I just beat Tales of Berseria, can we talk about how fun it was? The characters were really fun and dynamic together, and I really enjoyed the story, there's not many RPGs I know of out there where you play as people who aren't the nicest guys in the world.
I'm new to Tales, and I'm gonna try Xillia 1 & 2 next since I got them on sale, but should I get Zestiria next? I heard mixed opinions from people who played that one, not real nice opinions.
I just beat Tales of Berseria, can we talk about how fun it was? The characters were really fun and dynamic together...
Just started it myself but so far I love the bromance between the two guys so far. They seem like the best party members so far.
Yeah, the cast was really amazing. Don't play Zestiria.
>there's not many RPGs I know of out there where you play as people who aren't the nicest guys in the world
You'll love Tales of the Abyss then.
What's specifically wrong with that game, without digging too deep into plot? I heard one character was only playable in DLC and people were pissed because they were featured prominently in promo material. It's like Berseria's sequel or something, so I feel like I should get around to it eventually.
]Agreed, plus it had best girl in it.
Besides Velvet of course
It's one of if not my favorite JRPG parties. I've played a lot but holy shit I loved them all. I honestly couldn't decide who my favorite was.
People complained about the combat but I liked it. I just put all my attention into raising focus instead of attack and played as Velvet. Keep yourself close to 1 hp and just endlessly chain the claw and stuns. Really fun all or nothing.
The party members were all good but not equal.
It's worse than Berseria in every possible way. The game clearly was rewritten several times which made plot and characters a contradictory mess.
>on final boss battle
>they're down to 1/8th of health
>start spamming soul burst moves and insta-kills the party within his mystic arte range
>only have Velvet left, playing on manual so I have to aim
>using any healing item will put me in punish frames and kill me
>end up mashing R2 like a goddamn madman and mashing every button on the controller to stay alive
>manage to kill him on 1HP after roughly 3 minutes of having a seizure with the controller
It might have been the most stressful final boss moment in an RPG I had yet, next to trying to stunlock Xenoblade's to death before he could launch his insta-gib I didn't upgrade to counter.
How did they make a game so hype?
the difference is in abyss there's some unlikable cunts whereas in berseria all party member is likable
The exact same thing happened to me. I don't think the mystic arte is scripted to do that either. Realizing you're immune to damage when you're in the claw attack animation makes stuns even more precious. I was surprised by how good the final boss was, both phases. As soon as they brought in the armatus the game actually got hard again and that was great.
Did you beat Phoenix?
I loved Symphonia, Vesperia, and Berseria, but Zestiria felt like drivel to me. The Zestiria characters are very flat and static compared to those from the other games, and the pacing of both the main narrative and characterizations are garbage.
I don't get berseria's battle system
It seems like the mechanics are too broken for me to be using them
Please advise
Beat Phoenix and DT before the final boss, that one was a little harder, but not really because I just shot them to death with Magilou and they weren't spamming mystics and super armor moves on me to death. Then again, I was playing on Normal on my first run, so that might've had something to do with the ease of it.
Who? Did I miss someone?
I was either on Evil or Chaos, can't remember. The fight was insanely long at that difficulty. I just had to have Velvet tank with dodges and claw immunity/healing, tag in all revive-capable characters and let them slowly piddle him down while listening for CAW LEAP LEAP LEAP LEAP CAW. I think I had fun, probably.
dark turtlez, anyone here know how to beat the last dragon on heavenly steps?
I played on Evil difficulty and I had to lower it to Moderate I think. Fucking Innominat kept oneshoting my party with his AOE and I was too lazy to go back and upgrade my shit.
Oh fuck I missed him. Guess I should probably go do that.
Happened to me the first 2 attempts as well. If you focus only on him and ignore everything else he can't get anything off though.
Everything that makes Tales games great was eviscerated from Zestiria and tossed away, leaving a lifeless shell of a game that requires massive amounts of grinding and a NG+ Chaos run to finally make the combat system work fluidly.
Stun stun stun.
Focus on stuns.
Beat all the optionally bosses and get more key items that unlock more battle system shit.
Upgrade your equipment to get more base souls.
More souls = longer combos.
Stuns = you get souls.
Basically hit enemies weakness and follow it up with plenty of stun attacks.
>If you focus only on him and ignore everything else he can't get anything off though
Yeah, I tried that. But then Artorius starts targeting me like crazy and after one stun it's all over.
>Playing NG+.
>Start on Chaos.
Finishing all battles in two-three seconds flat including bosses.
Oh boy.
Final boss of NG was fucking BRUTAL after finishing the EX dungeon. Took me a solid half hour to cheese him with velvet at level 130.