It's over.
Seriously, how will Blizzard ever bring it back to how it was at launch, in terms of hype and community?
It's over.
Seriously, how will Blizzard ever bring it back to how it was at launch, in terms of hype and community?
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>Seriously, how will Blizzard ever bring it back to how it was at launch, in terms of hype and community?
>Blizzard Entertainment is seeking an experienced engine engineer to work on a robust first-person engine for an unannounced project.
they _____________________________________________won't
They revert all their changes. Specifically the new "custom games" set up. Seriously fuck this shit.
>It's over.
You people have been saying this every day since it came out, don't you get bored?
Overwatch is THE most successful new IP of the 2010s and it infuriates Sup Forums knowing no matter how much they bitch and moan, there is absolutely nothing they can do about it.
new skins/characters/maps
the only people bitching are people who suck.
They won't, because it's shit and shallow.
If they'd only copied more of the things that actually make TF2 good, like moddability, custom content, and a skill ceiling, they might have lasted longer.
I get more bored actually playing the game these days, and I have barely played past level 100. Even ancient games I've played into oblivion are funner than Overwatch. My neurons are more activated playing old school runescape watching my character fish for 8 hours straight. It is simply not fun to play, even if I'm winning.
I have a friend that wants to play it with me
convince me not to buy it
LoL has 20-30x Overwatch's players.
wait for Blizzcon new addon shill it everywhere like on launch.
You'll get bored after a while. Alternatively spend your money on a game you want to get not what your friend wants you to get
Depends on if your friend is willing to play with you. Solo queueing in anything is shit. Don't play Overwatch without friends.
my friend got it for me free and we both dropped it in 3 months
The heroes are dull as fuck.
Only one that has potential to be fun to play is sym if her right click would travel faster and the shield would be 5s cd instead of 10
PUBG is much better solo and that's not just because of the increased exp
>Sup Forums will never not be butthurt over how successful Overwatch is
>really makes ya neurons fire
If its not fun to play then just don't play it what are you fucking retarded
I was referring to "any game mode within overwatch", but yeah I can agree with that.
Overwatch is everything wrong with neo-Blizzard summed up in one $60 package.
But that's exactly what I'm not doing, I'm shitposting about it on Sup Forums instead.
For me, Overwatch started out as a game that looked promising, but was held back by flawed balance.
I was hopeful that the devs would come to their senses and have fixed it by now, but they haven't.
They've systematically made the game worse and worse as time has gone on. The only two good things that they've done with the game since its official launch has been:
1.) The Uprising Coop mode, that was pretty well done. Feels like a chapter of L4D
2.) Nerfing Roadhog. I was calling this bullcrap out since the beta and it took them a fucking year to finally nerf his ass.
The game is still garbage. Tanks and supports are the strongest and easiest heroes to play. The game is way too easy. You can stomp games just by going all tanks and supports and, frankly, I think they're boring to play.
In the grand scheme of things, casual games don't last. Overwatch would be a better game if it were a more hardcore shooter game. It may be harder to play and less accessible to casuals, but it would be more respected and have a better legacy. Like how many people can't play Marvel Vs Capcom 3 at a pro-level and you're just in awe watching top level tournament play. Overwatch will never be like that.
But it's 40 dollarydoos
what's wrong with the custom game maker
Wow post this on reddit you fucking loser
>In the grand scheme of things, casual games don't last.
By pumping hundreds of millions into an esports scene no one cares about
Splatoon would have words with you.
>LoL literally the most popular game
he's really activating my almonds
mad roadscrub mains
Why do they need to? It's sold tens of millions of copies already, on what was probably not that huge of an investment (comparitively speaking). They don't need to do jack shit.
>casual mobashit the most popular game
you don't say
I thought casual games don't last?
One thing
>Trying to be a e-sport franchise.
It's destroying the game. Balance and updates are created with this mentailty. I still play it occasionaly but it's starting to grow old and too focused on competitveness. There's no incentive to play QP. Arcade isn't more varied and gets a few measly boxes for every 3 wins to max 3 boxs on a week.
Blizz needs to get their shit up or it'll turn into wow.
I want to do some quick matches but if I get on it now matchmaking is gonna search 9 minutes for a match ad then place me with whatever plat/gold scum that's online
why is this allowed?
>or it'll turn into wow
>wow was and probably still is their biggest source of revenue
The game was made spesifically for East Asian PC bangs and those faggots have the lowest standards in the world (see: movie industry). They don't have to do anything.
>It's sold tens of millions of copies already
It's like WoW. Ever since the first patch of Vanilla people have been going "RRREEWEEE WOW IS FINISHED RREEEEE" not that the game is enjoyable to me these days. But it isn't dead. Overwatch is also far from dead. AntiBlizzdrones are almost worse than actual Blizzdrones.
How much did it sell, then?
Baby genji main crying about the big hog
just played a game with sky williams. little faggot acts like a bitch.
>tens of millions of players for a paid game with no demo option except on like three individual weekends thus far
>NOT tens of millions of copies