Have you ever had a dream related to vidya? Was it a dream that was realistic, or was it weird?

Have you ever had a dream related to vidya? Was it a dream that was realistic, or was it weird?

Pic unrelated

I had a weird dream not too long ago
>be at a convention for anime and games
>with a friend who I haven't seen in a while
>we decided to go to the gaming area
>Shadow The Hedgehog was blocking the entrance to the gaming area
>I ask him why he isn't letting anyone in
>"The games aren't good, that is why you gaijin"
>we decided to instead take pictures of cosplayers until Shadow let us in
>one of the cosplayers was a huge dragon dressed as Kanna, who took up tons of space in the convention
>gave us Burger King coupons
>we go back to the gaming area, and Shadow is gone
>the games they had were Contra 2, Knack 3, Final Fantasy 9, Sonic Riders VR and Super Smash Bros for Dreamcast
>we decided to play Smash
>friend went as Pichu, I went as Chie
>absolutely destroying my friend, the most useful move was Chie's down B which made her morph into a drill
>turn around to see the entire convention centre and Kyogre clapping for me
>suddenly a loud alarm goes off
>a voice on a speaker tells everyone to evacuate, because there is a skeleton in the building
>wake up

I mean, I did cheese before sleep, so fair enough.

>Shadow blocking the gaming area
>"The games aren't good, that is why you gaijin"
>Knack 3

Man fuck Shadow, organisers have good taste

I doubt you had this dream

It has too many specific memes

It is pretty specific, but this is mostly what I remember. Not 100% accurate all of it most likely, but this is as accurate as I could remember it.

I had a dream where I played Super Mario Bros 3

In space

When I was a kid I used to get really excited for game releases. In the fortnight leading up to them, I'd have dreams at night about playing the game and how they'd be amazing and then I'd wake up absolutely gutted that it was just a dream and that I still had to wait.

Last time this happened was Skyrim when I was about 15 years old. After that, it stopped. Probably because Skyrim ruined my perception that AAA games couldn't be bad and also the fact games are so unimaginative these days they're not worth getting excited for.

It wasn't realistic and it was weird. But a strip club is free in dreams so not gonna complain and it beat the hell out of the dream where I was woodworking/working in a library.

I had one where I was dropped off at a destroyed city by my parents. It looked an awful lot like the city in Nier. I was 2B.

As i run through the city i come a cross an old shack where i switched to a spear weapon. Now im using the spear moveset from Nioh. Inside this shack i got ambushed by a bunch of zombies, but only one of them wouldnt die no matter how much i kept hitting it.

The zombie fell down eventually and then got back up and grew hueg as fuck, then my dream suddenly turned into bloodborne. I said fuck it and ran out of there. Then i woke up.

This is recent. The narrator from the Darkest Dungeon was narrating an ordinary day at work. I'd pass by those vending machines at lunch and suddenly 'give them no quarter'. Like in most dreams, it doesn't phase you until you wake up.

if i grind in a game for too long i go through the motions in my dreams as well.

I had a dream where I was with my dad again, and we played Doom together on his computer we used to have. We were working together to beat the game, and laughing together.

Then I woke up, and remembered that he was still gone.

I had a dream where I had very passionate gay sex with Jarl Balgruff from Skyrim. I'm not gay so I felt very ill and shaken for the rest of the day after I woke up.

It's getting a bit disturbing to be honest, I get them every few months, these very intense dreams where I'm having very vivid sex with men. I can't tell anyone though because all they'll say is 'haha maybe ur supressing your true feeling ;)' when I clearly feel disgusted by it.

Lol u take him 2 da gay bar?

I'd be gay if men were more attractive user. Don't worry about it.

I had something like this once, I dreamed a fucked my flatmate and sucked him off and I woke up with a boner, but I felt sick. I avoided him all day, shit fucked me up.

I've had this dream multiple times where I have this new game and cant wait to get home and play it, but i keep getting interrupted and cant play.

Holy shit this, except with other things than just new games

>new arcade game imported from Japan available at Round One
>want to play it
>keep being dragged out by some woman asking me to go to some shop to try on clothes
>finally stop being interrupted
>about to play
>wake up



I clearly remember dreaming of hugging Haruka until we both fell to the ground and she get all red and flustered a few weeks after I play iDOLM@STER SP.
And then the doctor from Katawa Shoujo bought us a fancy dinner or something.

There are probably others but this is the only one I remember very clearly

I can never remember my dreams. They're gone as soon as I wake up.

A few have stood out though: a 3D sequel to Primal Rage, a reboot of Ghosts N' Goblins and Gargoyles Quest, and one where I'm back in highschool, Morrigan Aensland is the most popular girl in school, and she always gives me these really mean sneers then looks away in disgust.

The rest of the time my dreams are usually of being back in college and suddenly realizing I've haven't been to one of my morning classes in two weeks.

I dreamt I played a Fallout FPS campaign shooter, it was like Call of Duty 2 but centered around the NCR campaigns against the Legion. The final mission was the Battle of Hoover Dam but on an epic scale. I remember it being really fun.

I haven't really had that many vidya-related dreams. The only one from recent memory that I can remember is one I had where Liquid from MGS was strangling me.

I had a dream that I was playing space station 13 and I slipped on something in the chapel and some non-specific exotic mechanics came and punched me to death. Standard graphics and everything

I was so excited for Dark Souls that I had a dream in the concept art for New Londo

I legitimately had a dream one time that I just got to cuddle and hug my waifu for like an hour. I woke up in a profound state of both happiness and sadness.

I think it was some form of compensation for the shit that was DR3.