Server rules:no swearing

>server rules:no swearing
>game is rated m

>server rules

Maybe they just don't want to hear underage shitkids throwing a fit? I sure don't.

>server rules: no squeekers

problem solved

>server rules: no spics

never played it for long but I remember some of the regular callouts from soilders themselves were swearing, yet you couldnt swear ingame chat, think it was bf3 or bc2
servers like that are usually run by bible bashers, the fucken HATE cursewords

>server rules: have fun ;)
>Get banned for killing admin too many times

>Server rules: No micspam
>Admin then proceeds to blast the most annoying, bizzare or weeb micspam possible

I loved those fucking servers. A magical experience for everyone involved

>hate curse words
>play M rated game with "strong language" on the back
>war game where the people playing would be flipping the fuck out and cussing their lungs out IRL

>family friendly server :^)

>server rules:no swearing
>team won big time, mopped the floor with the other team
>say gg
>you have been banned, reason: no swearing

>server rules
>>no hacks
>>no K/D allowed over 1.5
>>you will be kicked for a K/D of 2+

>You have been banned. Reason:

>can't say fuck
>Soldier yells get to fucking cover!

>Reason: ping too high

Maybe stop acting like children and grow up and speak like an adult.

>server rules: do whatever you fucking want

>>Reason: ping too high: 175

Nigger I spent so much time around marines that I'll say fuck and not even realize it.

>Banned. Reason: Test lol

>理由は: 日本語でおk

>server rules: No Idols allowed

>You have been banned. Reason: cyкa блять

>Ban reason: your waifu is shit lol

I legit played in an RO2 server a while ago that censored the word "nazi" in chat. They ended up banning me for arguing with the mods about their retarded chat censorship rules.
Shit makes no sense.

Rising Storm 2: "Something something riceniggers."

>Banned reason: racism

On like 5 servers

Should have just said Natsoc to fuck with them.

>Server Rules: No hagposting

>server rule
>no racism

>You have been banned. Reason: it's joke

>Banned. Reason: Photoshopping my head onto interracial porno is very mature. Enjoy the ban

Oh I did