Nice to know the mods are biased. Anime posters shouldn't be allowed here in Sup Forums videogames. They have 8 fucking boards.
You get banned/blocked for even trying to take a stand against these faggots and trying to save the board from watermelon head soccerball-eyed hell.
Weebposters are mentally ill and belong back on reddit where they came from.
Meta Thread
Upvoted. Good thread.
You should fuck off back to Facebook.
Stay the fuck out of the videogames board, you faggots need GR15'ed just like the ponyfuckers.
Back to
That mod was banned
After you
Absolutely correct, since every other outlet is corrupted.
>weebnig still thinks it 2005 and Sup Forums is still an anime site
Lmaoing at your dumbass on an imageboard, in a videogame forum, which is host in America
Actually this, but I also hate political correctness.
Face it, the kids won. You lost. Just leave the site. Vector image anime is where it's at.
Also I don't conform to social norms
>poor sentence structure
Too obvious
Define "forum" in a way that doesn't describe Sup Forums.
>be me
>looking for videogame board to shitpost and have fun with other anons talking about videogames
>nothing but anime
I used to like anime before I came to Sup Forums(2011) now I fucking hate anime and everything it stands for, because of you fucking niggers using moeshit reaction images for everything. Thanks for ruining anime.
Moot sold Sup Forums to a nip. If anything it's Western shit that should fuck off.
>newfag gets mad over anime pictures on an anime website
There are 8 other boards you fucking nigger, stop shitting up the videogames board
dumb phone poster
NeoGAF could use a man like you, OP.
No. I reply like this so you don't even get a (You).
Ironic weebs need to die.
If pictures of anime should be banned then so should every other reaction image that isn't videogames. Here are examples:
>Boards full of e-celeb bullshit and it's getting worse.
>Dude complains about anime.
2 years before posting.
Japan is shit
Anime fags are the people that make Sup Forums bearable.
I barely notice eceleb shit when theres 8 fucking designated autistic anime threads at all times.
Its been 6 years
Still not long enough.
bad thread
check this 9 man
>getting mad at a drawing
>weebposters belong on reddit
>when weebposters literally started Sup Forums to discuss weebology