Ape Escape 4 or Bloodborne II?
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Well From's yet to officially announce what they're working on next apart from another Armored Core game, so it could be. Miyazaki also said the next game would be something people would expect, and since Dark Souls has concluded Bloodborne II seems most logical.
Syphon Filter reboot, my uncle's pet rock works at Gamestop.
>he doesn't know Bloodborne II is 60% complete
I don't want any of these. What my heart truly desires is Tokyo Jungle 2|/spoiler]
Robot Rescue full game
Tenchu reboot.
nvm I'm retarded.
>he doesn't know the demo will be playable next month for PSN subscribers
Die you degenerate ape escape fag.
Knack 2
ape escape series has one of the best soundtracks. can't beat the grooves
I hope AC6 has is inspired by Dark Soul
It's gonna be some dumb ass Uncharted inspired movie shit game, that's the only game Sony knows how to make.
Patapon 5
I don't understand why people thinks that is true when on PS4 alone they released LittleBigPlanet 3, Tearaway Unfolded, The Last Guardian, Gravity Rush 2, Ratchet & Clank, etc.
Those games all bombed.
They also killed ALL their UK studios who used to make racing games.
Basically they will only produce Unrapted clones from now on. Because those sell to normalfags
Bloodborne 2. Sup Forums's PC crowd never recovered from Bloodborne never being on PC, so having a second one (and be even better than the first) will absolutely destroy their sanity, which fits in with the theme of Bloodborne pretty damn well.
To this day the asshurt can still be felt, which is very rare for a game to do in this place. We need more bumblasting.
Ape Escape's only reason for being is to showcase a gimmick. Bloodborne was an actual game.
>Those games all bombed.
>killed UK studio
because it was useless. Waste of money and waste of resources. Wipeout HD and the vita weren't that great.
Holy shit, finally. Was wondering when the ps4 would get more than 2 games. Only thing is they'll probably take forever to come out. Maybe they'll be done development in time for the ps5
Fuck off, this is obviously a meme from Tumblr Gravity Rush fans.
Kill yourself
Patapon 4, please.
Except that Ape Escape used the dualshock controller in a way that most games don't use.
It became a part of the series' DNA and the controller itself was good, unlike the PS move or EyeToy.
You could say the same about BB, since the whole point of exclusives is to sell a console.
>Studio in 15 years made 3 games, 2 are average and 1 is bad
It's probably nothing you specifically want.
Lol what? You've been on the internet to long, not everything is a meme you shitnigger, I just genuinely hate the ape escape autist.
Damn, I wouldn't mind a new LBP game. I miss the adventures of Sackboy.
shut the fuck up
Check the date: made weeks before those anti Ape Escape posts.
But it was available in english, just not in the US. EU had a five language version :^)
Also, Studio Siren is working on Gravity Rush these days
Siren 2 PS4 re-release never ever
I want Siren 2 on PS4, and it might happen seeing as the first game is already there
Gravity Rush 2 is the last game in the series
The director should be working in a Shadow of the Colossus sequel
Seriously, just die faggot.
Drown in horse cum, you cunt.
those are different teams
Ape escape 4
I would if I could, retard.
>i would
So you admit liking horse cum.
Knack 3, obviously.
Let me grab a net and we can do the mo-cap for the game.
I still don't understand why AE3 isn't on PS4
it was one of the first PS2 on PS4 titles leaked, yet it is nowhere to be seen. The rest of the leaks were 100% accurate
AE2 came out ages ago
Wow, you're like a detective or something. I bet you IQ is, like, at least 153.
That was awful, user.
>starting development
pls let this actually mean "we have smaller teams working on new projects, a main team has been helping From with their new project since DS3 release, an announcement at TGS and release 9 months later"
I just wasn't retarded enough to accidently mock myself, while trying to make someone else look like the retard.
>he doesn't know Miyazaki explicitly stated he was done with the series
It's too advanced
no, user. you'll wait 4 years for this game to release like everyone else
There is a possibility since the game managed to sold the same or more as the first LBP, but MediaMolecule is busy with Dreams if that is still in development so
Oh my god, you got me bro, you're so much better than me, anonymous poster on a chinese cartoon image posting forum.
Bloodborne isn't Dark Souls though!
I love it when someone uses sarcasm and irony to hide the fact that they got mad over an anonymous poster on a chinese cartoon image posting forum.
Kileak reboot
He said he was done with Dark Souls, you dingus.
What about Jumping Flash?
ps2 on ps4 games that aren't gta sell like absolute shit
Doesn't also help that what they're doing was kind of what MicroSoft did with the XB360 and classic Xbox titles.
The Legend of Dragoon II.
Sci-fi Souls pls
it's not like there is any serious development cost to get a game running on an emulator
AE3 on PS4 was leaked by the esrb, which means it was playable
The MGS mini game might be the reason
Omg you know me so well, holy heck I was right about you being like super smart.
Underwater Souls please
it's always licensing bullshit
Just give up, jesus christ.
sci fi bloodborne please
robuts and chtulhu
no u
There was 4?
Maybe this is why they could have done a remaster, even if remaking the fiirst one meant using the PSP port, since it doesn't have the galaxy minigame.
"you will see bloodborne 2 like i said one month ago"
never ever sonybros
Mark my words.
bloodborne 2
A port of Delta would be more realistic. Inafune said that it could happen but only if sony wanted to do it.
This. PSX always shows the good shit.
I hope it's good this year
This what happens when retards use the term soulsborne and think they are the same franchise as a whole.
Literally just make a sequel of The Legend of Dragoon with a competent artists and designers and I would buy a Pro on a heartbeat.
What could Bloodborne 2 possibly be about.
Take all aspects of the old gods etc but put it into a scifi setting
For what we know there are other lands in Bloodborne that also got fucked by some Old Ones, so they could just explore one of those lands instead of Yarham
Soul Sacrifice HD, Freedom Wars 2, Gravity Rush 3?
But Fromsoft sequels are trash
good thing sony japan is helping then.
>Inb4 Ape Escape game inspired by Souls
>inb4 souls game inspired by ape escape