Gentlemen, I have a problem...

Gentlemen, I have a problem. The scourge has spread their filth throughout the city of Stratholme! Thousands of innocent civilians are about be turned into the undead! Uther has a big paladin ego cock and won't listen to me; and whats even worse is Jaina won't help either!

What should I do!?

youre not my chef yet boy

As my future Prince, you will order me to purge this city!

They all got turned anyway.

Uther would rather fight a stronger Scourge than pre-emptively do something he sees as unjust.

It's the leader/king's responsibility to make these decisions; Uther is a poor soldier.

fuark op, nostalgia hit me hard now

gonna play dem campaigns again

I love these threads and they should happen more often.
I hope you could baker it, Uther.

Let's just get this out of the way up front.

>You are not my chef yet, boyardee
>It's done!
This is pretty much perfect.

Kill them. Civillians can't be turned undead if they aren't alive anymore, can they? Which is worse, to loose thousands of people, or to lose tens of thousands when those thousands who are doomed anyway kill them?
Take my blessing and go, child of ma--, err, chum!

wow thanks fellow human for that very sound advice

>What should I do!?

Not run off to Northrend like a godamn idiot.

Drop a mana bomb in the middle of town. People can't be turned undead if there is no mana.

Glad you could sniff it, Uther.

Watch your *BRAAP* with me, boy. You may be the *BRAAP* prince, but I'm still superior as a fartlord.

As if I could *BRAAP*. Listen, Uther, there is something about peas you should know. *BRAAP* It's too late. These peas were stale. I may look *BRAAP* now, but it's a matter of time before I *BRAAP* in my pants.


My entire ass must be sniffed. *BRAAP*

How can you even *BRAAP* that? There is got some other way.

Damn it, Uther. As your future Shitlord, I order you to sniff my *BRAAP*.

You are not my master yet, boy. Nor I would sniff your ass if you were.

Then I must *BRAAP* this as an act of stinking,

Stinking? Have you eat too much rotten peas, Arthas?

Have I? Lord Uther, by my *BRAAP* and sovereignity of my crown, I hereby relieve you from farting and suspend your paladins.

You stink Arthas!

It's done! Those who shat their pants, follow me. The rest of *BRAAP*, get out of my ass.

You've tossed a terrible stinker, Arthas.


I'm sorry Arthas. I can't watch you do this.

is there a full greentext story of this?


Price Arthas did nothing wrong.

>You stink Arthas!
this pasta was pretty low quality but that still made me lose my shit



stab frostmourne into the plate of the damned after killing mal'ganis, killing ner'zhul, then take the crown for yourself, thus taking the mantle of the Lich King, still being a kinda good guy (though Light forsaken, but who needs Light when you have the powers of a god), then lead an Undead Crusade against the Legion

I love Mastema posting.

Frostmourne had already claimed his soul

yeah, because not having a soul is sooooo detrimental.

that doesn't stop him from going full murderhobo on ner'zhul and taking his place as the lich king, as there must always be one

I would kill for morgan freeman to read this shit

Didn't he destroy Ner'zhul's soul? I remember reading the book and in the end it sure seemed like Arthas has removed him from existence.

