U game had an eco box
This. Inb4 Sup Forums.
Why would Sup Forums disagree with that? Jewing people to save a buck under the guise of being "eco friendly" is common knowledge.
>Good goy, buy 500+ digital games
>Eh? The company went out of business and now you can't play those games you thought you bought?
>That sounds like your problem, goyum!
Why the fuck haven't we gone back to jewel cases? Those retarded DVD boxes ruined shelf spacing forever.
>ps4 cases
Then you can torrent them :)
That is an entirely different discussion, and not at all the case I was arguing.
Also, why wait to pirate them, then? Just do it straight away, like normal pirates.
it would actually be BETTER for the enviroment if they just used the original case made from recycled plastic.
(it will take more plastic waste out of circulation).
Why are Vsauce vids so entertaining even though the subject matter of the videos are so mundane?
Plastics recycling is one of the most inefficient things in the renewable world. If they really gave a shit about the environment, cases would be made from aluminum, since it has something like a 95% retention rate.
Yes that'll be an issue in 85 years when Valve dies due to everything being neuro only
Until then I'll enjoy fast, cheap and convenient vidya while you have to fuck around with pisspoor physical devices
>make dvd sized boxes full of holes
>instead of a smaller cd sized one
Those guys are retards.
his raised eyebrow releases endorphins in your brain
>pisspoor physical devices
Like harddrives are hard to store, and a dvd player takes up a lot of space, right?
you can literally buy like a 100 black solid dvd cases with the manual clips on amazon for like 10 bucks and transfer the slip cover, manual and disc to them.
Because they really make me think.
This very thread is about boxes being cheap shit
Maybe it's my autism but I actually used to draft up labels for my OPM demo disks and print out case covers for the jewel cases I stored them in. Fuck I wish I still knew where those things were.
PS1 cases are the best looking cases ive ever used and seen. They are sturdy as hell, save paper by making the manual the cover and they are compact. I love them and wish every disc based console used them.
>They are sturdy as hell
With the exception of how they made the actual spool to the the discs in any game that was more than 1 disc. Those things broke so fucking easily it was insane. They made the case sound like fuckin maracas.
>eco friendly
That's marketing wank for "we just wanted to save money by cutting materials costs"
>buying games
its not because they care about you retard lol. those cases cost half as much to make as the ones that use more plastic.
What modchip do you have in your ps4?
How fucking greedy can they be? This directly lowers the perceived value of their junk products.
I give Microsoft max 5 years until their windows store fucks over Steam intentionally and they get away with it. Mass advertisements, accidental game deletions and such.
VALVe is directly dependant on Windows to work and their shitty SteamOS is not even a desktop replacement.
It doesn't matter because people still buy the product. Very few people will be so put off by the greediness that they will refuse to purchase it and those lost sales don't even come close to the savings from using less product so it's a no-brainer for the company.
Because Michael is a very charismatic and artistic host.
Realistically, eliminating physical games saves metric fucktons of money. No licensing of format, no printing discs or paying to ship them to retailers. It removed every single aspect of overhead outside of actual development costs. You're just selling a license for digital only which you can revoke ant any given moment based on the ToS that all end users sign.
Do you have any statistics at hand? I'm intrigued that nickle and diming does that much good for them.
People don't actually care. A game is a game, they don't care about the case. I'll break it down for you to see just why they're greedy about it though.
For easy math's sake lets say it's 1 cent saved in plastic, and 1 cent saved in shipping per unit sold so 2 cents total.
Sony recently said they sold about 500 million PS4 games so far. 2 cents per game puts them at 10 million dollars they got by doing absolutely nothing.
I'm just making educated guesses, perhaps someone else can point you in the right direction. I would be interested in seeing these statistics as well if they exist. Companies might not be terribly willing to make their sales and profit margin information public, at least not in that level of detail.
>This directly lowers the perceived value of their junk products.
No it fucking doesn't. Literally nobody cares what kind of case the game comes in.
Speak for yourself, pleb.
Why are Sony getting this money? Isn't it distributed across all publishers?
They're not. I just used them and those numbers as an example of how it adds up as the numbers get bigger.
Sony doesn't even use those eco cases. Though I think PS4 cases use thinner plastic than PS3 ones.
holy shit OP is your life so devoid of meaning and purpose that companies trying to use less plastics actually upsets you?
Well even if you guess that they save half a cent per case due to plastic saved, they're still producing 1-2million copies. That's 5-10 thousand saved that could be used to take a vacation.
Buy a bunch of bulk DVD cases off ebay or something and replace the shitty ones, that's what I do.
Blockbusters closing down was a great place to pick up 360/PS3 cases cheap.
Kek. The real reason they do this is because it saves material cost.
As soon as games stop being garbage, maybe the rest of package won't be designed to belong in a landfill.
Why can't it be both? It seems like an overall good idea. They save money and use less plastics which also helps the environment if only slightly. No one solution is going to fix everything overnight obviously, it needs to be a combined effort from everyone.
gotta agree with him on this OP. Do you really not have anything else, honestly anything else, to be mad at?
He's probably annoyed that companies who mass produce plastic containers will compromise the container's structural integrity to save a hundredth of a penny and play it off like they're ecologically conscious and trying to save the world.
why would they cut corners on the actual cd part of the case and not the areas around it that dont even cover anything?
what are these dimensions even for, the manuals that they dont put effort into anymore?
just make the case smaller
>compromise the container's structural integrity
but that's bullshit. it's a fucking plastic game case. there is no "structural integrity." there is no load-bearing which would require any such integrity.
and there is no "playing off." manufacturing less plastics, yes even cutting down on the volume of plastics in current consumer goods, uses less petroleum-based resources. this is an inarguable fact.
i mean unless you're one of those morons who thinks climate science is some grand jewish conspiracy or whatever. you're not one of those, are you?
>ps4 cases
steelbooks nigga
>risk having the case dented in shipping
Pretty dank display desu
Don't lie
I'd like you to remove the following games please
>LBP 3
>Fallout 4
>The order
>Battlefield 4
Thank you and I hope you will show the ability to be able to puchase a higher quality of product to replace them in the future.
I miss the old fuckhuge PC game cardboard boxes with jewel cases inside and a big manual to read while taking a shit.
I miss SEGA Genesis hard cases, those things will survive a nuke.
Jewel cases were crap. Those thing cracked down the center and broke hinges so easily.
Every time I find a PS1 game, I have to go to good will and buy some random music CD case to swap out with the broke to crap one the game came in. The CDs usually only cost a buck, but it's still annoying. Genesis and PS2 by a long shot have the best cases.
Good production value and pacing. People like to meme on the video structure when he talks about completely irrelevant shit at first, but it makes for good build up and allows him to answer a question from multiple perspectives.
>what is proper packaging
>Realistically, eliminating physical games saves metric fucktons of money.
Especially in my wallet, because I only buy used games from this point on.
>Let's remove the plastic from around the product we want to protect instead from the redundant areas around the product.
This is my favorite style of case for how handy they are but only a single DVD Rental had those and from their closing sale I only got 2 of them.
But normal DVD cases are perfectly fine too because the cover of movies is best when it's a nice poster like the Star Wars paintings, you can't crop those to squares.
What pisses me off the most are Blu-Ray and PS4/Xbone cases for being yet another size to DVDs and for that shitty piece of plastic above telling you for what it is. It should have stayed a printed part of the normal cover. And for BD movies it pisses me off how they are all blue which ruins the effect of some covers for no reason.
500GB/1TB Archival Discs can't come fast enough and I hope they switch boxes to gray with them if they can't switch to DVD cases entirely.
Fuck off hippie
Can we go back to the true GOAT cases
them shits always broke on me
Super easy to break.
yes, MS is going out of business soon and physical media NEVER degenerates.......?
I never really had any problems. Occasionally the see through plastic cover would come off the hinges but it was easy enough to clip back in.
>And they get away with it
>Not getting steelbook whenever possible
I fucking LOVE steelbooks holy shit.
The first time I handled one of these, I thought the case was shattered and that I'd have to replace it until I opened the thing and remembered why I hate leftists so much.
>durrrr LEFTISTS
go get pissed on by a russian hooker trumptard
I still have a few of these from when AOL would ship out trial discs in them.
>physical media
well this is clearly a wii u case. if you were owning a proper console like a PS4 you wouldn't have to deal with this shit.
> licenses are the way to go, you don't have to own your games
I would be inclined to agree with you if modern physical games actually guaranteed that ownership.
Every game on a disc is gimped and is therefore next to worthless.
no, ps4 cases use those ones in op all the time
you'll be spouting this argument in 15 years when it still hasn't happened yet.
if this ever happens, the pirating community will mobilize so hard that all those games will be pre-cracked on torrents the following day
dude that would be fucking awesome fund it
saw this in a charity shop the other day the thing was 'ugeeeeee
in Europe they didnt have the cutout signs on it
what the hell happened?
Who even buys physical media in 2017?
I wouldn't mind those cardboard/paper sleeves that some CDs come in now days. like a miniature vinyl sleeve
Profit margins under the guise of caring.
Remember guys, It's YOUR FAULT that we have so much trash on our planet. NOT because it saves us billions to use cheap plastics and aluminum cans.
Espera Oscar de Corti woiuld not approve.
I mean Iron Eyes Cody...
>this killed the instruction manual
>physical media
remember that time alan wake got pulled from steam? the devs announced it and put it for sale like 90% off for like 2 days prior. now its gone from steam. im afraid even owning it digital will have it dissapear some time from a forced update, even though i have auto updates off. you really think one check box protects your data? my tekken 3 disc from launch is still going strong and its been used heavily. the ps2 itself is being odd, but at least an emulator can hel[p with that. dont know if emulatos can read memory cards though. anyway, physical media is the way to go. or just pirate shit.
its the most consumer friendly way to get media.