>Japanese video games have perfect gamepla-
Japanese video games have perfect gamepla-
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It's an early trailer and the game is still in development, what the hell did you expect?
I'm really disappointed with the physics on his shoulder cape thing.
This is insultingly bad
name a game in development that was introduced with a trailer/gameplay that actually played better in release
im waiting
That they have changed a thing since the stream of complaints since June? This is exactly the same trailer they showed at E3.
>game is not even out yet
>The anti weeb-crusaders redditors from r/filthy-frank are shitting on it on every occasion
No upvote for you today
Metal Gear Rising.
>expecting anything from PhysX 3.3
>That cape
Arkham Asylum has better cape physics
Nier Automata looked way fucking better on its premiere trailer, and back then the game wasnt even barely started. This shit on the other hand is supposedly 40% finished.
Tons of people found the first gameplay trailer shown at E3 slow and underwelming, but when it was released it was actually way faster.
The environments look so uninteresting.
>it's literally a dark souls reskin
wew lad
40% is still a low percentage of completion and permits a shitton of changes to be made.
Looks fantastic, glad to see someone carrying the souls torch.
t. shill
What's with the repetitive movesets? jesus fuck it looks so goddamn boring.
>No one can ever make a good comment on MY Sup Forums, moot told me so.
Trailers were played by a controller. Play any fps game with a controller and then switch to mouse and keyboard...
all of them? You'd know that if you weren't a casual fifa fag and actually participated in closed betas in your life.
it has more combat than The Surge, Lords of the Fallen, For Honor and Tomb Raider combined
6O already has her own game??
You asked for an example of gameplay/triler that played better at release and in the end you could play it better with a mouse on release day, so it counts.
But user all of those games have bad combat already and one of those games isnt even trying to aim for combat. It also runs at better framerate than some psx games yes s-so...
Fuck off. Even the Surge's combat was way more meatier and weightier than this hot garbage.
But the speed of the game was literally untouched. So you think we're gonna see people spasming around this game with mouse, higher fov and fps? None of that will be included in a Playstation(TM) exclusive game.
Yeah, that's why it sold like hot cakes, amirite?
>For Honor
t. Oroshit that got got pwned by Lawbringers
>The quality of the game is dependent on sales
Fuck off
>Surge's combat was way more meatier
what the fuck did he mean by this?
oh, user...
>I do not understand how marketing works
Just watch any gameplay video of the Surge. At least there you could actually feel the weight of the impact of hits. Here it just looks so fucking amateurish with shitty snapping animations.
Looks like Japs all spent their creative juices last year because this looks boring as fuck
this, I was expecting more. Though to be fair, I guess they did heavily imply it would just be dark souls
This game just continues to look completely unimpressive. What are they even trying to accomplish with this game?
Even the fucking Japs aren't impressed by the lack of movesets and no combat music.
stfu you bitch ass faggot
>weeb souls
Well, you can ask as to what's the point of releasing this early gameplay footage that looks just unimpressive to the majority. Would've been better off if they didn't show it then.
hi white supremacist
I always bandwaggon on reddit name calling but sometimes you just have wonder: how do people like you know about those shitholes?
How is summer going for you? Nice phoneposting by the way.
Looks like Demon's Souls, but better.
How would even know that nigga? Fuck uf you queer
It's just a really shitty dark souls for weebs
What did people expect
>dark souls for weebs
but dark souls was already for weebs
This is even MORE for weebs
Did you see the vampire edgelord girl
kys yourself you fagit gay fagit you like dicks hehehehehehehehehhehehe ur mum's a tranny and ur dead is fagit
>Weeb is someone who has even the slightest interest in anything made outside of the USA
Weeb as a word has lost its meaning, it used to be a term to describe someone who pretend to be japanese and now everyone who watches an episode of dragonball once a week or has an anime avatar gets called one.
>he thinks that people with anime avatars shouldn't get called weeaboo
t. weeb
Go back to watching naruto, weeb. No sane person with any self respect will play this weeb soulshit carbon copy
But weeaboo is not someone who just likes watching japanese animation products, it's someone who elevates japanese culture over his own one and wants to be part of it.
T. Filthy frank fanboy who didn't get the message of his video
How does having interest in this game implies i watch that overrated shounen series with the most cringey fanbase in the world after MLP?
>expecting anything less from a dev whose major achievement is a MH ripoff
By having interest alone in this trash in an indication of your own shit taste in anime. If it borrowed a better art style like Blame then maybe I'd tolerate it, but this right here is typical SAO trash with a splash of edgy shit
>people who set some shitty anime demon girl as their fucking avatar to symbolize them aren't elevating japanese culture over their own and want to be a part of it
Yeah, it's just like you said.
Some years ago
>dude like we gotta make le muney lol what do people like
>monster hunter is pretty popular
>yo like let's make monster hunter with the blandest monster designs and even more anime grills in there
>dude like we gotta make le muney lol what do people like
>dark souls is pretty popular
>yo like let's make dark souls with the blandest world design and shoehorn edgy anime girls and beta boys
literally anime dark souls and you fags are always jerking that game off
Faggots will praise and defend literally any game as long as it's anime
Well too bad this one is so shit no one with half a brain would think it's good
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time.
The first showcase was garbage, it got much better thanks to feedback.
I've seen people defending it
>and you fags are always jerking that game off
It's literally always 1 or 2 people and in the replies there are at least 50 others who spit on it at sight, every time. Stop making up facts.
>literally only 1 or 2 people like Dark Souls
And when it releases:
>I-it was just released guys... give it a patch or two, they'll fix everything!
It's really pathetic how weebs go just to defend their shitty ass Jap game
>Implying it happens only with jap games
Ok, at this point it's pretty fucking obvious where do you come from if you blatanlty ignore failures like No Man's Sky just to shit over anything made in asia for your personal vendetta.
>that movement
oh fuck....this is gona be just like DS2, isn't it.
Sweet 30 FPS cap!
It doesn't look good, the animations are so lifeless.
I just want to see whats the new thing they're going with this game.
Nioh had its stances and stamina system, Surge had his level up system.
I guess its the Partner System but unless they do something really cool so far its not that interesting
Aliens Colonial Marine.
>all of them
Fuck off.
No one was defending NMS here fuck boy. Every shitty game here on Sup Forums has been rightfully laughed at. This is ni exception.
If by "meatier and weightier" you mean slower then yes, and to a fault.
So slow in fact that most of the game you'll only be relying on your dash attack. Even if you parry enemies, they can still attack you before you can even land your riposte.
The Surge's combat is shit. And this is without talking about the awful rubberband effect that pulls you towards enemies and vice versa.
I'm not interested in Code Vein but at least the combat looks much better than the Surge.
It looks like 20 even. God it looks so horrible.
They literally copied the zoning/strafing animation from DAS2.
capes are like the staple of almost every dc/marvel hero, though. of course they'd put more detail into it
not defending code vein, i like to think it can still improve before release
or maybe they think the demon girl is cute, they don't have to pretend to be japanese to do that
They're still faggots for thinking that
you act like normies don't fap to hentai on occasion
Shame they removed this glorous weapon though
>Generic anime male protag
If you don't have a balls to put bald manly man in the post apocalyptic game, at least put cute girl
No one wants to play as emo faggot
bb already looked good though. This one doesnt
>removed the saw cleaver
>E3 gameplay trailer
>looked good
Is it a joke?
>that stiff upper body and shuffling feet when locked on
Looks terrible. At least in souls games your character moves organically when locked on. This fucker keeps his torso perfectly stiff like he has a back issue and can't turn his neck.
Yes it fucking did. Even the first glimpses we saw of the character shooting the gun was hype as fuck. No other game generated that amount of hype as Project Beast did, aside from maybe MGSV.
You can customize your character, gender included.
Holy shit they really ripped off mh
why do these games insist on emulating Demon/Dark Soul's roll rather than Blood Bourne's superior dash?