>Stressful work, look forward to the free time for some video games
>Free time, brain guilts me that video games is not a productive use of time
Stressful work, look forward to the free time for some video games
>brain guilts me that video games is not a productive use of time
dumb brain, anything that gives me pleasure is productive.
Ok, maybe not drugs but you get the poiny
Stop being so hard on yourself and realize unwinding is productive to your health.
>stressful job
Production Planner here. You don't know SHIT about stress.
> stressful productive work
> Sup Forums
Oh look, another Burger King cooker.
i'd argue drugs, as long as they're safely used and you're well aware of the effects you'll experience.
I bet if you were reading a book you'd feel less ashamed, right?
Let go of the stigma of video games. This is 2017, it's a prefectly viable and social acceptable way to spend your free time.
High school teacher. Get on my level.
I hope I'm never like you, user. I really do.
Alright, I can admit defeat. At least I can go about my day without fear of being shot by one of those crazy ass kids we have nowadays.