How do protagonists in stealth games manage to stay in the same stance for so long? Seems like hell on your thighs.
How do protagonists in stealth games manage to stay in the same stance for so long? Seems like hell on your thighs
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they're not real you dumbass
>tfw you know this game so well, that you know thats CIA room where the listen to Nikoladze's tape
Because they have thicc strong juicy thighs, you faggot.
...still believes...
lol this wtf is this thread?
Thick thighs save lives.
Wtf I hate Sup Forums now
How does your mom manage to stay on her knees for so long, OP? Practice and dedication.
its hell on your knees not your thighs
A: They don't weigh 400 pounds.
B: They exercise.
C: All of the above.
She needs a breast reduction pronto
I work as a film photographer and I'm often forced to hold a position for extended periods for getting good shots. You need to be fit, I started to get the shakes after 20 minutes starting out, now I'm able to hold still with my legs bent and arms raised for 60 minutes.
Sam has quads of steel is how
I want to get back into Splinter Cell. I've still only played the first one long ago, but I'll probably buy it and replay it. Which ones are worth buying? Which PC ports are good? And do they have decent controller support?
I doudt that one of the best soldiers in the world would give to the urge of not wanting to stay in same pose for long just because it uncomfortable that easily
get someone to play co-op if you can
Not him but does the co-op work in the steam version of chaos theory?
Intense squat training among slav monks
Why do characters in stealth games always crouch-walk to move quietly?
Walking upright is a less awkward movement, you can control your steps better and make less noise.
But in video games peak silence is crawling prone with all your tacticool bullshit dragging on the floor.
All of them are worth playing.
My personal ranking is
CT > BL > SC1 > PT > DA > Conviction
Be aware that there are some major problems with the PC version of Pandora Tomorrow, I don't think it's on Steam.
to hide from enemies' line of sight?
Why do stealth characters crouch, it's not any more quiet than just walking slowly
To dive behind a chest high wall if need be.
Strong quads are extremelly helpful when having sex too.
So you can't see them in the dark.
You only go invisible by crouching in video games user
While CT has a great soundtrack, I do think the first was better at making everything seem more tense
Kombayn nicoladze I believe it was. Just a few months since I replayed and finished it. Need to finish Pandora tomorrow. Just arrived in Israel.
Why do RPG or action adventure protagonists never eat, sleep, piss and take shit? Seems like a hassle.
You don't to read, just listen
yeah I would rate this as well
as much as meme people around are making
I do think Blacklist is a genuine good SC game
Well Snake manages to get back problems in MGS4 that start playing up if you crouch-walk for too long. Still has dem thighs & glutes tho
The soundtrack is really good indeed.
This crouch-walking is hell on my back, boss.
You should see the stance Mike does in Alpha Protocol. The weirdest contortion of a body in a stealth game I've ever seen.
Yeah but if games treated noise vs visibility more logically it'd force the player to choose between the two depending on the situation, that'd make for more interesting gameplay than just crouching or going prone 99% of the time then only standing up to sprint around when there are no enemies within a mile radius.
that would require innovation in the stealth genre since Thief
>t. complete faggot oh my god someone fuck my asshole please
What did you mean by this?
It's a gameplay abstraction that started from Thief and early tactical shooters is what I would guess. Because those games started on PC and didn't have analog or mouse wheel controls (mouse wheel controls were still uncommon/unconventional in the late 90s), they could only make the player move at two base speeds: run and walk. But having only two movement speeds in a stealth gameplay system would be too shallow, and simply adding more walk slower/faster keybinds would be too confusing. Crouching allowed an easily communicable way of having more granularity in movement by acting as a "slower movement stance" toggle.
What the fuck?
Because if you started treating Splinter Cell more realistically then Sam would have to clear every corner properly with his gun raised, and he would always have to cover anyone who could possibly see him with his gun.
And he would have to kill every time he had to neutralize an enemy, or bind and gag them because people wake up after they get choked out. And he would have to use a suppressed pistol because killing someone both quickly and quietly with a knife does not exist.
And he would have to contact people via email and offer them a million bucks and a new identity to just give him the info he needs, instead of breaking into extremely secure locations.
Wait, stabbing a unconscious person with a knife isn't a thing
Pools of blood all over the floor and the trail of blood to wherever you drag the body is not quiet
>Walking upright is a less awkward movement, you can control your steps better and make less noise.
Not true. The key to walking quietly is to put your front foot down while putting your weight onto your back foot, then gradually shift your center of gravity forward. This is much easier to do with bent knees and leaning forward.
is actually a pretty good example
I thought if you stabbed someone in the lung that would be fairly quiet since they can't really muster enough oxygen to scream?
I'm not really an expert on lungs or any of that shit though
Or you can wear your socks over your shoes
For third person games such as Splinter Cell, it allows the animation to communicate player character speed to the player more distinctly. If the wide range of movement speeds in SC is condensed to the upright stance then it will be difficult to differentiate them at a glance.
Thanks Master McDonnell Benedict Kazuhira "the nigger grave digger" Miller.
Maybe, but its very bloody if you're lethally stabbing someone. That's assuming that Sam manages to perfectly sneak behind them and aim perfectly and be perfectly quiet. If he slips a little bit then the guy can just grapple with him. There's no reason to use a knife if you have a pistol. And neither one are that quiet
In Blacklist, he rips at their vocal cords and holds a hand over their mouths, going all "sshhh, shhhh". I can imagine not being able to scream.
Anri was a goddess.
>There's no reason to use a knife if you have a pistol.
Any firearm is fucking loud, even a suppressed one.
Terrible. Imagine if she wrapped those around your neck, you wouldn't be able to free yourself. You'd be stuck between her thighs forever. Fuck that.
Gee thanks man
Smaller profile is harder to spot
>I can imagine not being able to scream.
I could imagine somewhat of a loud gurgling or similar and lots of restraint and last reflexes like stomping with your feet, so if the target doesn't die in an instant, there will be noise
I wouldn't be surprised if that was actually realistic. Josh Sawyer is pretty autistic over tactical shit, that's also probably the reason why New Vegas had such a wide variety of guns.
>Smaller profile is harder to spot
I know that feel
>mfw manlet
Come on, laugh at me
>very bloody
Well yeah but gunshots aren't exactly less bloody, you're still making a puncture wound in some critical area of their body
Also, why the thighs OP? The back will be hurt much more by this i'd imagine.
people in this thread are talking about are how would Sam efficiently kill someone without leaving blood.
You shouldn't kill anyone in splintercell. You shouldn't interact with anyone. you were never there. The correct answer is you don't kill. Any kills or takedowns are strictly non-canon unless required by the game.
Try to mimic it, the thighs will respond first.
You can control your movement speed in Thief, if you kinda tap your way forward you won't make noise
Depends on which game and mission desu.
b o r i n g
Man, slipping past people is far more tense
To each his own, I prefer to kill everyone one by one without anyone even noticing something's wrong.
in mgs3 and 4, the most stealthy form of movement does actually consume more stamina. kinda useless though because it was slower too.
>You shouldn't kill anyone in splintercell. You shouldn't interact with anyone.
Then why does the game never punish you for killing unnecessarily? Or reward you for avoiding contact altogether?
If you want to do a self-imposed challenge then that's fine, but don't act like your autism is the canonical way to play the game.
People say the exact same thing about Thief and it's not true there either. Blackjacking everyone in sight is a way safer and smarter way to play than avoiding.
there isnt really a quiet way to take someone out with a knife. people react quickly to getting stabbed and die a lot slower than they react. in the military youre taught to cut someones throat as fast as possible and its a pretty thorough job irl compared to the one slice sort of shit you seen in games and movies; you more or less half decapitate the poor fucker.
Firstly, safety is for chumps without balls.
Secondly to answer your question the game does punish you. am example is in chaos theory there's a rating after you beat the level. getting all 0 is called playing correctly, other than that you fucked up chum. Same as hitman silent assassin rating In the og games.
Splinter cell also punishes you by making sure that combat is brutally punishing so that if you get into a firefight you will die quickly if you fuck up.
>tfw your dick almost pierces a hole through your desk while your crushing loneliness pierces a hole through your heart
Speaking of stealth games, anyone played this?
snake also doesn't crouch walk in 3 but he just walks a lot slower.
>Hitman Silent Assassin rating
I don't know about Splinter Cell but getting Silent Assassin in Hitman does not equate to "never interacting with anyone ever". You can still sedate and knock people out, and even kill a person.
If you literally play through the entire game without doing anything to anyone you're neglecting half the game's mechanics. The worst are MGS fags who negelect the plethora of mechanics just to play the whole game tranquilize head-shotting people. I'd rather honestly just play however I feel like playing on a level-by-level basis. That is whether I feel like stealthing past everyone, or slitting everyone's throats or toying with a surrendered guard.
>When people ask me who my favorite actress is I give them her name, they never specified what kind of actress.
this guy
This reminds me of the crouching thread from couple years back. I wish I had it archived.
A supressed pistol still makes a lot of noise.
>And he would have to use a suppressed pistol because killing someone both quickly and quietly with a knife does not exist.
This is bullshit, even suppressed pistols are fucking loud in real life, at best you can use an internally suppressed Ruger Mark IV then have them scream when the bullet barely pierces their skull and doesn't damage the brain enough to kill them because it's a shitty .22 pistol, and even if it does kill them they're still going to fall over and likely drip some blood.
If you want to kill a random soldier quietly through violent means you'd be better off covering their mouth and cutting their neck, pull their clothes over the wound to try and limit blood getting everywhere.
Learn to stealth, faggot.
Can't you teleport around and shit? What's the point or fun of a stealth game where you're some kind of warping shadow monster? I always thought the fun came from the tension and fear of being found, from vulnerability.
The one where someone thought that walking on all fours would be more quiet?
It would though
M8, if you don't have the entire exchange in your head right now, you don't know shit.
>A nation that still believes there is such a thing as a world superpower
>Take it back to believes
>What that chain sound?
>There's like a moaning in the background
Sets up the slaughterhouse pretty well desu.
Well, CS lets you walk silently standing up. So does mgs
gayest thing I've ever read desu
>So does mgs
It's been a few year since I played them but I'm pretty sure walking slowly was louder than crouch-walking slowly
The difference being is that you're given more ways to nonethally take down targets in splinter cell and they're not abundant. they're for strategic use. Your main pistol has a mechanic that has a blackout but if I kill every one all of a sudden that mechanic gets more and more ignored as the level progresses same as the use of light and sound. But if I don't I'm still using other mechanics the whole way through. the game is really designed for multiple play styles and it does it well. I'm just saying for all the styles that exist, non lethal is the correct execution of a cannonicl splinter cell mission.
why can't you just let those guys go back to their families tonight, user
>Anri will never kill you
Feels bad
Liking oversized breasts is degenerate, it means you subconsciously want to fuck your mom.
Flat chests are pure feminine beauty.
>Stealth games attempting to realism