Never should have come here!

Never should have come here!

>should have

Stop making this thread.

Can someone clue me in on why I keep seeing pics of retards with a green Kriegsmarine flag?

Never should off come hear.

Normalfag redditors summarizes them pretty well.

Pepe has reached levels of cancer that it cannot be contained anymore


You dropped this

Didn't these faggots learn not to take Sup Forums shit out into the real world after the whole Chanology shitshow?

>implying any of them have been on Sup Forums that long

>this is your average pepe poster
drumpf was a mistake

The ones doing this discovered Sup Forums and pepe very recently

Do you mean this 5? Also check my 8

stop coming here every single day loser

Chanology was literally a decade ago and 99% of them weren't here for it.

History really does repeat itself

They're from reddit of course they haven't.



Is this a meme? Pretty sure "should have" is correct

at least his skin is normal colored

The meme is making incorrect grammar corrections which in turn will get replies.

Sup Forums ruined Sup Forums by outsourcing memes and image board culture to the mainstream.

Along with Sup Forums, I don't even consider them part of Sup Forums anymore

You should of known better

I havent been to a differnt board in like 5 years, how did it get so bad?

Is that a fucking yarmulke?

The whole minute of seeing those girls partially nude was worth watching the whole movie tbqh

How do you mispel yamaka this bad?

Yeah, but it's one of the cheap ones the temple hands out if your forgot yours.


A fucking kike, wew Sup Forums has gone full reddit.

Mobileposting was a mistake.

Fun fact, ive never browsed on an actual computer. Is it different?

I miss the stormfags so much, they mostly stuck to Sup Forums and would never be this open borders from foreign websites.

shadilay Sup Forumsros

An hero anytime, underage newfag trash.

I realized I never used any of those phrases

>he spends his life only on Sup Forums

How much of a sad fuck are you?

Pepe sad frog. Hes changed. Fucking normies. Reeeeeee. Reeeeeee

the anti-Sup Forums posters are worse than any Sup Forums posters

when will you guys realize that when you hit us we hit 10 times harder

Sup Forums will never lose

t. underage r/the_donald crossposter


Politics are a mistake

your birth was a mistake

God I hate redditors, they are a plague.

Nobody likes neo-Sup Forums, the old Sup Forums needs to return.

>when will you guys realize that when you hit us we hit 10 times harder
>Sup Forums will never lose

please be bait

Politics and phoneposting on Sup Forums are a mistake.

This 2bh

dropped this 5 friend

I mainly use Youtube and Sup Forums. Though Youtube sorta counts as a community. Haven't been on an actual forum for years. Last I remember was being a part of EvaGeeks when Rebuild 3 game out. Its been 2-3 years I think.

Sup Forums runs Sup Forums now


NOBODY likes neo-Sup Forums.

Getting a 3 was a mistake

t. anti-Sup Forums poster


>old Sup Forums
>dark enlightenment

>new Sup Forums
>still hard right wing
>actually accomplishes things

>literal normalfags are calling people normies in public now
I really hate them, it's driving me to madness.

Neo-Sup Forums is pro open borders and loves multiculturalism from twitter and reddit.

this isn't Sup Forums

Shit then

Thats where you're wrong, kiddo

no it isn't


Can someone explain this to me please?


I liked it better when none of them were around and Koney would be the one ruining the threads. He was annoying, but he was just one person

Yeah it is, neo-Sup Forums has no problem with redditors and twitter faggots posting here. Go tell a faggot there to fuck off if they're obviously fresh off the boat and you actually get accused of being a shill.

when will you fags realize that turning the masses right wing and alt right is a good fucking thing

stop crying just because normies are getting interested in becoming right wing

I got called a shill yesterday by a redditor for insulting kikes.

Pretty reddit tier if you ask me.

check this 4
make blacks slaves again

>normies don't know why Sup Forums posts so often when all they do is respond to the weakest bait

fucking this, nu-Sup Forums is reddit incarnate

Was this at Momicon? Jeez louise, you cucks even go to my cons? I'm sure glad I dodged Captain Kukistan.


thats just /ptg/ you dolts

i can still larp as a nazi with people there

I wish politics of all kinds would fuck off out my video games.


Kill yourself you massive normalfag redditor.

What's the difference beware nu/old Sup Forums.

How about you fuck on?

i wish liberals would stop pushing their agendas in my games too

>Neo-Sup Forums is pro open borders and loves multiculturalism from twitter and reddit.

fuck neo-Sup Forums
you are a bunch of fucking faggots that would never stand up for their beliefs in real life.

Ever killed a nigger or a jew - you faggot?

The internet was a mistake

>thats just /ptg/ you dolts

AKA, reddit.

I've seen anons actually ask how to sage or how to filter IDs in /ptg/ and nobody calls them out for being that new.

check this filename, its 6 years old

i bet ive been here longer than you

We wuz kingz we can't be slaves

I don't really care desu, more people getting redpilled, the better.

good thing not a single oldfag lurks there anymore and can get triggered by it.


seconded but there is no way to remain neutral anymore as politics and vidya become more and more merged every day. When people call Nintendo literallt Hitler for just saying it only makes games for fun, there is a problem.

and /ptg/ has already bleed out all over Sup Forums and is starting to infect other boards, fuck off nu/pol/ apologist

If this isn't bait I want you to kill yourself.

Jesus christ, can we just gas these """people"""? They're not any better than bronies.

>Ever killed a nigger or a jew - you faggot?
Have you?

>6 years old
>he boasts about being a 2011 total newfaggot

good job, idiot

keep crying liberal faggot or dark enlightenment larper who has taken too many blackpills

4chanx will randomize filenames

Sargon of akkad is responsible for the kekistan flags

That too. I just want peace, y'know?

Except bronies stay in their own fucking containment board + /trash/ 99% of the time unlike nu-Sup Forums

The past few years I lived in a warzone and I'm pretty sure I've caught some ukrainian kikes.