Earthbound or Mother 3?

Earthbound or Mother 3?

I prefer Mother 3 personally. The story is more interesting and the gameplay is less slow.

how is that comfortable

Most animals tend to have more flexable necks than us.

>letting a dog on your bed
Americans, everyone.

why does she have a shave on her belly

Deer are so affectionate, loving and serene.

Reminds me of all the guys on /k/ that like to finger deers and molest coyotes.


Mother 3 is too deep 4 u

>faggots kill this things safely at range for "sports"

is that the ultimate definition of micropenis?

IMO it's okay if they eat them afterwards. These creatures aren't endangered.

Deer are pieces of shit.

>I have no idea what I'm talking about.

Posting OC because you're shit.

Deer think you're pretty shit too.

Why not both? also comfy deer is comfy!

>Reminds me of all the guys on /k/ that like to finger deers and molest coyotes

What kind of dog is that?

As are humans so why don't you swallow a bullet.

is it kill?

I'm all bones, nobody would even want to eat me.

rip moose


There's always lambshades...

I recall a set of pictures and a story where he used a vibrating egg on a doe, turned on max, had it tied up, and left it running for close to 30 minutes so the deer could orgasm itself to exhaustion.