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Video Games #3826
Video Games
If BB is so great then why did it sell like crap and didn't get a single valuable award?
Lara Croft has fallen on hard times and lost her home and fortune. You'll help her out user, won't you?
JANNU thread
What are some GOOD roguelikes to waste time on?
SGDQ 2017
Will it be Mario or Bowser that Peach will Marry?
Favorite New Vegas casino and why is it the Tops
That game what makes you realize that you are an old and jaded fagot who can't enjoy things anymore
Are SJW's really the problem with gaming?
Rate a saga
Are there any games where you can maximize friendliness?
Bad Habit
These two MMOs are the most successful and critically acclaimed games of the genre
Which game is better if I want to mindlessly grind away at some monsters to find cool drops...
Dont mind me, just being the best zone in all of the game
Game has no ending
Are we ever gonna have someone else make a new console
ITT Sup Forums meme games you fell for
Necro released
Will we ever get open world games with maps like this?
Despite its incredible potential, there was never a good Fullmetal Alchemist game. Why?
Now that the dust has settled, what is the better game?
I bet all the people that bullied you are jacking off to futanari in secret now if its any consolation
Why does Sup Forums suck at video games?
SGDQ 2017
Video game girls that do anal
You'll be buying her game when it comes out, right?
Is this series worth playing?
Have you heard of the high elves?
Has trash talk in online gaming gone too far?
Graphics thread?
Why was Persona 4 so much better?
Okay, Sup Forums. Redpill me
Quick, user!
Holy fuck, you're telling me i can go anywhere and explore what i want
Running consumes stamina
Final Fantasy VI
Is turn based an oudated mechanic?
Remember when Penny Arcade was kind of okay?
Every fucking game nowadays has to be multiplayer / co-op / raid focused / p2p connected / look for people to be able...
You have 10 seconds to name a single Sup Forums character that would be a match for Droidekas
DBZ is getting a new actual fighter by ArcSys
Megaman Starforce thread
2017 console game
Sony is photoshopping Anthem's Xbox One X footage and passing it off as PlayStation 4 gameplay
SGDQ 2017
Anyone know who they are?
Will we ever get games with non-human characters again?
Who else /getting old/ here?
Start brand new
I'm letting my girlfriend play this for the first time
Should Todd Howard kill himself?
Which Nintendo girl has the best ass?
Which one is better?
PS1 remakes!
Why was this allowed?
Gravity Rush Manga
Friend invites you over for video games
KOTOR 2 Prestige classes
How the fuck is this thing actually doing?
Load up old game
What's the biggest scam ever conducted in gaming ?
Top 5 games on Steam by playtime
ITT: Games absolutely destroyed by the developers
Name five RPGs with good combat
Game series artstyle worsens over time
Who's your favorite Pokemon, Sup Forums?
Characters are no longer allowed to be this masculine, macho, american, or patriotic
Is Master Chief the only iconic character from the 21th century?
It's finally fucking over bros
ITT: Buyer's remorse
Meanwhile xbox users get a 500$ system that runs Minecraft in 4K and other games at 30 FPS
Who's your main in Smash Bros user?
Are there any games where it's mostly Orc related?
Itt: post characters you wish you were good at
"Last surprise is the best Persona battle the-"
Say ONE nice thing about this and GTA ONLINE
Final boss
So that's what a Haru fan looks like
You've been made the head writer for Persona 6
PC "gaming"
Describe your ideal Sonic game
Discuss this Wog
Vermin fight club
Why did you fuckers recommend this to me?
This thing actually came out
Games that aged well
Would you hangout with luigi
Uh oh! What is this??
Is this the most overrated franchise of all time? The games are so boring and put me to sleep...
Morrigan or Leliana?
Was being underpowered a mistake...
This is sabers daughter
How do you build a gaming pc in the age of bitcoiners?
Is VR still just a meme? Or is it worth getting now? Pic related, epic rick and morty game
Anyone else looking forward to the new AC?
The last game you played is now the reality in which you exist
How terrible is the taste in your state?
Metroid bread
Kirby Thread
Tfw no good dinosaur games
The great debate
Twitch @ gamesdonequick
The guy on the right is the creator of Undertale
Reminder that if GTA: SA came out today Sup Forums would hate it cuz "muh niggers'
Why is WoW dying? Is it because of the Diablo elements?
This is a Princess
Does this apply to you?
There are people on Sup Forums who haven't played the comfiest game of all time
Realising that Toby Fox had created Undertale by the time he was 24, It fills you with
A subtle difference
Seen this on MvM today
Dead or Alive
"Here's your controller bro, just enter the videogames channel, do you remember the number?"
Earthbound or Mother 3?
Will SMTfags ever recover?
I just punched my niece in the chest because she wouldn't stop fucking laughing at me for getting this screen all...
Daily reminder that you're not Anthony Burch
So how hard will the new Atari system fuck every other system on a scale of 1 to groovy?
Beat game
Why the fuck is Mantis a cunt in MGS4? I thought he got redeemed when he died in MGS1
Dead already
Any Fallout 4 tips?
Splatoon 2 Direct 7.6.2017
Perfect RPGs don't exi-
Dzień dobry, stalker!
Do you miss 2004?
Why do Neptunia sequels have only 5% voice acting? Nepgear deserves better
Why were ps2 commercials so fucked up?
You're chilling in your base and this guy slaps your gf's ass. Wat do?
Danganronpa Fighting Game hinted at?
SGDQ 2017
Where do you think the next Fallout will be set?
Excited Sup Forums?
Is there anyway to revive arcades?
I know I'm way late to the party but I just started this game, and I'm loving it so far...
His companies died, his dream games failed, and everything collapsed around him...
Xbots BTFO
This is the best fighting game ever made
What did you think of SOMA?
Is this the pinnacle of video game voice acting?
What is your favorite location in a GTA game?
Just a reminder that you are morally in the clear to pirate Nintendo games
Racing game?
What do you want to see in a sequel?
Holy shit I can do whatever I want
What is the best god of war game?
Elite Dangerous Legendary Edition (PS4)
This... looks fun
How the FUCK, did we go from this
Holiday Predictions
Reminder that if you play mobile gacha games...
100% OJ
Anyone else hyped for this?
The great debate
Why do Americans dislike Yukiko?
What do you think of pixel art in video games?
What are you playing on your PS4?
Death at the gates again, howling my name. Can't greet you today, I have a war to win
Pretty sure they increased her bust size
SGDQ 2017
What are some science fiction games that everyone should avoid? Stuff like pic related
Lets have a good ol Megaman thread
Let's have a third world gaming thread
Will Super Mario Odyssey top BotW to be 2017's game of the year?
Andromeda thread
Comfy Idort thread
Your favorite multiplayer game is dead or is dying (less than 900 players online)
ITT: FUCK YOU, I liked it
Get on the mic bro, we gotta work as a team
PUBG will sell 20 million
Should I give the game a second chance...
Splatoon 2 will be 3.1GB digitally
Why is it okay when japan does it?!
Webum thread. Post webums
Perfect games don't exis-
Here's a twist:
ITT we make the perfect souls game
RTS games will never be popular again
Seriously? they even put a gay couple, in a game like this?
Why dont video games have deep storytelling about goblins
SGDQ 2017 - Sidescrollers
Speedrunning is autistic
What would you like to see in Skullgirls 2?
How do we fix Sup Forums
Who was in the wrong here?
Steam Link
Why is it so hard to find horror games that play like RE7?
Sup Forumsidya related /cringe/ thread post em
In SC you lost because you didnt outplay your opponent
Post most recently played games
Nintendo Direct this Thursday
Have a bunch of normie friends to play vidya with
Switch being as popular as it is, should Valve just buy the SmachZ and develop it themselves to create competition?
What are some games that got sequels nobody asked for
TRPGs with great story. Pic related
How is your country represented in videogames?
Game permanently ruins character's iconic design
Development Hell Thread
Favorite Warcraft zone and why?
ITT: Dead franchises
Since the Steam summer sale is ending soon you can beg,buy,trade and discuss this season's sale
Just bought it, only played the first one. What am i in for?
Microsoft think they can convince people to stop playing Switch and PS4 by appealing to TERAFLOPS and MEMORY BANDWIDTH...
Itt games you must play if you own a computer
Bad Game Reviews
How do protagonists in stealth games manage to stay in the same stance for so long? Seems like hell on your thighs
This is a Lei Fang thread
This was really great
When did it happen to you?
What are the cancer that is ruining video games Sup Forums?
Why do so many people think this game is hard?
You will never play Danganronpas for the first time ever again
What are your favorite freeware indie games? Like OFF, 14/??, Yume Nikki, etc
How's everyone enjoying Crash Bandijew?
Japanese video games have perfect gamepla-
Injustice 2 or Tekken 7?
Now that 18+ version is confirmed in the West, will you be buying Maitetsu from our guys at Sekai Project?
Do you buy retail or digital?
Which one do you want to bang?
Post your face when Bayonetta 1&2 was announced for the Nintendo Switch
We have live long enough to see Valve selling early access western porn games on Steam
Which one is better?
So, who are you maining in DB FighterZ and why is it her?
If you were making a game and needed some artistic talent, would you consider hiring Deimos for help?
Risk of Rain
Switch will get ga-
How did this two games get away with blatantly copying Heroes of the Storm mechanics?
Seven(7) years later
Platformers aren't popular
What is the legit worst game you've ever played. Maybe not worst...
Porting japanese games to steam is totally wort-
Hey user, would you mind opening the door? I just need to take a quick look at your steam library
Can we pinpoint the moment Valve ceased to be the company that made Half-Life and Half-Life 2...
Who's your favorite videogame streamer?
Sup Forums FCPD. we have heard that Sup Forums has been around in your threads. Would you mind answering some questions?
What does Sup Forums think of Tekken 7?
Return of the Party Van?
Why do American called Rockman "Mega Man"?
What is the best MMO mount?
Press F to pay respects
Why are fighting game casts so well designed?
Defend this
Why do games still use this outdated leveling system...
Tell me glitches in video games youve seen other people wouldnt believe
How's that Youtube Channel going Sup Forums?
Why is it tanking? I thought Crash was more popular than Mario?
I know we shitpost a lot about Guild Wars 2, but let's forget about that for a moment...
Which is worth buying more, La-mulana, Pharaoh Rebirth, or Hollow Knight?
Do we all here agree 2017 is the best year since 1998?
Why did Nintendo get rid of it on Switch?
Death March makes the combat so much better, bro
Is it wrong if I use a guide for my first playthrough? I had a lot of trouble...
King's honor, friend
Boot up Neverwinter Nights 1 out of nostalgia
The reason this game won't be successful is because it doesn't have any cute girls or sex appeal
Why are most fans of this trash underage nostalgia faggots?
How would you rank these four games?
This game is bad!
What the fuck just happend?
Harder difficulties turn enemies to bullet sponges
>RTS is more strategic than MOBA
You HAVE bought his books and are donating to his Patreon... right Sup Forums?
Ape Escape 4 or Bloodborne II?
Choose your main character
What would you do if you were Link?
What do you think the inevitable sequel to this 10/10 GOTY masterpiece should be called?
Horror game
Why is everyone only now realizing how "hard" this game is? since when was crash hard anyways? it's 20 years old...
What could save them guys?
How would you make a game based on the Flash?
This guy is coming over to play video games with you. What games do you play?
What makes Princess Peach so likable?
Is this really happening?
What if it's all just a character?
1. This is Kasumi!
Will you be getting a Nintendo 2DS XL Sup Forums?
Who is the DJ Khaled of video games?
Gamesradar is at it again
Will the Xbox One version be best? Assuming it makes use of Xbox One X hardware
How do I git gud at this game
It's over
Assassin's Creed Unity was in fact the best assassin's creed
Are you hype for Monster Hunter World, Sup Forums?
ITT: Games with amazing endings
Honey Wii U marry me?
PS4 footage of the crappy "Bioware" (i.e...
What did they mean by this
SGDQ 2017
ITT: Memorable vidya quotes
ITT: Shit you will never let go
Sony BTFO'ed by Sony
Why is Japan the only country making good games? The only games worth playing this year have all been Japanese...
Which video game character has suffered the most?
Is speedrunning the most autistic "hobby" imaginable?
Jonathan Blow: "Japanese games treat you like an idiot"
Monster Hunter Thread
Can we still play this together Sup Forums?
Battlefield 3 was released 6 years ago
Mspaint and progressive walking simulator garbage have better scores than a game because ''it's too difficult''
Sequel lets you revisit an area from the first game for some nostalgia
Seriously, why is the Switch still doing so well?
ITT: "that" player
Compared to Wii U, Switch is a lot str-
How do we stop this, Sup Forums?
PC gamers of Sup Forums, when is the last time you spent $60 on a video game?
It's locked
Xcom: Enemy within
Why do Sonyponis keep up this meme of Uncharted 4 and HZD being amazing graphical milestones...
How did she become the face of FF11?
Sup Forumsermin thread
Who was this person again?
This is a King of New-Londo
Why did they make Sorceress a tiddy monster?
ITT: Fuck you i liked it
If you were Link, would you forgive her for getting everyone in Hyrule killed?
Meet The Spy was 8 years ago
Hunger system
You have FIVE seconds to name the most HORRIFYING videogame of all time
Weebshit vs Japanese games
It still hurts Sup Forumsros
What did they mean by this?
Which is worth buying more, La-mulana or Hollow Knight?
What is the appeal of idol games?
That one kid who used the soup bowl at lunch to glitch through the wall into the girls bathroom
This is the holy trinity of Final Fantasy games. This is an objective fact
What is the best civ for killing everyone
This Week on Yo-Kai Watch
Have to try and come up with a reason why there's fucking robot dinosaurs
Did we ever decipher what the deal with him was?
SGDQ - Actual Discussion Edition
Fallout Discussion
Why is the speed running scene so mentally ill?
SGDQ 2017
Sony is photoshopping Anthem's Xbox One X footage and passing it off as PlayStation 4 gameplay
Game uses it's currency as also an important crafting resource
I only put 3 points on STR
This is the definitive version of the game. I hope no one argues otherwise...
Post you favorite and least favorite things about your gaming pc
Server rules:no swearing
Why does Sup Forums hate this game?
Why is Japan so fucking dense?
ITT: Worthless party members
Best of Sup Forums thread?
Sonic 06
SGDQ - ANIME Sluts Edition
Quiplash when?
Is there a more "literally who?" boss than this?
Stressful work, look forward to the free time for some video games
Do any anons stream?
You have 5 fucking seconds to name a hidden Gameboy advance gem that you have played in your lifetime...
If they came to see me beg...they will be disappointed
So is this game any good? It's 4 bucks right now
Name a more underrated console
Best Character Select Screen
Tell me the last game you played or I shoot
Hey Holmes, Tsukasa es me casa
What Went Wrong?
The Metroid Prime trilogy
Is the 3gb that bad for the 1060? I'll be upgrading from a 650ti and just wanna play games in 1080p without lagging...
What's the best switch game and why is it binding of isaac
/aos/ - Ace of Spades
I just beat Tales of Berseria, can we talk about how fun it was? The characters were really fun and dynamic together...
This looks very fun why the fuck did they add Rabbids
Any games where I can be a dwarf and mindlessly fuck shit up?
What makes a character's design good or bad?
Nier automata tops 2 million copies
DOOM 2016
Why does almost everyone completely miss the point of hotline miami and every character in hotline miami 2...
Meta Thread
He bought a 1050 Ti
What are some vidya monkey's paws?
What does Sup Forums think of this or any other shows focused on vidya crated by normies who no nothing about gaming?
Gentlemen, I have a problem...
Am I a Hipster for wanting to play games on one of these?
SGDQ - Sluts Edition
Sup Forums says game is good
How come Killzone never got as big as Halo despite Sony's constant shilling?
Why don't people just emulate the originals?
Shenmue III Latest Update
Favorite 2D Mario
With Xbox One getting Xbox BC starting this fall, what are some games you would like to see...
Can someone please explain to me how the living fuck Naughty Dog expected kids to 100% this game?
Tfw bought a PS4 today
Cheap Steam RPGs
What video games did you play today?
How do you Nintendorks feel about this video?
"That was too close!"
Is it good?
How can videogames expect to compete with this kino?
Is Touhou legitimately fun? The shitty fanarts and endless circlejerking put me off greatly
Vermin Fight Club
This is bad
Hey! It's Dunkeyyyyyyy!
Webm Thread
Is her game worth $42?
What made Rare think this was acceptable?
Post yfw 0 hp
He didn't pick Triss
Project Diva
Tfw you will never play big titties for the ps2
SGDQ - Give Jeb his Guac Edition
Why this expression? What did the game devs mean by this
Try to predict what the negatives reviewers and/or shitposters will say
Steam Summer Sale 2017
Cont. of how to save your princess. Keep it vidya so it doesn't get pruned
Which one? Is the New 3DS worth it for the few exclusives and the actual portability...
Who is the strongest vidya man?
ITT: best game in their respective series
This is the Gravity Queen. Say something nice to her!
Now that Crash Bandicoot managed to revive the platformer genre who do you want to see get remasters next...
Trophy: Out of the Frying Pan
What is the greatest win quote in all of fighting games?
This is a demon
Great or Iconic character designs
Last month has been shit
What are some good video games that feature goats?
.hack//last recode
Fate Extra/Extella/CCC/No Go
SMT thread
Is Sonic irredeemable at this point?
Why's this eceleb shit allowed on Sup Forums?
Name one thing wrong with Vinesauce. You can't. Best group of streamers out there
A-user, why are you pulling down my underwear?
Why does Sup Forums pretend to hate this game?
ITT: Characters you would fug
SGDQ 2017 - PLASMA POWER edition
What video game series do you want revived?
Should I buy black desert online on steam?
I-it's over
So is anyone still playing Rev 2?
E3 2018
Still no HxH game
It's been confirmed! loldrg has been dethroned and now it's lolsam
DKC3 is underrated
How do you respond Sup Forums?
Are video game dying?
Little Witch Academia: Chamber of Time
How will you save the princess this time Sup Forums?
Stop critic dark souls 2
As usual, mods are humongous fucking faggots that delete vidya-related threads
It's time to discuss the best Halo
Name a vidya character that could defeat her
Is she the most perfect human ever to exist on this Earth?
What's it going to be, Sup Forums? Dubs unlocks it
Should Nintendo try harder to appeal to Youtubers/reviewers that showcase their games/content?
Why did MMOs die?
Why is the Amazon such a bad and boring class?
ITT: We post screencaps of our "Installed" Library and let other anons judge us
W-where are my fellow Daddy-o's? We need to keep the groove goin and prove to them jive turkeys we aren't just a phase...
Childhood nightmare fuel enemies
Do you think Door-kun will come back?
Is this game actually good or is it all shills?
You know the drill. Post ID's and play VIDEO GAMES
What went wrong?
Sony constantly tried to push remote play
This game wouldn't have flopped if it wasn't called "Prey"
What do you think of the character Chun Li from street fighter?
Game released in 2011
Why is Halo dead?
/aos/ - Ace of Spades
Gamesdonequick @ twitch
ITT: trigger Sup Forums
*kills your franchise*
How bad is the dub for this game?
Ok guys why should i buy a PS4, no bullshit answers
Perfect games don't exi-
*surrounds you*
When was the last time you played video games with other people in real life?
What was the PS4s first big system seller?
Dark Arisen/Dragon's Dogma
Choose Wisely
Best. Gen. Ever
SGDQ: Alright Edition
How is it?
Why is Sup Forums so bad at fighting games?
Break rule on one autistic board with a bad moderator
Create the best first person combat system ever
Can you get a gf at some games/anime convention?
Would you be Sombra's slave?
Is this gonna be the greatest game of all time? I'm honestly excited af desu senpai
What's a good gaming PC that doesn't go over $1,000?
Vermin Fight Club
Have you ever had a dream related to vidya? Was it a dream that was realistic, or was it weird?
Why are bows always defaulted to female characters?
Greatest fighting game ever made?
How is it not ok to sexualize women, but it's acceptable if it's men?
You nostalgia, you lose
It's many years later and I'm still mad at just how unbelievably badly they ruined the plot/storyline
Just bought this, aside from Super Resident evil 4 EX Hyper Ultra HD UNRATED Remix, what should I expect...
Game goes from a 8/10 to a 10/10 in a single dungeon
Have you ever encountered a glitch in a video game that legitimately scared you?
Come play the real Star Wars Battlefront II™ with Sup Forums
SGDQ 2017
Game has dragon race
Atreyu starts playing
Is it good?
Game is known for sexy women that you can take their clothes off while fighting
No region lock
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Will you play her game Sup Forums?
New game
With Nintendo looking to branch out their IPs into other forms of media...
What game would you remove from existence?
You're in charge of making a jrpg. You have to give it something to make it original. What do you do with it?
Name a better friend in all of vidya
Have you ever modded a console?
SGDQ 2017
ITT: Only the purest of vidya characters
Beat game
Do you like jumpscares in video games?
Is this worth picking up for 20 dollars?
Just beat this for the first time. Had a great time, I actually think I like it just a little more than 3FES...
Was he right?
Never should have come here!
Character appears in games outside his series
Game has developer commentary tracks
I want Valve to buy out Nintendo. (Pic unrelated)
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...