Why was Persona 4 so much better?

Why was Persona 4 so much better?

Rain = Maximum comfiness.

inb4 moved to /vg/

Better than what? It's better than 1 and 5 but not 2 and 3.

How can anyone think this? 3 is a better story, and 5 has better atmosphere. Tokyo > inaba.

4 has better characters, a more personal story, and a better antagonist. 4's atmosphere is also better if you enjoy small town more than city

>5 has better atmosphere
I just don't understand how you can think this.

[Unsolicited opinions on 2 not being a Persona Game???]

I tired to play 4 but didn't make it to the first real dunegon, there was a whole lot of plot happening first and it wasn't really interesting to me. 5's plot had alot of issues but still managed to be interesting from the get go, you're in the first dungeon before you're first day of school also and the Palaces are pretty cool.

>and a better antagonist.

But it's worse than 5 and better than 3.

>implying any persona villian is better than adachi

5 had no atmosphere and Tokyo is such a generic setting




Probably because the villain personified everyone on Sup Forums

and it was much more simple/predictable, making it easy for the retarded minds of Sup Forums to grasp

>generic big bad just like every other persona game final final boss
>people like him just because he's cocky
>literal who CEO who is tricked by the actual big bad
>people like him just because he's cocky
Adachi is cocky, but he is also relateable and has far more going for him in terms of the narrative with you and the team


Also reminder that Adachi was a wild card that never was, it's unfortunate he was so unwilling to open up to people, he's far deeper than one might see on the surface, especially if you've played Ultimax

>generic big bad
>actually won
>won because people help him do it by meme his prophecy and the whiole thing with Jun just like he said they would

Nyarly actually prove himself unlike other villains and Phil has to literally cheat like the salty loser he is

3 > 5 > 2 > 4 > 1

Adachi was far less predictable than Akechi, what are you going on about?

Persona 4 shook up things far more than P5 story wise.


It wasn't? What kind of retard actually think Persona 4 is the best one?

Oh yeah because the Phantom Thieves story was such a complex and deep one user

Just because he "won" doesn't necessarily make him a great villain. If you wanted to argue a better villian, Jun is far more interesting in how he relates to the party and the overarching story. If anything Nyarly is just a more fleshed out Izanami, but that isn't really saying much since all he does is show up and laugh at you in the story till the end. I don't see how this is better than someone like Adachi who has actual meaning to your party, pulls off a nice twist, and shows actual depth to his character if you did his social link

more colors and best Ace defective

I'm tired of you fucking retards judging games you've never played. 1 isn't bad by any means.

To be quite honest I'm just so tired of watching Atlas milk Persona 4's dick that I don't even remember what I liked about it in the first place, I'm so bored of its main cast that anything else looks better really. It's still good but I found Persona 3 to be a bit more of an enjoyable experience

I don't understand how can people prefer a game that is literally archaic and unpolished compared to every other game in the series, thats like saying "Tekken 1 is better than Tekken 7"

Philemon's return when?

I really enjoyed what I played of 1 but when I played on the Playstation, the load time was awful. Was this fixed on the PSP port? I got it as a gift, but never got around to playing.

You've never fucking played it.
Gameplay-wise its the best
Aesthetic-wise its the best
Persona design is the best in the series
Has the second best plot
No stupid social link bullshit

Not him, but that's not a fair comparison. 1 has vastly different systems and story structure compared to 3 onward. If you prefer that more rigorous dungeon crawling and combat structure, 1 and the 2's are your only option among persona since 3 onward doesn't offer much. 1 is my second favorite behind 4, it's interesting and despite being dated is plenty of fun

it has a cute reverse trap

It wasn't better though.

He's been in every game you fucking dumbass.

except 5.

the butterfly was lavenza

I mean his proper masked form.

The Butterfly IS his proper/true form, at least more so than the guy in a butterfly mask.

I guess, I just found his more human like form to be interesting.

Adachi is actually somewhat of a surprise because all the clues leading to him could just as easily be applied to Dojima. In fact, if you try to conclude that Dojima is suspicious, the game tells you that he had plenty of opportunity and no solid alibi. He also clearly has a lot of pent-up rage over not being able to find his wife's killer, so it's not far-fetched to think he may have gone off the deep end at some point in his career after discovering TV magic. Plus, he leaves Nanako home all alone when the killer's letter says that someone close to Yu will be targeted. Not to mention that on the surface, he is far more competent and clever than the bumbling doofus Adachi pretends to be.

Meanwhile in P5:
>Enter Goro Adach- I mean Akechi, a young ace detective who is supposed to be a suave, smooth-talking pretty-boy that all the ladies swoon over
>...except he comes off as a creepy weirdo the entire game, antagonizing the Phantom Thieves for no particularly good reason and stalking Joker way before he has any solid leads on him
How could anyone think he wouldn't be the one who ends up betraying you?

I think the game pretty blatantly tells you it's Akechi but the real interesting part is the twist that the team knew that already and they tricked him

That's true I suppose. I just think they really dropped the ball with Akechi as a character. Nevermind the fact that he's a young detective investigating the same crimes as the mystery gang, and that his name is two letters away from Adachi. Ultimately he and the Thieves had the same goal, to bring down Shido, and he completely throws that opportunity away and gets himself killed because daddy issues.

Yeah I guess the game was maybe just trying to show us he was a nutter with no real logical reasons for what he was doing, what would have been better if the game gave us more time with him after the black mask fight instead of trying to cram his forgiveness there and then, and we could find out more about who he really is.

Agreed. I would even have preferred to see him escape and show back up in the middle of the Shido fight and make a heroic sacrifice. Anything to show he still had reason and wasn't just loony like Adachi.

That would have been great, him just being a nutter really didn't work that well compared to Adachi's simple hate of the world and his nihilism.

I actually really like Adachi because he's kind of like a bizarro version of Naoto. Instead of taking his mediocrity in stride and trying to improve himself and prove his worth, he just says "fuck it" and starts killing people to spice up his life and see how long he can get away with it. The fact that he does this primarily to women who refuse to fuck him is also hilarious. Would have loved to see more dialogue between those two, since Naoto's character arc is largely about the male-dominated work environment of the police department.

What a shitty character

Did we even see any Naoto - Adachi interactions outside of the final confrontation, because damn that's a missed oppurtunity. And yeah the Adachi paralleling Naoto is really quite interesting and something I never really thought about, mainly because I always saw him as the anti-Yu. Instead of making friends to alleviate his boredom when coming to a new town, he just fucks with people.

Not really. The confrontation in the hospital is awesome though, you can tell she has Adachi by the balls with Dojima there and Adachi's only course of action is to GTFO.

This is the only reason, and it angers Sup Forums everytime. He's /r9k/ in the flesh.
5 > 3 > 4

Persona 5 made 4 look like garbage, what the fuck are you on?
5 = 3 > 2 > 4 > 1

>adachi villain
The adachi did nothing wrong meme lead me to skip P4 for so long, but after playing it he's merely a """""""""""""""""""""""""pawn""""""""""""""""""""""""" weren't he?

I liked Akechi almost as much as Adachi because for Akechi (even though I somehow figured out he was Shido's son beforehand) he was pretty much the "opposite" of Joker. In the sense that he got the same power but he was set up to clash against Joker to see who's resolve would win, and had Akechi not heard "pancakes" he probably would have gotten away with his plans. He's smart, strong enough, and while I didn't like him relishing in the defeat of Joker it was part of his scheme. A scheme that Shido probably didn't expect (since regardless he would have sought to kill Akechi off in the end).

I don't like him as much as Adachi though because Adachi wasn't manipulatable. Akechi just needed praise to get strung around. Adachi just said fuck it and did his own thing.

How much better would he be if he were the final boss? Think about it.
>Instead of big wigs and corrupt politicians, all of the palace rulers are shitty people who do wrong because of the situation they find themselves in, not just because "lol evil"
>they're all things like murderers, rapists, or thieves who all have sympathetic elements and aren't portrayed as cartoonishly evil
>Kamoshida is a self-loathing gym teacher who experienced sexual abuse when he was younger and now does the same thing to his students
Maybe Kamoshida was a bad example 'cause he's generally considered one of the better villains, but you catch my drift, right? I feel it would have been better for the villains to be more human and sympathetic while still also obviously being evil yet personal enemies.

Not so much I think. He got his power and ran around with it. But the power was being handed out like hotcakes, practically. Adachi saw what he was able to do and instead of use it for justice or mostly petty revenge he got his jollies off on two girls and then played around just for the thrill.

I see the main big bad of P4 and P5 as both major figures that nobody would have really guessed because they kind of appeared with
"hardly" any foreshadowing. They pop up, change the direction of the game dramatically by the true ending route and suddenly provide an explanation for a lot of shit that wasn't really important until the very end of the game.

The game would have been better without Kaneshiro. He was an extremely generic baddie and the whole plan to expose him just made Makoto look super dumb. She's lucky she didn't get raped or killed before the party could catch up to her. Kamoshida, Madarame, and Okumura were fine because they were directly fucking with the lives of the party characters. Kaneshiro was filler. It's not like Makoto needed more screentime anyway.

>How much better would he be if he were the final boss, but we change everything about his character


there's no reason the characters afterwards couldn't have been done better

atlus just made the game peak way to early.

>Adachi is actually somewhat of a surprise
C'mon now. Adachi is a much better villain than Akechi, but he was just as obvious.
Dojima being a killer makes as much sense as Nanako.

I think it is. It's the first one I beat and even after finishing 3 (which a bunch of faggots on Sup Forums obsess over) I found 4 slightly more entertaining
Also Actual themed dungeons>>>Tartarus

I beg to differ. Dojima is shown to be emotionally unstable on numerous occasions, and he has plenty of opportunity to commit the murders because he's out of the house like 75% of the time. Nanako obviously couldn't do it because she's not strong enough to shove teens and adults into TVs.

Dojima was considered for the role of the killer. So was Yosuke.

>He was an extremely generic baddie and the whole plan to expose him just made Makoto look super dumb. She's lucky she didn't get raped or killed before the party could catch up to her

I feel like the Kaneshiro part would improve tenfold if it didn't have Makoto's incredibly stupid moment, there HAVE to have been other ways to set up the deadline. the game did a good job of hinting and foreshadowing Kaneshiro with all the reports and rumors at Shibuya, and the students at the school who's lives are being destroyed by his blackmail.

I mean, the arc already loses points for being the point of the game where everybody in the party collectively loses the ability to think for themselves thanks to Makoto's intro, so I think Kaneshiro's really not the one to fault here.

Philemon you are a cunt
all the more reason he should return

So was Yukiko, of all people.

Truly the greatest trickster.

If Adachi wasnt spoiled for me, I would've thought Yosuke too.

What if teddie was the killer???

Yukiko would have been a great killer, I would not have seen it coming .I bet that's the reason they have akechi join your party for one dungeon, to have that betrayal feeling

The only person Teddie would kill is himself

Losing your nerve from overwork and traumatic experience is lot different from being a psychopath. Nowhere did Dojima showed that he is actually capable of killing an innocent.

And he wasn't in the final product for a good reason. They'd pretty much have to rewrite him from scratch for that to work.
Yosuke I could buy though.

This never made much sense to me. Besides, after Adachi said the police suspected her i knew it wasnt her because stories rarely make the big baddie in a whodunit the first publicly suspected person

They have pretty similar boredom issues so I could see it.

I-I Like teddie though

all smt and persona games are shit

persona could be great because the concept is so good but it's handled like shit hence it sucks

I liked 3 better than 4 and 5, but 4 and 5 are still pretty good.

Finally someone who understands not everything has to be a fucking contest

It's not a stretch to think he would go after people he thinks might have been involved in his wife's death, or that he's just sick of scumbag criminals taking time away that he could be spending with Nanako. I'm just saying, Adachi never shows murderous intent until you figure him out either. Sociopaths are good at hiding their true feelings.

then why are you in a persona thread

to give my opinion about this shit serie

He's a hell of a lot better than Morgana, but that's not exactly saying much.

fuck off with those spoilers holy shit I havent beaten 5 yet but thanks to you fuckers I will have no idea if I was able to figure it out before beating the game

why do I even come here anymore

>Coming into a persona thread
>Still haven't beaten the newest game
Are you actually, legitimately retarded?

I have seen the light, i will never play these games again

>he fell for the Akechi is the killer meme
It's not real, retard. We just use that to fake spoil shit for people. But if you REALLY don't wanna be spoiled, fuck off.

Akechi is not a twist. At all. The game beats you over the head telling you over and over again that he's the rival of the Phantom Thieves and wants to see them destroyed.

Y-you're in a Persona thread on Sup Forums user, the fuck did you think was gonna happen.

Good, glad i could help

Are you serious, my man?

>what is the front page

>Not using catalog
How fucking new

>the front page only shows the OP
Fucking what

It's still a fucking Persona thread.

>being too retarded to use the catalog
>remaining in this thread to prove how retarded you are
Akechi tries to kill the MC but it's actually Sae's cognitive version of him and Akechi gets killed by Shido's cognitive version of himself. Fuck you.

If criminals got thrown into TV, sure, Dojima could've been a suspect. That wasn't the case though.
>Adachi never shows murderous intent until you figure him out either. Sociopaths are good at hiding their true feelings.
Adachi just has that suspicious demeanor about him. Same as chairman in P3. They're both acting friendly, but you know something is up with them. That they're hiding something.
Dojima on the other hand even when he was losing himself had that genuine quality about him.

you're worse than the 60 year old brit women who complain about spoilers on the facebook page of an american crime drama

>view replies

This. Adachi was the only one who showed up so frequently yet without any real apparent plot purpose. I began to suspect they wouldnt be shoving him in my face for no real reason.
And I first played Persona 4, not Golden, and when they didnt have a social link for him I knew something was up

Damn, imagine if a Protagonist's first teammate turned out to be the main antagonist?

That would be trippy.