This is sabers daughter

WTF? Saber become a male, banged her sister and made pic related?

'Due to the problem of being able to produce an heir, Merlin used magecraft to turn her into a pseudo-male capable of producing sperm for an unknown duration of time.[10] During this period, she was enchanted by her sister, Morgan le Fay, who took some of Artoria's sperm, developed it within her own ovaries, and gave birth to the homunculus and complete clone of Artoria, Mordred. '

She IS British after all

TM was a mistake.

Really makes you think.

Couldn't have said it better myself

Mordred is the best saber

Futa Artoria confirmed?

I'm completely convinced this ridiculous series is only popular because of historical figures being depicted as hot anime grills with porn.

The story is so convoluted and terrible no one could possibly enjoy it. The art in the original VN isn't even that good. The main character is a cringeworthy retard with no personality outside of this weird and vague "justice" shit that some people lap up but everyone with a functioning brain finds stupid.

Fate was a mistake

yeah story is shit especially the new one

Original Fate was already retarded as it was. This is a whole new level of cringe worthy mind rapingly low quality crap.
Not surprised; still disappointed.

the thread on the other board is better kupo

This makes me hard.

>historical figures being depicted as hot anime grills with porn.

Don't get me wrong, I'm the last person to criticize hot anime grill porn.

I just find it hilarious that anyone tries to pretend that this series has anything else to offer.

I tried to get into this stuff but couldn't, too much alternative dimensions and whatnot, feels like nothing has any meaning.

Why did they call her daughter as the guy who killed Arthur in the original lore?

>not already knowing this

How new are you

ITT Newfags discussing shit people have been discussing for years now

> I knew this already
> actually I dont even know the series they are talking about but shit posting is life

Unlimited Blade Works was a great watch.
Best fully dubbed anime I've seen.

Lol at the FGO trash threads being deleted.

Mods please delete this one too

No, this has been common knowledge in the fate universe for like 5 years at least.

Kojirou is still, regardless of whatever "tiny teensy bit of fact" that there is concerning him, as a fictional being. His existance is that based on the legends, and inherits his abilities in the same way. Spending the VN contemplating his existance is not a factor in this argument to any extent. Fictional stories always have some ground in reality, even if it's just as a form of inspiration.

Mozart's abilities are very limited, but they also have a strong base in exactly what people spoke about concerning his songs, and it's natural that such things would be linked to the idea of 'magic'. Fantastical works have often been claimed to be 'enchanting' in some manner, and when it comes to Servants, that's enough of a basis for them to inherit such abilities when actually Summoned.
Edison and Tesla both brought upon an entirely new age that affected the entire planet, and have a skill to match that accomplishment as a reference that's also drawn back to Francis Drake. Tesla especially has a very strong ground to stand on considering that the Gods of Thunder and Lightning have been a thing in mythology for ages, so bringing what's considered 'theirs' to the current age of civilization can be considered more of a fantastical accomplishment than that of many heroes.

Monster Hunter and MGS don't dabble nearly as much in alternate universes. For the Nasuverse, that's an entirely different case, where all the words are considered derivative from the original in terms of timelines and circumstances. Even Zero has been stated to be seperate but contain many similarities, and while for writing reasons that's to eliminate the need to keep the two 100% consistent to eachother, the result it brings is that it places a heavy emphasis on parallell worlds. They already did this by bringing in Zelretch like I explained anyway. The amount they differ from the main timeline is barely relevant at all, as both still exists within the Nasuverse itself.

Mordred's origins has been know for fucking years, same for making her female since they already had one trap during the early days of F/A.

Servants in SF are different because of the HGW being different, but the HGW is ALSO different in GO. You're the one acting like it's not, which is stupid. GO is a way to include all the various methods that have been used for different Servants, and while it does draw from the Throne of Heroes, it also can draw upon things like Jeanne Alter with assistance from the Grail itself. The story not being as dark doesn't change that it is, yet another, major difference from the original summoning method. Hell, they draw directly from it without using a point of reference.

I'm not agreeing with you because you're completely going against slight differences presented in the original work solely because of the later ones taking it to their extreme. You still seem to not grasp this whatsoever, and insist on the boundaries staying set, except in stories you particularly like, namely strange fake, where the explanation for it being different is suddenly "ok".

And no I'm not going to let some delusional TM purist who doesn't even understand what the fuck he's talking about get away with that shit even if the thread died.

>Not watching it for amorkino

Try 10. People already know what Mordred looks like since FSN came with supplementary materials. Apocrypha was only the first to make her an actual character

That some QUALITY animation right there friend

fate was a product of its time, the chuuni as fuck early 2000s

it became popular because the universe is big with a lot of different mechanics and implications, not because the story is "good"

i would as far to say if you're still looking for a good story in anime and games you are still a child

Please refrain from using Sup Forums terms you don't understand. It makes you look like an idiot.

No really. That's fucking bad. Studio Pierrot levels of bad.

You are legitimately retarded, aren't you?

Tell that Nier Automata fags who think Yoko Taro is the next Shakespeare

Learn to sakuga, friend. That there is proof A-1 Pictures cant into animation.

Post better webm
Please no Kyoanishit

that webm looks dumb as hell dude

Her armour looks fucking stupid.

>>Sup Forums

Please return to your containment board. This is a video game board


I don't know shit about saber nor the whole fate thing at all, but why do all these bitches look the same? Are the creators really that low on inspiration that they have to copy/paste saber 10 times?

Why is Sup Forums taste so shit? No wonder even Sup Forums get more right predictions than Sup Forums

Really it looks like a eceleb and cuck board where the top thread is people watching someone else play videogames.

Fate is stupid franchise like that. And yet dumbfucks will lap up this mobage shit because ITS OKAY WHEN JAPS DO IT

Fatefags will literally not buy it if it doesn't have a Saberface on the cover. Trying to tell the story of a non-Saberface will cause it to tank and not sell at all.

main artist's waifu

>Terminator meets Stargate

Nobody gives a shit about your shitty spinoff anime dude. Everyone is just waiting for the Heaven's Feel movie. This budget trash wont even sell 10k .

Most are just alternate versions of Arturia but the one in op is a in universe clone.

Dont talk to me.


>No umu in NA version
>Replaced with Hmm

which fate anime is this from

>Heaven's Feel
Nobody care about the wormslut and Herk has always been in the bottom of popular poll. Apocrypha is where they make money

There's plenty of anime and games with a good story. You really should expand your horizons a bit.

She still says "Umu," but the text just reads "Hmm." It was like that in Extella, as well.

There isn't. All of it is for teenagers.

The fighting in the anime was well done, and there are some good characters... arthur being a chick is weird as fuck though, and this is even weirder.

Damn japanese, can't do anything normal.


Don't bite the bait, user.

If only the studio that animated that shit would do berserk.

Just wrong. You're talking like those people that think all comics are your monthly capeshit.

Shit, too late.

I'd still watch Wormslut over Sieg's Amazing Adventure: the Anime.

UFOtable is all about the particle effect and Berserk has none of that

>not enjoying some damn good anime

That shit is horribly bloated garbage, it's longer than the fucking Bible

Disgusting, this is an affront to god

They also have really smooth fighting animations and good choreography. I want to love the berserk anime but... goddamn, it's just ugly and poorly done.

>video games

Or Tsukihime

Who still stuck in reroll hell?

I'm free, m8. Sorry about your E rank luck.

>I'm completely convinced this ridiculous series is only popular because of historical figures being depicted as hot anime grills with porn.

This. Movie when?

Let your wallet flow user.

Just wanted a 5*, got Waver and Herc on second reroll.


Calm down user, nobody on Sup Forums takes this shit seriously, TypeMoon is well known for milking the shit out of their series, most of the appeal comes from the renowed studio that is adapting it, the voice actors and the OST.

>use tickets for shits n giggles
>cu chulainn
>aw yeah nigger
>it's the prototype version

I was free. Yesterday I started to reroll again.
Send help.

Got my waver/altera already

I took my first roll and stick with it.

it's pretty simple tho


>The main character is a cringeworthy retard with no personality
>no personality
> vague "justice"
Fate is bad, but I think you're a bit slow
How did you miss a point that every single iteration, hammers in your face so hard the entire time?

It's almost like you didn't even watch it

Good thing none of that is in this then, since this shit is done by A-1 studios

>Caesar 2x
>Robin Hood 2x
Yes, it's decent.

what can you do when Nasu had to cater to his target audiences by shoehorn saber into a girl just so she can be fucked since it is still a porn game

where it should had been female MC getting fucked by this stud

I rolled the tutorial 3 times and got the 4*s I wanted
Saving the quartz until my waifu is out

You can do better. Reroll.

Because he read the VN? You wont get the full extent of Shirou's stupidity until a couple of hours in

If he read the VN how could he miss the whole thing about shirou?
The entirety of UBW and heaven's feel hammer the point into your head over and over again

How long will they milk Fate?

Nasuverse was a mistake
Fucking hate type-shit garbage

A-1 is a big ball of underpaid freelancers with a bunch of jewish corporates, they are the McDonalds of anime studios, they can spit out up to 4 different shows every season and still sustain themselves because muh Aniplex/Sony funds

Until it stops making money and Nasu has to stop playing Dark Souls.