Other urls found in this thread:

yeah the person who makes textures is definitely a game designer

this makes no sense

That's what your mom said after she found out she was pregnant with you.

i fucking hate casuals
>game design = the appearance of the main character

Do publishers do texture work now instead of the devs?

Reminder: Any mental real estate spent trying to understand these comics is too much.

>art assets
>game design
also, having multiple people working on a single game object is retarded. He would be in charge of making all of 2B not just a small part of her.

more like director vs worker drone

>Actually knowing about games and not jumping on bandwagons for the sake of "gamer culture"
Pick one


sad but true

how can agdg even compete?


it's free real estate

What the fuck does that have to do with game design? Surely artwork has a place in it, but it's not the top priority thing, and definitely not the thing what people think when talking about game design. Shouldn't the comic be titled "ART DESIGNER"?



The comic should have in the panel on the left something like "Sakurai told me he liked his blob, so I made a nice little sprite for it" to make sense, then again it wouldn't be funny even when accurate

>takes literally 10 seconds to make any part of as shiny as a perfect mirror
>it's literally just a slider

People making comics about shit they know literally nothing about is always the best.


>comparing lead designer/director to character modeller
Am I missing something here?

those damn girl fetishists

>We spent several years in our garage in our free time while also working day jobs to create an entire engine from scratch, come up with brand new tech to make our ideas a reality and evolve the medium of video games.
>We'll just use X Engine and Y Middleware and Z Assets, all of the hard stuff has been done for us.

>acting like the work that was put into 2B's butt wasn't a labour of love

I don't think the people involved were locked in a room and forced to work on it against their will

hell, I'd probably argue that they would procrastinate their other work just to put more effort into 2B's butt

>using Sakurai as a good example of a game designer
Whoo boy...

Holy shit ... My almonds ... They're - they're ACTIVATING!

>Black guy had an illegal pokeman

>Texture work.
you wanna know what they do to make textures and get shit done so far?
>Work for game company.
>Hands me a thumb drive.
>Its hundreds of thousands of brushes broke up into folders, Tree, Rock, etc.
>It turns complicated work into fucking nothing.


It's true
the complex of new video games expend
but tiny human brain is still be tiny human brain

What am I looking at?

Hee hee



Made this shit for previous LOL thread but it died before I had a chance to post this.

don't bully gremblo

>complaining about 2butt

ho ho!




These are unfunny as fuck, even if they're ironic. Just stop posting, you're probably 12 and making them yourself

I'm pretty sure the guy modeling 2B's ass and the guy drawing her design sheet wouldn't be the same person. Nevermind the fact that neither would be the same as the person designing the levels or adjusting how she controls.

Just wait two to three years. Then this comic will become relevant.



Have you ever made a game?


Loving Every Laugh


If blacks would stop comitting a disproportionate amount of violent crime they would also no longer disproportionately be on the receiving end of homicide by legal intervention.

It still boggles my mind how imbeciles like BLM get away with pushing such a nonsensical narrative. But then again, if you look at the media landscape in the US and who owns it, it may not be such a surprise.

That really activated my strap on

because the guy on the right is an artist not game designer. This comic is fucking dumb.

This is literally the only time I've chuckled at a nedroid comic.

wow it was all so simple my man you really figured the whole thing out

of course the answer was just to make the good game, why did not anybody think of this??

Clones are free desserts, user :^)

fix'd that image for you


There's nothing wrong with having more tools to make game creation easier.

is this an anita reference


Who was in the wrong here?

wtf i hate wipipo now



It would help if cops only shot the ones that deserved it. I don't think people would complain if they shot an actual murderer or armed thief.There are plenty of deserving black people to shoot.
There is no need to shoot an unarmed one that was being slightly obnoxious in front of convenience store, and has literally no criminal history, for example.

Why is this a meme

How is that possible? Loss edits are the lowest form of humor.

But that's character design. Game design is another job entirely.
Fuck outta here.

...little boys?

Alright Sup Forums, I'll bite. Why don't artists count as game designers? Are game designers only the guys that come up with gameplay ideas?

I.... I.... HNNGGGG.. M-MY BRAIN... MY ALMONDS. T-They're activating... I CAN SEE EVERYTHING NOW. I'M GETTING BEAMED UP TO THE SKY. I'm fucking flying holy shit... goddamnit... I'm fucking one with the universe.... I AM THE FUCKING UNIVERSE.

>Are game designers only the guys that come up with gameplay ideas?
Yes. That's literally their job.


This ass is magical.


How dare you imply Gremblo is associated with that cur.

I don't get your question. Game designer is a different position. You might as well ask why artists don't count as composers.

Imma stop you right there.
"Buenos dias" is Spanish
"Bom dia" is Portuguese
"Uma delicia" is Portuguese, not Spanish.

Is Gremblo spreading onto Sup Forums now?

But everything already is a loss edit.

So deep

is he Jesus...?

Holy fuck I miss Mudkip. I've gotta replay ORAS.

>Game designer


Why does McZee have a gun? Is he going to shoot a movie? powerful..

Why does everything gotta be the end of the world these days? People need to chill the fuck out


>Identify thought of death, self harm, or suicide
what's the fucking point of doing so??
you don't commit suicide simply because you "din't know why you're suicidal"

as a Character Artist (modeler) yup.
My job is to make a good 3d model with a good texture. I'm given a concept and I make what's in the concept. No designing at all, because that's a separate department.

it's pretty much an assembly line. For characters at-least
game design -> concept art -> 3d modeling/texuring -> rigging -> animation -> sounds design -> tech art


Do I have to bring furniture?


It was my understanding that game designer was an umbrella term for everyone that worked on a game. But I guess I was wrong.

game designer != designer who works on a game

that's like saying everyone on the dev team is a "producer" because they all produce things

Teens still don't know pulling out doesn't work

now thats funny

but when trump deports all the illegals, there will be no one to mow the lawns of our nuclear facilities, causing worldwide devastation.