Name one thing wrong with Vinesauce. You can't. Best group of streamers out there

Name one thing wrong with Vinesauce. You can't. Best group of streamers out there.

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If you're 16, sure

I love Vinesauce

Their fans and thread-posters are obnoxious assholes who haven't finished puberty yet.


i don't have the attention span to watch a full stream


more like best group of steamers

Corruptions are OK, everything else is meh.

It's the same damn faggot, every damn time posting the same thread just to start shit and bring up the vinny text screenshots and slander his name.

I don't even like vinesauce but it's still dumb af. Stop posting

Vinny and Joel are obviously the best. I kinda like Rev every now and then. Don't think I've ever watched anyone else desu. I'm watching Vinny's sunday stream rn.

I watch Vinny just a little, but I really can't think of anything wrong. He's very okay. Decent to watch if you just want some background noise, nothing too obnoxious and it's usually pretty chill. Nothing outstanding or anything though.



tf you talking bout nigga

Vinny is too chill.

Joel is not chill enough.

That's about all I got, really.

>Name one thing wrong with Vinesauce.
their shitty fanbase that spams these kind of threads

Binyot should play Persona 5

What Screenshots? link pls

he doesn't like anime, and "anime-style" games for some reason. unless it's developed/published by nintendo (fire emblem)

Joel's is pretty comfy especially on bootleg streams. Not because I'm a grand dad memer or some shit. It's just fun seeing how normie he can get at times.

He's not going to touch anything too 'anime' with a ten foot pole and you know it. Just the fact that it has social links most likely will make him consider it a dating sim for losers. Like, he refused to play Rune Factory because you can have a wife.

plot twist: this is a meta post and he's talking about himself so he can link the screenshots he's talking about once people start asking about them

you've'stv'ed been doing these threads for like 3+ years now
a lot of loyalty for an unpaid shill

What a shame. I think he would love it. He likes the Zelda puzzle solving and the music would definitely be something he could appreciate. He should at least try it off stream.

are you dense?

there's a vinesauce following on Sup Forums, why is it so hard to imagine people posting threads here?

wtf what screenshots

You're too optimistic. Dude is an absolute stick in the mud about music, especially if it's associated with anime in any way so it's easier for him to write off. And he couldn't even play through TW3, so P5 is definitely never gonna happen.

post em

Just let me dream. I think he'd be good friends with Iwai and Tora.

These threads always seem to crop up when Vinny starts streaming.

I want to make love to Limes

>inb4 someone starts posting the disgusting jen and limes nudes

Vinesauce is so fucking boring and too safe nowadays.

don't lie to me
I don't wanna see gross jen but limes I'd like