Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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Potion Seller, obviously. How would he know if he can handle the potions or not. Besides, all he should care about is making profit.

Potion seller has a right to pick who he wants to sell to. Despite being a dick about it his reasons were good.

Potion seller. Yeah you can haclve your right to refuse service, but I think he shouldve more clearly advertised that his potions were not for human consumption. Because it seems like the potions are made for dragons or tamed beasts and there was no indication of this. This also couldve been explained better by the potion seller as well.

He had no basis in reality, the knight was prepared to battle and clearly had experience, the potion seller never met him before but said he was too weak regardless, denying him a service for no reason.

He e knows exactly what's in his potions and how stong they are.
Having traded with many adventurers he has an eye for how stong somebody is.
Having somebody die from his potions will give him a bad name and ruin his buisness in the long run just because of this short term profit.
Potion seller did nothing wrong.

Which is still his right to do. He has no obligation to sell to anyone, especially potentially lethal potions.

The call that saved Europe

He does have the right to do that, but he didn't do it for morally sound or justified reasons, he denied him service based on nothing more than an unfounded assumption, he didn't explain to the knight what made him look unqualified to drink his potions. It's very likely he would be refusing to sell his potions to everyone, thus his business wouldn't be very popular.

The Knight should have just gone to another potion seller that sold weaker potions. I'm pretty sure Potion Sella was an experienced potion seller: having made a considerable amount of experiments on several creatures he would have known instantly if the Knight was strong enough or not. The Knight should be thankful, Potion Sella might have saved his weak ass.

Knight. He should have just asked for a watered down potion instead of the strongest, which could kill dragons.

Potion seller should have just sold him a weaker potion and said it was his strongest.

The traveller was obviously in the wrong. The potion seller could barely hold a conversation with him because he'd just keep repeat himself.

Granted the potion seller was starting to act like a bit of a dick but that's because the traveller wasn't listening.

Traveller. He should have gotten the hint the first time that the potion seller's potions were too strong for him, but he kept demanding it, and even started whining like a baby to get it. If he was rational he'd just leave the store and find someone who sells weaker potions like a sane person.

>Cannot handle potions
>Keeps asking for potions

Why do you even ask?

The Knight was obviously going to use the potions to kill his enemy and not drink them himself.

The knight never specifies what kind of potions he wants. He just walks into the store and asks for "strongest potions". How could he responsibly sell to the knight?

Potion seller doesn't make weak potions.

The potion seller was an elitist asshole, his potions probably weren't even that strong. That being said, the knight was such a baby that I would't be surprised if the potions were too strong for him

I am SICK of these threads. They have nothing to do with video games.


Knight detected

I work at the same market as the potion seller and he's a condescending prick to almost everyone, this is just the only time someone got it on video.

Also, I've been keeping an eye out for this knight and I haven't seen him in a good long while. He could have actually died in the battle for all you know, so don't make snap judgments. He used to buy my fish, he was alright.

Go drink some weak potions you weak bitch


Who was in the wrong here?

people who get vanilla when there's so many flavors to pick from are scum

>low level adventurer asking for high level potions
>somehow this is the potion seller's fault

>victim blaming
>potion selling defenders

why was the potion seller selling potions that humans can't consume presumably in a human city

I know it's you traveler fuck off

Fucking look at the knight, he looks like quintessential fuccboi

To sell to the strongest warriors and as cleaning agents

I'll take a fuccboi over a potion selling JEW.

Put dragon killer potion on your blade or an arrow. The potion entering the dragon's blood would kill it. This traveller idiot wanted to drink it like the stupid shithead he is.

>Potion seller apologists
Worse than chrollocucks tbqhwy

Po Shensella didnt know who the fuck he was dealing with.

businesses have the right to refuse service to anyone

potion seller because he's an elf and elves are always wrong

>refuses to take his money
>somehow a jew

>knight is clearly in a rush and wants potions that he know could kill him

the knight is obviously doing something important and dangerous, he's not a baby for getting upset

He walked into a potion shop and starts spouting off about strongest potions. Knight has no idea what he is looking for and has no business asking for random potions.

Can you give me a quick rundown on these two?

I wish rpg npc's would get this mad if you kept repeatingly asking the same question

potion seller is a rascal with no respect for knights

>Making weak potions

Absolutely disgusting

The potion seller wasn't very good at selling potions.

What good is a strong potion if nobody is able to drink it?

Was the traveler autistic? I don't think there was enough understanding of the autistic spectrum in this age. Had the potion seller known about the travelers cognitive disability he wouldn't have been this hard on the traveler


The city wants to keep dangerous potions off the streets so they pay him to not sell potions.

>Potion Seller doesn't wanna kill someone who is demanding "Only his strongest potions"
>He knows who can handle his potions from years of experience and suggests that he find someone who makes weaker potions, as their "strongest potion" is something the knight could withstand with his weaker constitution
>Knight resorts to calling him the R word instead of taking his advice

Knightfags will defend this

Personally, I think this issue is much more nuanced than it seems. I think both of them did something wrong, but had good reasons for acting like they did. Traveler clearly was stressed. He was probably down on his luck, not having many successful campaigns lately. However, I still think he probably had accomplishments that makes him think he could handle Potion Sellers strongest potions. He should have presented these accomplishments, and I highly doubt Potion Seller would have been so reluctant had he. Potion Seller, on the other hand, was also not having the best month. His potions recently killed a traveler much like the Knight who stepped into his shop that fateful day. He tried to tell that traveler the same thing he told this one, but he wouldn't listen. He was getting a lot of flak from the potion selling community for experimenting and selling extremely powerful potions. He was also getting a lot of flak from the Knight community for not selling these extremely powerful potions to just any Knight. However, I still think he was a little irrational that day. I'm sure he probably has had similar conversations all day, but I still think he should have explained his positions a little better, and how exactly powerful his potions were. I also think he could have offered to sell the traveler weaker potions, and that he was exaggerating when he said his weaker ones would be too strong for the Knight.

I think this issue is misrepresented often by both sides. I think that a lot of us strongly identify with either the Knight or the Potion Seller, and this sways them to not examine the issue as much as they could.

>middle ground faggot

get outta here


apathy is death.

Your words mean nothing. I'm used to it.
Such is the life of a centrist.

What games let me play as an alchemist

*centers fedora*

Potion seller said nobody could handle his strongest potions.

Why would you even put potions you can't sell on sale? It's clearly just a publicity stunt to draw in customers.

For non humans

Rascal detected

You've no respect for knights

There wasn't even an implication that his strongest potions were even for sale. The merchandise on offer might have just consisted of reasonably powerful potions, while his very strongest potions were more of an experiment, not fit for consumption.

Unfortunately, even his standard potions were still too strong for the weak knight.

Traveler isn't being a baby, he knows that without strong potions he'll die, and the tearing up is a result of his realization that he'll be facing his death, not at the claws of some monster, but at the vicious indifference of the potion seller.

just go down the street, theres a weak potion seller like RIGHT THERE

skyrim with the spell research mod

The warrior was just dumb. He should have asked for lesser potions that would make him strong enough for the strongest potions. He doesn't even know how to use potions in the first place. He doesn't deserve them.

>potion seller sells strong potions that are made to kill large beasts
>traveler wants to fucking drink them because he thinks it'll make him stronger
>potion seller tries to explain that it's not fit for human consumption
>traveler doesn't listen and keeps babbling about some battle
his strongest potions probably cost a fortune, he denied the chance to get a ton of profit just to save the traveler from his own stupidity. potion seller was right and we all know it.


is that Dick Masterson


>Knightfags being this delusional

If Knight was really as strong as he said, why did he started crying like a little bitch towards the end and give up? If he wasn't a complete pussy the Potion Seller would've sensed it and happily sold it to him.

The world isn't just handed to you on a plate. Grow a pair of balls and earn things yourself.

Traveler was going to die in that battle without the potion anyway, he should have just given him a fighting chance.

>calling him a knight
>he was merely a traveler

How many travelers do you know that can handle strong potions?

The Knight obviously.

There is a reason doctors can refuse to preform surgery on patients if they feel the risk is too high or the patient might regret the operation in the future

I hope potion seller gets robbed by an orc

Potion seller should've stated what his "strongest potions" do and how they're used before saying no. Ultimately we don't know if the knight was going to use the potion as battle roids or as a poison for his weapon.

Ice cream seller > Potion seller

Ice cream man was slightly too pushy and vastly overcharged for a plain vanilla cone.

The way he acted towards a man who just wanted vanilla makes me think he doesn't even stock the proper stuff flavored with actual vanilla, just the cheap extract stuff. I could understand his passion if he had true vanilla in stock, but he's selling above his station.

t. traveler

Don't know about the others, but the witcher 1 has an interesting and pretty important alchemy mechanic where you use alcohol as a base for potions and oil as a base for poisons


Is he the Monty Python of our generation?

The potion seller is in his right to deny selling dangerous potions
After all, his reputation is at stake

Ice Cream seller is in the right. Who would come to an ice cream shop that has various flavors and yet still get some plain shit? Just go to some cheaper store or even the supermarket if you want that.

On one hand, the Knight was asking for too much
that he could chew on; and the Potion seller knew it.
The Knight was straight-up asking for the strongest
potions that The Seller would have, and I think it is
already his fault for getting himself into a battle
that made him resort to asking The Potion Seller
for the strongest potions in the first place.

On the other, the Potion Seller refused to give him the
strongest potions for a battle that he'd die in anyways.
It's also his fault for not carrying any weaker potions.

>tfw waiting for a sequel where the knight becomes a fucking super-saiyan god and comes back to spite the potion seller with his super-duper ultimate superior form

>the potion seller remarks on how he actually became one of the strongest beings

>Free Market Capitalists, Libertarians, Republicans, AnCaps, etc
Potion Seller.

>Mixed Market, Socialist
No one

>Communist, Leftist Utopias
The Traveller.

His reputation of making the most potent potions?
I don't think he'd have any issues with his reputation.

>What good is a strong potion if nobody is able to drink it?

Maybe the traveler was just a weak ass bitch though

You faggots have been making these threads ever since Potiongate happened. Face it, Traveller lost, get fucking over it.

I think he actually would've given him his dangerous potions if he knew, because of the fact that he is autistic.

typical contrarian potion seller shill. traveler did NOTHING WRONG

If his potion killed the traveler his business would be affected negatively

It's a paradox.
A truly strong knight wouldn't need a potion, while a weak knight would be too dependent on potions.

so the traveler is "everyone" now?

traveler fags are the worst

>ok fine, you ridiculous little man, give me the most powerful potions you're willing to sell to me, fuck, and if they're not any fucking good i'll take my goddamn business elsewhere

Go back to /pot/ faggot.

You mean weak bitch knights that cry when they can't get a potion.

Who was in the wrong here?

Those who couldn't even take his potions might be scared off ,yes - but they're not potential customers anyway.

Those who could take his potions would be intrigued and reassured that his advertising of strongest potions isn't a lie.

>reddit memes

>some mexican faggot comes in and starts doing weird anime poses in your yard right next to your food

I'm an actual communist, the potion seller did nothing wrong

Dogs are never wrong.