Defend this
Defend this
are you retarded?
there are better webms of him not knowing how to play games
didnt you have to do the spinning in air skill you learn after one of the bosses to cross that pit in the original?
This guy is either pretty dumb or has never played a platformer before desu
Nothing has been changed level wise. That ability combo is when you want to go even further beyond.
>he already looks extraordinarily pissed off at the start of the webm
link to the entire video I want to see dsp play crash
You have to do it in another tomb level
>playing Crash
How long did he play 1 before ragequitting?
such a lust of endless loop
He didn't. He went straight for 3.
Well it is not his fault, bad level design clearly, why put a invisible wall into a place where it looks like you can jump.
You are a fucking retard. He is obviously trying to find a secret by jumping in a ledge you dumb fuck.
Is he gonna complain about Crash 1 levels again (like The Lab)?
That's bad level design
is this the man whom Sup Forums glorifies every other day?
i don't see the appeal
This. Just because people had no standards back then doesn't mean that it should be tolerated nowadays. The "gems" of the past are usually trash nowadays anyway
DSP is dumb, but that's not really a good webm to prove it. There's plenty of stages throughout the first 3 games that have secrets hidden behind leap of faith jumps or jumping off the map to the side and that place feasibly looks like a ledge you'd be able to jump onto.
first, why the fuck did he even think about jumping there instead of you know, jumping back where he came from?
second, that's what happens when you put more detail without thinking about visual clues
there's s much retardness going on in that webm that I want to die
You never played a Crash game did you?
Or a Crash game. Very rarely does the game have the player go sideways unless it's blatantly displayed right in front of them. They also would never put in a side ledge like that, even for a secret.
The original Crash games have always been about the player moving away from the player or towards, never to the side unless specifically shown on the path.
Yeah, who'd ever think about making leaps of faith in this game. It's not like there are secrets in pits that would normally kill you or somethin.
It's a remaster not a reimagination.
Sorry I can't possibly defend him being retarded
>an arrow pointing into a hallway
>lol no invisible wall :^)
what a shit game
Sony computadoreta entrenimientolete presenta
Un jueguete. Creado y desarrolladolete por picaron perrete.
Choque bandicut
Duche de leche, maradonna Malvinas, mate, chorizo.
Pfft, what an idiot.
cahm aaahn dood, there was nuthin i cood do, its the bugged game mechanics HUHUH
How could they do this to /ourguy/???
How the fuck is it comfortable sitting like that playing vidya?
Your body facing the other way that your head/face are.
no fucking way