Andromeda thread

Will Bioware ever recover?

Depends if they stop working for EA.

Post that video
You know the one

How did they let it get this bad?

10 years working under EA will do that to you.

Today's Bioware is a husk of its former self. Practically everyone that made the studio what it once was has long since left. All that's left now are a bunch of college grad new hires and maybe a few holdouts.

Also, it doesn't help that Andromeda was developed by a new studio composed entirely of cheap college grads. The studio responsible for the ME trilogy and Dragon Age didn't have anything to do with Andromeda.


I love how not even the biggest biodrones can defend them anymore.

God I hope Anthem fails hard.

Mass Effect was left to rot for EA's Destiny clone.

Oh yeah, this happened.....

Because of this Bioware had a proverbial loaded gun to there head by EA. If Anthem doesn't produce the numbers they expected they are looking at being dissolved like many other devs in the past. Which is fine by me. Bioware is too worried about making every special snowflake happy versus making an actual good game.

>post yfw we live in a world where a company feels more about hiring certain people rather than people with skills

you know it

>is equality satirical


>Have ME1 sitting on my hard drive for over a year
>Decide to give it a go at the beginning of February
>Basically fall in love tho its far from perfect (ME2 is possibly the most overrated game of last gen next to Skyrim)
>Finish entire trilogy within a month
>Ignore all news about Andromeda
>Cannot escape the pre launch pr shitstorm
>Play Andromeda as soon as it cracks
>Cannot finish it its so bad
>Annoying ass characters
>Shitty 3rd person combat that replaces actual side quests and exploration
>Experience SJW agenda in full force

And then they show this dogshit co op multiplayer shooter that is chasing that dirty Division/ Destiny $$

How the fuck is this the studio that brought us Dragon Age and Mass Effect? Jesus Christ..

Was that the Unity team?

Did anything ever come of that witch hunt over the supposed lead animator?

Even the promotional art is ugly.

>How the fuck is this the studio that brought us Dragon Age and Mass Effect?
It isn't. Whole new studio made of nu-males and feminists interns with zero skills with the BioWare name slapped on it, not to mention the constant change of management with everyone not knowing what the fuck they were doing.
Besides, most of the original Mass Effect team left BioWare. Don't know about Dragon Age, but the main writer left too.

Don't worry Anthem will surely bring Bioware back on track :^)

The cosplay chick? She didn't even work on Andromeda rumor has it she is on Anthem

the thing is though is that anthem doesn't even look that special. it's like a reactionary game made after looking at the success of games like destiny and the division. it doesn't seem to be trying too much new and comes across as bland

hmm how do we help promote equality in game development ? maybe if we imply that all these female devs only got their job because of their gender itll help haha.


>How the fuck is this the studio that brought us Dragon Age and Mass Effect? Jesus Christ..

It's not. That's the problem.

It's gonna fail, EA is completely delusional if they think they can compete with Activision and a developer with a rabid fanbase like Bungie.

I concur, and I'm a mongoloid

>hey lets take the MEA combat and slap it into a new game for our actual developers to make
>make it a destiny clone, but this time release it on all platforms
>oops looks like they announced destiny 2

Is this really the best they could fucking do?

How does it feel knowing these two spectrum riders are the best looking characters you be able to play as considering that all the other presets look like members of Biowhere staff

Bungie's fanbase is dying off quick

Bungie has surgically removed all traces of creativity out of fear that designs could be deemed offensive to people.

I sure as fuck hope they don't, companies that hire for diversity instead of hiring actually skilled people should just burn

Scott looks good tho

>the best they could fucking do
Reminder that Cora is pretty much just Miranda's earlier design. Even the backstory is similar (she's the Illusive Man's daughter something Cerberus something something)

Those are some really shitty dialogue options
>y-you arrogant jerk!

Vetra was a disappoint

I want to cuddle, passionately kiss and hand halds with Vetra

>I mean 'hold hands'
If God truly existed I would have a turian gf by now

They have to, if Anthem is going to succeed.

The Andromeda team was allotted five years and a budget to match. They spent the better part of three years faffing about trying to make a No Man's Sky clone before realizing it wouldn't work and trashing the whole thing. What you see release is the result of 18 months of work, not five years of work.

massfags are truly the proof that a certain product can survive on porn alone

>How the fuck is this the studio that brought us Dragon Age and Mass Effect?

Those games happened before EA bought Bioware.

I don't give a shit about Andromeda I just want a turian waifu

I don't get why people are miffed at Bioware taking a shot at Anthem when it's clear they're branching out and trying something else. They got ragged on at E3 for it. "This is a Bioware game? Wew, don't they make narrative RPGs? What're they doing making a would-be console MMO shooter?"