Which game is better if I want to mindlessly grind away at some monsters to find cool drops, get rich and powerful with fun combat gameplay and good visuals and I feel too old to care about the whole "get into a guild, be social and show up for raids on x days during the week" thing?
Which game is better if I want to mindlessly grind away at some monsters to find cool drops...
Black Desert Online a singleplayer game that happens to be online, there's literally no group content. Plus it's free after you buy it. Go with that if that's what you want.
Bless Online
Is there really nothing you do in a group or with a guild in BDO?
Dragonquest 11 coming to pc!
Hope it has no sub.
Can't wait for a good Square Enix mmo!
An MMO that still has turn based gameplay?
Surprised they are bringing this out in the west, it will hurt ffxiv just as 14 did 11.
BDO is what you're looking for but it's also dogshit awful so I guess that's up to you
For an f2p mmo, TERA's combat is really fun
X is the mmo
XI is a normal main rpg
What point does the raidfinder if if nobody is ever queuing for it?!
World bosses and hunting stuff, also there's the node wars stuff where guild's fight over points so that they gain tax revenue. Other than that it's just group questing.
Is BDO even "free" or is it "free but unless you pay for an optional vip service, a pet and other things you'll feel like a punished slave compared to people who put some money in each month"?
That's basically how you level in Black Desert, mindlessly grind away at some monsters, which also gets you money in the process. Dunno if you like action combat over tab target though.
I think Blade & Soul takes the cake at best combat in a F2P game. Too bad the other parts of the games are so shit.
bdo is way more grindy. it's also an awful game though. ff14 is severely content starved you will spend most of your time waiting to play rather than playing the game.
same shit
one just will keep on charging your credit card
I really enjoyed TERA for that, I forgot the name of those big monsters but fighting those was really fun because if you were decent you could just avoid their attacks by dodging and rolling about
>ff14 is severely content starved
If you're starting from scratch there a shit ton of stuff to do
The problem is finding people to do old stuff with that won't ruin the whole point by doing it unsycned
There's people to do content. I got to play all Crystal Tower raid and Coil using the Duty Finder on Saturday.
I really want to play Black Desert but its IP blocked for me.
One thing I heart about BDO if that it installs an anti-cheat on your system that is almost like a rootkit
It's grindy as shit, you can rake in millions from said grind while also earning money from your workers, the combat is more action oriented and all about butchering hordes of enemies, it looks pretty if you don't mind pop-ins and has a world full of very lively npcs. It's also practically a singleplayer game, so you don't need to interact with other players at all, really, unless you pvp. No raids, no dungeons, only world bosses and grind spots.
Those also happen to be the reasons why I don't play it anymore. Shame the nicer parts are wasted on this game.
It's B2P but also that second bit
TERA wasn't f2p in the beginning, it cost 60 bucks + sub.
well it is now
>dont need to interact with other players meme
>but ignores that problem with the mmo they like
look, i understand that is valid criticism.
However i'm gonna pop your bubble if you think ANY MODERN MMO isn't a big fucking always online singleplayer game.
holy shit, acting like BDO is the only one with that problem is ridiculous.
You know what FFXIV has? Forced story telling dungeons that no one wants to do, you need queue with randoms to get it done and NO ONE TALKS EVER. No one talks in towns, or cities, the only interaction is when you join a guild.
GW2 is the same shit, infact every fucking MMO is completely void of player interaction.
FFXIV however has long since passed its high point and removed any and all exemption from this kind of criticism. In the beginning you had to form parties in towns, today you are lucky to even have someone say hello to you. You don't ever ask players to explain a dungeon or boss to you, they'll scream at you to look at youtube videos or read guides. Not only is it just anti social its own fucking community wants nothing more than it to be a single player game on auto pilot.
TOR and FFXIV are the most story driven, single player games with forced online out in the market.
BDO is a sandbox game that feels like its in beta still. If you choose to want to do everything alone then that's on you. It has very few things that force you to need to party with other players and that in itself can be viewed good or bad.
In FFXIV it is bad cause then you can't experience content, but if you do you better believe people will scream at you to skip the cutscenes and speed run the game or they throw a tempertantrum and never party with you again if you don't skip 99% of the content and do "end game" infinite treadmill dungeon runs.
misinformation to stop FFXIV from hemorrhaging its already low playerbase. I'm sure you've noticed shill threads 24/7 on both /vg/ and Sup Forums, but you see the backlash if any other MMO gets discussed right?
That's easy to say, but people don't want for game to force them to be social, as they don't want to interact with other people.
People cry about dps queues all the fucking time and there is simple solution. Befriend a fucking healer or tank. Alternatively, just talk to people and ask them.
That's also solution for doing content blind. Takes a little more people and effort, but I know it's possible.
But the fact is, people hate other random people in their games.
Well, there are practice groups in FFXIV, I'm a solo player and I have been able to clear every content available( extreme and savage) going to party finder groups.
BDO is just a rush to PvP endgame, there are no dungeons or raids, it's just PvP and that's it
But FFXIV makes you party with others. Whether or not you talk with each other depends on a party by party basis. Usually not much conversation is needed, because everyone more or less knows what to expect of each other. This can change for new content, or more difficult content where people need to discuss strategies, and is completely eliminated if you join an FC or even an LS.
But in BDO? Other players are a hindrance. You want to be alone, because other players interfere with your grinding. There's no content to do with others, you literally can't trade with each other, and most of the online population is afk fishing, crafting, or riding their horses in circles.
You really can't compare the two. FFXIV is automated group content, but it is group content. BDO is just solo-play.
>Forced story telling dungeons that no one wants to do, you need queue with randoms to get it done and NO ONE TALKS EVER. No one talks in towns, or cities, the only interaction is when you join a guild.
Well that's your problem.
no fuck you, FFfag, this is DQXI, they need to bring it in the West and it's not a mmo but a classic turn base game.
All MMO's would suck alone. I would not play any if I did not have my GF to play with me.
We do not even do any end game content as playing with others that is not ourselves for serious content sounds like the definition of suffering.
We still like the little interactions we get with others but its on our terms, and if I am being honest if every player was replaced with a competent NPC we would feel pretty much no different.
>TFW your duty roulette tank is French
>Which game is better if I want to mindlessly grind away at some monsters
bdo is what your looking for, pure autistic grinding is the only gameplay
xiv has actual content to do so if your not interested in that dont bother
ragnarok online
BDO 100% installs an anti-cheat rootkit, I just removed it yesterday