Reminder that if GTA: SA came out today Sup Forums would hate it cuz "muh niggers'

>Reminder that if GTA: SA came out today Sup Forums would hate it cuz "muh niggers'
Prove me wrong

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niggers in their natural habitat is fine which is what they portrayed, it's when they're shoehorned into a role that it becomes a problem

I'm pretty sure they made him black because they knew sometimes the character didn't do exactly what you would want him to do, like when holding two guns and aiming above his head weirdly instead of at enemies. That way players could scream at their tvs "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING YOU STUPID NIGGER!"


I hated it when it came out because of 'muh niggers'

GTA is portaying Africa?

Everyone hated GTA SA back when it came out because of
>muh niggers
But once they played it and realised how good of a game it was and how cool CJ was they stopped caring.


Plenty of people were "muh niggers" when it was announced. You're just too young to have experienced it.

Fortunately R* put out a really fucking great game, so nobody cared.

essentially yes, inner city America is literally Africa because we couldn't pick our own damn cotton

People back then hated it because of muh niggers, the fuck are you talking about?

nigga you missin out


We hated it back then too. But the game was an exceptional standout, nigger aside.

>niggers in their natural habitat is fine

Fuck off. Thats exactly what Mafia III was and v/ still got massive amounds of butthurtiness over that.

What was his problem?

Vice City > San Andreas

ha ha nice meme

False. Mafia 3 was a black power fantasy where you gun down KKK members and shoot an ingame representation of Donald Trump while shitting on an established series in the proccess

>That's exactly what Mafia III was
nigga, the game literally had Mafia on its name and the protag was black, how can this be natural?

He didn't want to admit that Grove Street was a lost cause.

Mafia 3 makes the sin of portraying the stereotype of 'bangin' as the reality, complete with unrealistic bigotry and heavy-handed preaching from the games developers.

GTA:SA however portrayed 'street bangan' in a much more realistic light while simultaneously taking aim at all the surreal hypocrisy of the era that birthed the very PC culture that created a game like Mafia 3.

Get yo' head straight, buster.

>not Italian
if the game called Gangster or Mobster then nobody would bat an eye


Also being a buster.

And GTA SA wasn't a black power fantasy? A game that features a nigger who comes to rule business all over San Andreas while still kepping himself loyal to his gangbanger life?

There was a black mafia in New Orleans back in the 60s, the whole game revolves around that. You guys talk like Italians monetize the concept of a mafia.

I'm sorry, did you play GTA SA campaign pass the Los Santos part?

Thug is the phrase you are looking for. Gangster and Mobster are both synonymous with the Mafia

San Andreas would never come out today.

>And GTA SA wasn't a black power fantasy? A game that features a nigger who comes to rule business all over San Andreas while still kepping himself loyal to his gangbanger life?

Black power fantasy doesn't mean any black man who happens to raise up in society. It specifically means killing whitey and dem evil crackas who been opressing yo people. We wuz kangs we deserve better dan dis

Speaking of Mafia 3 - does the game allow you to change out of that horribly ugly military jacket yet?

blame the alt-right fags who don't even play video games

>he doesn't know

Wait, isn't San Andreas an anime game?

Fair enough. Still, never underestimate v/ ability to find progressive propaganda in anything with black people on it.

you aren't wrong /thread

this game is STILL regularly cited as the best gta on this board. go back to neoFAG where you belong

This. It was a fun game. All this shit coming out with minority (minority in America) characters thrown in don't have fun in their games. I'd play as a tranny transracial dolphin fucker if the game was fun. Pushing narrative and "muh social justice" before gameplay is the cancer destroying this industry.

Notice all the hype and buzz around stuff like Mario Odyssey, Crash, and Sonic Mania. As loathe as I am to use these terms, that's what the core audience wants. Good gameplay. Only these tertiary casual """gamers""" give a shit about how dark their protag's skin is.

If you watch the prologue movie you see that Carl is a lowlife thug nigger and Tenpenny was right.

I'm talking about if it was released NOW. You think the currenty political atmosphere is the same as it was back in 2004? v/ would shit their pants as soon CJ was revealed.

People DID shit their pants when it was revealed SA would focus on a black protagonist set during Rodney King LA.

Your underaged is showing, kiddo.

>Tenpenny was right for abusing his power for his own gain, and disregarding his job for profit.

Just like how /bee/ complained about Far Cry 4 for a couple of days before the annoucement and then nothing. Even complaining about Sup Forums boogeyman even though they didn't care and had threads with less than 50 replies.

Dark complexioned gentleman spotted

He grew up in the hood, spent his entire life being a gangbanger because his daddy ran out and left him looking after his family the only way he could, then had to sit around watching his world fall apart and go to shit

were you not here when it released?

>Sup Forums would hate it cuz "muh niggers'
Not really. You see, San Andreas was, for a videogame, a pretty accurate representation of black people. Hell, the very first moment youre able to control CJ at the beginning of the game you have to steal a bike. We like that, because its believable. What we don't like is "Counter-history", forcing black people into rolls they had no part in, like black Nazis in BF1 or making a movie about an all black women NASA team in the 60's getting us to the moon because "muh diversity" and "muh more black representation".

stop making coherent arguments

I apologize.

Kill yourself.

You say this like people weren't doing the same shit back when it did come out.

Nah, too lazy to.

If you watch the Introduction you see that Tenpenny was never more than a self serving asshole

Who was in the wrong here?

Still crazy to me that they got Sam ULL Jackson to be a VA in that game

Based Pulaski