RTS games will never be popular again

RTS games will never be popular again.

>pic related killed the genre along with WoW

Fuck Blizzard

Does it even really matter?

So many RTS games were shat out during the heyday's of the late 90's and early 2000's that it would take quite a few years just to get through all of them.

I buy old RTS games from GoG and Steam all the time, and torrent others that aren't available anywhere online. I still discover new niche ones all the time, and don't have enough free time to even put more than a few hours in each one most of the time, since I still prefer to main my favorites even if I like trying classic niches I haven't heard of before.

>So many RTS games were shat out during the heyday's of the late 90's and early 2000's
they're all fucking awful
which is probably why the genre died

So many of them are garbage though (IMO) for some reason scale regularly ruins these games for me.

>implying blizz and WoW killed RTS
Consoles killed RTS, beacose every game now must have port for both pc and consoles, and we now RTS on consoles are shit.

It's a shit genre.

In other words, the demand for high budgets killed RTS

>Consoles killed RTS, beacose every game now must have port for both pc and consoles, and we now RTS on consoles are shit.
Nah, PC RTS are shit. Far too many buttons makes it unfun to learn and to play.
Games like Red Alert 2 are what RTS games should be like.

where they even intended to be popular ?
I mean the RTS audience is still here and peoples who bought AoE 3 will surely buy AoE 4 if it ever came out and managed to be decent. My take on the death of RTS is first the console audience who grew larger during the years 2010 while the PC audience stood relatively still. in the meantime grand strategy games a la total war attracted the same audience that played RTS and starcraft created a black hole of mediocrity for the e-sporter plebeians.
One of the latest RTS that came out is the perfect illustration Dawn of War 3 while being a sequel to one of the most beloved franchise of RTS player (DoW 2 does not exist) was plagued with starcraft design and was purposed for an inexistent audience of e-sporter and competitive players.