Will Super Mario Odyssey top BotW to be 2017's game of the year?
Will Super Mario Odyssey top BotW to be 2017's game of the year?
95-98 will be the metacritic
Most likely an 96.
I can see a 94 happening as well.
It'll be in the 77-82 range like ARMS
It will realistically be pic related and there's nothing v can do about it. (game of the year means "best game in the average persons opinion")
Odyssey will be second or third (with botw taking the other place).
Nothing else will even come close to any of these 3 games.
probably real goty is Nioh.
Maybe you don't agree with me now, but when the game comes out it will get a 90-95 metacritic and somewhere in the 80s user score.
It's fine if you don't understand this now, because when the game comes out I will have all the reassurance I need. Talk is cheap so don't try to argue, I prefer the proof I'll get after my prediction comes true.
>Forgotten about near immediately after release, even on v where it was shilled 24/7
Maybe you don't agree with me now, but when the game comes out it will get a 95-100 metacritic and somewhere in the 90s user score.
It's fine if you don't understand this now, because when the game comes out I will have all the reassurance I need. Talk is cheap so don't try to argue, I prefer the proof I'll get after my prediction comes true.
Then the bet is on.
Only time will tell, and the amount of money Nintendo pays the critics.
How can a game that is played by so little people because the lack of Switch available be GOTY?
>damage controlling before the damage is done
top kek
Welcome to Sup Forums.
thank god you're here I was looking for the designated shitposting thread
It's interesting how everyone assumes Nintendo could keep paying every critic from every country for basically every game they've ever released. I mean they can't just pay them once since then maybe at least ONE critic would come out and say that they were paid to give Zelda 10/10.
Won't happen even if it's perfect. 99 is basically the highest you can get. And even then any cuck SJW critic could drag down the entire score by themselves like they did with BotW.
that's half of them
the other half is the "blindly calling people smarter than you retarded" threads
Personally, I don't like the way the game looks. It has nu-nintendo written all over it. Everything from mario's gay hat partner to the way they modeled his cheeks. It just feels like another step deeper into the giant pile of shit nintendo has created recently.
That being said it's probably gonna get great scores and be hailed as the best game ever. The only real criticisms will come out after the hype has died down.
What is your definition of nu-nintendo? Try not to sperg over your keyboard when writing this response.
what did he mean by this?
Oh yeah. Normal people will wonder why it's getting such high praise for a 70-75 game, but it will get perfect scores across the board from magazines. If they want to keep getting advanced copies, and free trips, that is.
>It has nu-nintendo written all over it
you mean asses and waifu pandering?
Nintendo has always been for kids, but they went from being like Nerf to going full Fisher-Price.
this, how did Sony and Microsoft drop the ball so hard?
Don't be dumb, it's more like nintendo used to be mustard, but now it's ketchup
But ketchup is better than mustard
nintendo pays enough for mario reviews to get their 90 on metacritic
You guys act like you've never heard that term used before. You must be in denial.
There was definetly a shift in tone in most Nintendo games right around the time the 3ds released. NoA must've gotten some loser translators because I lot of the translations in games were quirky and memey. Not only that but the quality of a lot of their games declined too.
They're not the same company that they used to be and the failiure of the wii u is a result of that.
No, you don't understand at all, it's more like nintendo used to be linguine, but now it's macaroni
no you fucking retards. nintendo used to be like jello pudding, now it's like kodak film
All this text and still no answer. Congrats.
>There was definetly a shift in tone in most Nintendo games right around the time the 3ds released.
No you just got older.
Actually Nintendo is like the new coke; it'll be around forever.
He is right, and they shifted back this year.
how the fuck can you look at the Switch compared to Wii U, BoTW compared to Skyward Sword or Mario Odyssey compared to 3D World and say Nintendo is MORE kiddie now
The Nintendo as I knew it died at about the time the Wii was released.
> tfw the Nintendo logo went from iconic red to grey
> tfw the Wii was the first console not to have "Nintendo" in the name
>You guys act like you've never heard that term used before. You must be in denial.
I actually haven't. But in denial about what?
>There was definetly a shift in tone in most Nintendo games right around the time the 3ds released.
I don't know, you're talking about published games, developed games or just licensed games?
>They're not the same company that they used to be and the failiure of the wii u is a result of that.
That argument has been around the N64 , lad.
Never has a company gone from completely irrelevant to both their fans and the industry to being at the top, again, so fast.
They're back now. I dropped everything nintendo around 2008 up until this year. BotW is honestly that good. Combined with E3 this year. It's safe to say that they are back.
They also switched the Logo back to red a year ago.
Yeah, holy shit. It's the huge focus on actual games since Switch is more of a no-nonsense console than the Wii U and the Switch. No more resources wasted on Vitality Sensor and other crap.
At this rate I can't help but to be exited for F-Zero's glorious return.
>the Wii U and the Switch
The Wii and Wii U, I mean. Derp.
Some people just can't deal with most nintendo games getting good scores
It's more or less just sonybros who claim 'paid reviews,' or just general nintendo haters. No actually intelligent person thinks nintendo has to pay for reviews