ITT: Games that destroy lives

ITT: Games that destroy lives

>tfw I finally managed to stop playing dota 2

I can't open CIV 5 because I know I'll spend 5 hours straight on it and then feel like shit later. That stuff's like heroin man.


I haven't spent 5 hours on a game in like 3 years

Me too, after almost 10 years. I actually stopped playing because of all the cosmetics and the matchmaking.

You're matched with people who play 10+ hours and shit, for them it's not a game anymore, it's just the thing they do... and that makes them angry and frustrated and awful people all around. I am actually happy I quit now

Unfortunately I started playing WoW The Burning Crusade on private servers

I have one hour in Dota2 Test. I don't know how it got there.
I deleted the game from my library. It's still in my profile.

Made a conscious decision to quit playing dota 2 weeks ago and spend an hour walking instead. Also bought a 15 pound dumb bell and do a very light workout routine.

Down 14 pounds so far.

>You now imagine your teenage years if you hadn't discovered this

I think I might be autistic or some kind of mental disease. Everyone I see fucking LOVES Civilization, and play it 5+ hours, you guys know the "just one more turn" stereotype.
But I just can't fucking enjoy it for some reason. I start a game, scout around, build improvements and stuff, but after 30 minutes I really have to force myself to do it. After 45-60 minutes I just lose interest and alt-tab to browse Sup Forums or something and then forget about the game. Am I doing something wrong? 90% of my gameplay consists of choosing Unit and Improvement production and then hit next turn...


I never got into WoW because of my shit computer and Guild Wars 2. Now I only see it getting shit on and have no incentive to even try it out.

Feels great, doesn't it?
Me and my friends used to play it religiously but suddenly everyone had lost interest. Most claim we just got bored of it but it does suspiciously coincide with the release of 7.00.

for me its imagine if i did find it
probably would have been the same

I've heard bad things

maybe you need to speed the game up
or have some sort of goal in mind
like for me, the last game i played my goal was to establish the religion of communism and have a worldwide revolution

I remember WoW. It was like a second job. In order to raid and keep up, you'd have to spend dozens of hours each week farming, grinding, organizing. This is why I avoided guild leadership. Fuck that. Didn't need the stress.

Vanished on a rope below a chair?

The method of escapism isnt the root of the problem

i used the play everyday until around 2013 when i full-stoped because i found out about the forced 50% win rate.

Nah, 4x games are just boring as fuck

I'm the same way and I don't know why. I wish I could enjoy civ like everyone else :(

And now its mostly dead and SF5 is utter garbage

That still makes me sad because 4s hightime was glorious

You are going to get dicked in the ass by Star Breaker and you are going to LIKE IT

I don't really regret too much for those years, i had fun


>The method of escapism isnt the root of the problem

It's not, but different methods have different consequences.

It's like jumping out into traffic. What kind of car you get hit by isn't the reason you jumped out, but it's preferable to be hit by a motorcycle than a semi.

RIP losing my virginity

Congrats! You've already done the hardest part, and if you're in the shape to lose that much weight that easily, you should consistently get a lot of positive reinforcement in the form of progress too.

Quitting whatever problematic game is the worst part, followed by not going back. If you can do both of those you can totally, even if it's seemed hard in the past, get healthy bud!

>Genos [S-Class Hero #14]
Good show but come the fuck on, man.

Not even a professional NEET like me have anywhere near that in much in a 3 games combined.

I love all Smash games but two of my friends started playing about 2 years ago and every day it's either playing Melee or watching Melee streams.

I somehow spent 500 hours on this shit and I'm not even sure how. I don't even remember most of it.


I spent 200 hours in Nuclear throne.

Finally got bored of it last week after I unlocked hard mode.

>4digit hour playtime
>destroy lives

I dont get it.

No such thing, only retards who can't prioritize.


I somehow read the OP to say "games that destroyed themselves"

Maybe all those video games gave me brain damage

I recognise that font/UI
how the fuck
I got like 2000 hours and couldn't go further

Stupid question it's an mmo with a decent endgame if you are into it (collecting shit)

Original on PS2 fucking ruined me.

>Played all day.
>Played all night.
>Slept for like a half hour sometimes.
>Skipped school.
>Skipped school more.
>Dropped the fuck out.

Now I got a lengthy criminal record. Still no high school.

No regrets. Those are the memories I cherish most.
I miss the fuck outta you, Chief_30. I hope you're doing good, Talon.

>playing MOBAs


rofl thats one of my buddies who spams meepo

Good god, how many bottles of piss did you fill?


This. It made me realize I have a learning disability after 4k hours at 3k mmr.

I played chivalry for 3k hours and still managed to be a functional person

I'm 20 and I got over 1 year of gametime in WoW, but I regret nothing

Raiding in WoW is still the best game experience I've ever had

I somehow passed my 2nd year of uni despite spending all my time playing Overwatch. Fuck that game was such a waste of time.

warframe's pretty bad, destroys a lot of wallets too.

>friend gets into Final Fantasy XIV
>now has an absurd amount of play time
>seldom talk to him anymore

I mean, do what you want. But don't people like that ever want some variety? I'd go crazy

I'm glad I never got autistically obsessed with any games

I have about 2k hours in CS but that was with normie friends anyway.


How, i always get bored while playing Warband. Even mods dont really help

>be me
>loser and made fun of all through high school
>At least WoW makes me happy
>be me
>loser and made fun of all through highschool
>nothing makes me happy
>nothing to take out my frustration
>grab up my dads old AR
>go to school the next day
>9 headshots 20 hitmarkers
>fucking callodoody
>last shot for myself
>Wish I just had something to take away my stress
>cops rushing in
>everyone who's not already dying hits the floor
>everybody walk the dinosaur

What MMO is it?

theres no cure for bad taste my man

Same fuckin here man. I just spend my time playing games I wanna play instead of dota now. Like actual good games ive been missing out on.

r e d d i t

guildwars 2

Don't regret a minute of this game. Probably cause I quit before Cata

i stooped back in march, thats 5-6 years of my life i wont get back..

>mfw too dumb for doto

feels good man

fifa 13 for me. every time i booted that game i'd spend like 10 hours straight playing it. ended up playing like 1800 games with 1400 wins

>that one dude with 8.3hrs

What you don't realize is that you're actually too smart for it.

tfw it's porn for me

Good job user, if it's makes you happier and healthier go for it.

Same here. I guess we didn't wanted to adept to the bunch of fundamental changes.

Something similar happened no me with 4U

How fat are you? 14 pounds is a fuckton for two weeks.

I stopped after ti4, it was so shit, and Valve making Bruno fire Yames is what made me quit, and i haven't looked back since. feelsgoodman. happy for you.

It's probably the phoneposting :^)

got some fair hours into tf2 then it got filled with furries and they killed it, i never got around it, still hurts

Nice job user, keep going.

oh man, I miss the time I was a NEET and could spend all day playing shit games like this

those were the times, I envy you OP

I've been playing plenty recently, and in casual matchmaking I haven't encountered a single furry.

WoW made me friends in middle school and high school and we would stay at each other's house leveling new characters and shit.
It was fun, and don't regret it.
But...I'm the only one left that still plays and I can't get away.
Taking a break from retail and thought I was free, but then I found a private server and started playing that.

Every time I do it, I keep reinstalling it 2 weeks later.

>ITT: Games that destroy teenage lives*
fixd it for you

I don't stream or upload gameplay to youtube. I just really like this game.

>tfw 4258 hours in runescape3
>still not maxed

No offence, but do you have autism?
Just asking

Yes, why do you ask?

>never got into WoW because my parents were poor and didn't want to spend money on an online video game even though I begged them because all my friends were playing

Did I dodge a bullet lads? I'm not perfect, but I think I turned out alright.

WoW taught me English and computer skills in-game and via introducing me to many different sites and communities. I now make more money than I should as a software developer.

Internet raised me.

Nobody is perfect, mate. But I love you regardless.

I don't understand the popularity of those games. They feel like RTS games with all the fun parts replaced with rote memorization of hundreds of characters and abilities.

How can people play that shit for hours and not get tired of the retarded gameplay

> 5510
> not 15k hours

Never too late to start playing.

Most of my friends have stopped playing but I keep coming back. No other game does it for me I guess.

anything moba will ruin your life.

theres never an endgoal and its easy to pick up and not notice the hours fly by

Don't even know how many hours I wasted on MMO's. Started in EQ when Kunark released, raided until the expansion after planes of power. Been bouncing around MMOs since.

I have a group of people that I play DayZ SA with. I don't know why, but the game has this weird appeal to it.

I have 5.4k hours in dota but I'm pretty sure 1.5k are from idling/spectating games

you dont increase mmr by playing you increase mmr by watching pros

Chivalry's release day version..

It gets shit on by Sup Forums just like every other game, it's a grind fest but I'd much prefer it to the other shit out right now.

I know what you mean bro. There's so much prediction and reaction in this game, I genuinely have fun tracking cooldowns, splitpushing, and singlehandedly carrying my teams with my yi one trick pony.

Most of my friends still play a few times a week, but I've quit cold turkey 2 years ago so I could get on with my life. Best decision of my life, it's an amazing game but you gotta grow up mate, get laid, finish college, etc. At some point I realized that diamond would be the highest I would ever get and getting masters is an exercise in futility when I could be working out and then getting head instead.