How do we fix Sup Forums

How do we fix Sup Forums

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You can't. Sup Forums is a containment board, no real discussion takes place here.

get rid of phonebosters ip ban redditors

Ban OP for posting this bullshit thread that nobody important reads

ban feels and frogposting

Sup Forumserified shills so I know when I'm talking to corporate scum

Gas the place


like any board on Sup Forums Sup Forums is what the users make it. You cannot fix it now

Let people talk about videogames.

So how about that new video game?


If you make the same thread 3 days in a row you get banned

No improving Sup Forums, it's all redditors. Want actual game discussion of good games? Sneak over to /vr/. Not /vg/, /vg/ is even more infiltrated by redditors than Sup Forums, and they're namefags too. If anyone tells you to go to /vg/ they're a reddit migrant.

consolenigger genocide! NOW!°

90% of Sup Forums problems just disappear in to ash!

redfugges you say?

just leave it alone, Sup Forums has and always has been shit, a decade from now we'll have a new cultural shift and the cycle will repeat

post your pc specs

>poster IDs
>ban politics
>ban console wars
>ban e-celebs
>ban generals
>ban waifushit
>ban anime
>bring back visible sage
>bring back dubs
>add country flags
>add emojis

suddenly Sup Forums is good again

Ban console wars. Ban e-celebs.

Make this thread over and over again. Just look at what good these threads have done to this board so far.

>Enable autosage for threads that start with overused catchphrases, just like the threads with the word "waifu" in the OP.
>Ban West vs East threads
>Delete Sup Forums threads at sight and softban everyone who replies to them
>Enforce more control on console war threads
>Make an official poll in which we can vote for putting ID's for a limited amount of time and see if it works

Fraid so, and Sup Forums is the gateway ironically enough.

That would require a lot of mod intervention. Good fucking luck with that.

move vermins to trash

>that man

>/vg/ is full of redditors
>actually able to get strategies, builds, stats, item trades and tips on /vg/
>/vg/ is more of a video game board than Sup Forums is
Pretty much how any other board is better at discussing television than Sup Forums. Just because they have higher IQ's than you doesn't mean they're reddit.

IDs to fix samefagging

Ban those terrible lazy reddit drawings of spurdo, voldemort, frog guy, etc and anime girl shitposters.

Everything here is correct. All of it.

Replace Sup Forums's favorite buzzwords with other words like how they did and senpai.

Also smug anime faces result in an instant ban.

Why don't we just take all the newfags and PUSH THEM somewhere else?

>ban anime
Sorry buddy, that's the only thing that will never happen. Not my fault if you ignore the origins of this website.

I wish mods would ban people that post this OP image. Like 'Hiro said this thing one time on another board, and if I post a screen cap of it, I have free reign to shitpost, right?'

>actually able to get strategies, builds, stats, item trades and tips on /vg/
Because they're fucking generals you retard, the most concentrated of all circlejerks. Daily generals about the same games comprised of the same attention-whoring tripfags who treat it like a social club. Of course you will get decent info there if you're willing to put blinders on, I could to a game-specific subreddit and probably get decent info but they're still cocksuckers.

Why people think anybody would pay someone to shill here of all places is beyond me.

/vg/ is also full of name/tripfagging attention whores that THINK they know everything about a game

>join our discord guys XDD

considering you have to filter 90% of Sup Forums just to get good info here how is that any different over there?

>shitposting about shitposting vs. actual shitposting
>implying either are acceptable.


It will funny watching idiots reply to themselves that are not aware of the feature.

At least one of these two needs to be addressed. They're the oldest problems with Sup Forums that weren't dealt with by the creation of a containment board.


>get rid of phonebosters
This is the only improvement any board on 4can needs.

Make it nsfw

More meta threads

Give Sup Forums /jp/-tier moderation (except no generals)

Ban everyone who makes one of these threads

Pretty sure console war threads are against the rules. Mods just don't do shit about them

>ban anime
What does that even mean?
Like, ban ALL anime or just the moeshit?

>ban anime
There goes half of all the good games ever made

How do we stop console warriors such as this?

Stop replying to shitposts.

Just give man option to hide all posts from users who have been to Sup Forums within the last 7 days

You can't
There are stopgaps like thread IDs and more active moderation but at the end of the day Sup Forums is shit because it's users are shit. I mean Sup Forums's always been a vidya-flavoured Sup Forums but it's gotten way worse because of the influx of Redditors who can't handle bait and there's not really anything you can do about it.

Go to /vg/ if you want to talk about video games.

the only thing i can think of is to delete consolewar threads and ban all consolewar fags

With mods that give a fuck.

Ban australia

That's kinda my point. /vg/ is too focused (circlejerks, all accepted opinions and discussion are pretty much set in stone with little deviation) while Sup Forums has absolutely no focus (politics, twitter screencaps, what did he mean by this, e-celeb shit, wojaks, etc). Both boards are a different flavor of terrible and that's why I opt to go to /vr/ for real discussion. Slow moving board but they actually go back and forth constructively regarding CRTs, latency, region differences in games, hidden gems on a system, how to take care of old hardware, where to find classics for good prices, etc. It's a great board compared to either of the other two vidya-related boards. Only issue is that /vr/ is SO slow for discussion that when I'm not actively playing a game to fill my time or something, I find myself sifting through the wastes here.

If you read any /vg/ past the OP for the links, or far worse post in one with a fucking trip or name.

fucking go back to

Sup Forums is a video game board. Anime is the same as ponies, it needs to be contained

>good games

it'll never happen, hiro makes too much ad money from phoneposters

maybe we need a /av/ anime vidya board

Japanese games are still games


pick one

And? What's that got to do with anime?

>capitalizes reddit
>tries to direct people to /vg/, the tripfag circlejerk board
I wonder who could be behind this post

Sup Forums may have been founded by a weeb, but it has mutated far beyond what he envisioned. You can still cling to your delusions that this is a place for anime, just as long as you stay to your containment board. Animeposters are irrefutably the biggest shitposters on ANY board of this site, and Sup Forums in particular would improve exponentially if we banned any OP that posts some moeshit reaction image that has nothing to do with an actual video game.

B& all IPs from the US

Why are phoneposters bad?

you forgot
>Reddit spacing

>people still falling for the ban anime meme
THIS is what's wrong with Sup Forums you fucking mouth-breathing retards will argue over the stupidest shit. Stop being fucking autistic and just IGNORE IT.

>Say something nice to her
>Buy her game
>Other types of waifushit

These need to result in a ban. Can we all agree

This would honestly be a good idea
But then again there are already like over ten anime boards, do we really need another?
Maybe mods should just move anime games to /jp/

ban evasion mostly. honestly mobile devices should only be allowed to browse, not post

But then they just keep making threads. Just like the bronies did

No, that's just topic formatting.

Actual reddit spacing kind of looks like this

With every line spaced out for no fucking reason

As if the fatass typing it needs a breath between numerous keystrokes, even

I agree

If the post attached to it is related to the game's discussion, i don't see what the problem is, we are literally the only board that screeches autistically at anime stuff all the time.
Where does anime come from?

>If the post attached to it is related to the game's discussion, i don't see what the problem is

Fuck off. We both know how thinly veiled threads work

T. Sup Forums poster who tries to blame something else for the shit quality of this board

Ban trap Link threads.

Most of Sup Forums is actually videogame discussion, with console war threads, Sup Forums threads and e-celebs being the noticeable interruptions.
>Ban e-celebs
Kiddies go back to the comment sections of their videos
>Ban Sup Forums threads
Because copy pasting isn't very clever to begin with

I think you can leave console threads where they are for the minute then see if this board isn't massively improved by the elimination of the first two.

Split the board.
jap games
shit games

>Where does anime come from?

The fuck does that have to do with the discussion? Anime isn't video games

>like the bronies did
Exactly and then they finally went away because we just kept ignoring them. It's slow sure. But at least it works.

Because millions of people browse here and that marketing and that's eyes on a product.

>Exactly and then they finally went away because we just kept ignoring them
they went away because they were purged by the mods

Making an OP with an autisticly obvious bait like
>Will you buy her game veeeee?
>"buying western games in 2017..."
>Why are jap games so superior veee? (insert pseudo-porn hentai pic)
is a bit different from making a post inerential to the dsicussion about a certain game, don't you agree?

If you were discussing Persona characters, it would be. Anime as a style exists in videogames as well as cartoon animation