Jonathan Blow: "Japanese games treat you like an idiot"

Was he right Sup Forums?

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i am an idiot.

No. This a full-on superiority complex going on.


Jesus fuck what?

don't compare edmund to these 2 morons

Edmund actually made at the very least 2 brilliant, amazing games

Nobs at either side of him haven't mustered a single good game

Japanese games suck, why can't they just have openworld games with first person shooter elements, also make the graphics look realistic!

Well, the last western game I was tempted enough to buy was Alien Isolation, which probably isn't getting a sequel. Before that it was Black Flag, which doesn't NEED a sequel. Other than those two, I honestly can't remember the last western game I picked up... either MW2 or Far Cry Blood Dragon. Can't remember.

>not happy with making a walking simulator garbage he also recorded himself playing Zelda and he is worse than DSP
what did he mean by this?

Jonathan Blow is an idiot.

He has a point. The Japanese are freaked out by non-linearity. Plus, there is no subtlety in Japanese writing.

give me one example of a western game released from 1999 to 2017 that has better ''non-linearity'' than japanese games

He's right but still a cunt.
Japanese games hold your fucking hand for hours upon hours especially 3ds games where the whole game is a fucking tutorial

There's not a lot of subtlety to Western writing either, and there's a lot to be said for a finely crafted linear experience. People act like a game being linear is a sin or something, but creating an appropriately tuned level is a lot harder than creating an open world with copy/paste garbage throughout or a bunch of random levels that are designed to be tackled in any order.

If Japanese games treat you like an idiot then the majority of modern Western games must treat you like a mongoloid because I definitely know which one handholds you more.

All three of these devs treated the indie game scene as a safe space. All I wanted was fun and comfy games, now we won't get any more.
Edmund from Indie Game: The Movie: "I just wanted to be somebody making games. Being indie used to mean being weird and quirky and anti-social." something along those lines.
I've said it time and time again, Taro hiding his face is what these guys should have done. Then again, they wouldn't have gotten the publicity for their old games.

>t-they are just jealous

>3ds game

ofc it's going to treat you like a mentally retarded child, what do you expect form a literal retarded child exclusive platform

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

>Implying even the least mechanically challenging Jap game isn't a living nightmare made manifest, designed to devour your soul as you struggle to comprehend your hopeless journey

Everything he says can be applied to the majority of both Japanese and Western games


in terms of exploration and trial and error even a budget title like Way of the Samurai 4 is more complex than any western game released in the past 20 years

what would you say you've accomplished in this here vocaroo boo?

Why do white people have such high pitched voices and poor eyesight?

their moms are in the 50~60 so it means their moms spent their youth smoking weed and using alcohol

What have any of these nobodies done in the last three or four years? Look at the best games this year. Makes you think.


> complains at GDC about tutorials then complains that BotW lacks comprehensive tutorials
> talks over narative then complaims he doesn't know where to go
> lacks spacial navigational skills as shown by his need to check his map.every 30 paces
> an hour in and he still has no idea what to do where to go
> instead of engaging in combat he turns his back and runs, getting hit in the process
> is insecure and unsure about jumping off of cliffs
> spins around... a lot. He spins around a lot.
> can't navigate an inventory menu imtended for small children

This dude sucks.

Blow is literally on the spectrum. And he's also gay.

>westcuck game
>early access 2deep4you pixel shit
>mostly likely walking simulator or platformer the worst genres ever created
>talking shit about japanese games

I dunno, watching him play BotW made me think he actually is an idiot and will just fail at any game that doesn't treat him as such.

>treat you like an idiot
>from the guy who made an entire game about drawing lines like some kindergartener

BOTW is a trash game though

The UI criticism is on point though.

Japanese games have the clunkiest fucking UI. It's garbage.

Globalism is spending millions to make it cool to hate Japan or any country with a culture. Let it die

His latest game is based on ''mathematical'' puzzles that one of his developers made
And the entire game is a puzzle in a world full of nothing with graphics worse than Gone Home

Here's all you need to know:
>Complains about jap games holding your hands too much
>plays zelda and complains that he doesnt know what to do
>stuck on tutorial area for 4 hours.

>it's so strange to play a game in the year two thousand and seventeen without voice dialog
How can not notice he is a literal schizophrenic and people make fun of him?

This video completely discredits him. He plays just like my mom might, all the while making snarky remarks because he doesn't like that he doesn't understand.

Nobody should listen to anything he says. He can speak for modern video games as much as my mom can.

No it's not. If it's trash then what do you call the 99% of games below it?

why are french people so arrogant?

They're not wrong.

He's from Quebec, not France user.
Still, a shame that the most known game creator from Quebec is this guy.

Oh god that Zelda gameplay is infuriating. I had no idea he was such a retard.

he's right about pretty much everything he says. so there must be some weird personal grudges going on that explains the replies/ratings on the vid

Linear isn't synonymous with bad. Non-linearity and freedom and the expense of goals/structure destroyed Western games.

at the expense*

I am honestly saddened by this

Reminder that in Snes era JRPG would normally feature complete walkthroughs of half their content. Yes, in completely linear games. You were supposed to buy magazine to beat the 2nd part

that's not a game, it's a visual novel, and a pretty badly designed one at that (don't pretend anyone ever bothered doing it without the flowchart)

>there is no subtlety in Japanese writing.
so... subtle....


same shit different country

Literally who are these people?

What importance have on the industry or the entertainment industry?

as obnoxious as the french are, french canadiens are 10x worse.

It's okay, Phil. You run your mouth. We get it.

>I just won some irrelevant shit at whatever contest

Try actually playing it, it's a good game. I know you don't like the guy, don't be a faggot.

What is like to have dementia?

>what importance does Braid have on the industry
It was the first big indie game that started a huge indie wave. It's pretty important.

>Make a non-linear game
>Whoops we forgot to put in enough enticing content to make it fun

Pretty much every western open world vidya in the last 10 years.

>FEZ, Braid and Witness are actually good games
>Sup Forums will forever hate them because their creators said something mean about weebs once

Based Phil was right all along.

he's ironically being bad at the game because he hates it so he can snark over it

So like Cave Story but on negative.

>they're making this game with a protagonist who looks like he's a hunky 12 year old, it's not okay to do that
>why not just start him with some clothes, then give him better clothes
>japan has a history with showing underage kids

Is he wrong though?

Really user? Really?

Kind of miss Xbox Live Arcade, those were some good ass games.

The most recent Japanese game I've played was fairly non linear. Some might say it's as non linear as it gets.

Why do you give a shit? It's a good game, go play it. It's probably still the best indie platformer. Don't get the hate with these guys. They might be arrogant assholes, but at least they're pushing for something new in games.

If you think Link looks 12 you might genuinely be retarded.

He's playing it with a sarcastic pessimism, sure, but I'm pretty sure he also just sucks ass. It's bordering on that Polygon Doom gameplay on how amateurish his playing is.

nice try Phill

if you think he doesn't you've been brainwashed by japanese media where everyone looks half their real age

>FEZ, Braid and Witness are actually good games
is this 2014 all over again?
tumblr pigu go home

He's like 3/4 of an adult size, how old can he be

This really happened? How did I miss it.

"Go to bed [insert developer here]" is like the oldest joke on Sup Forums as if anyone who agrees with the devs is the devs posting but Phil actually DID come here to suck their own dick in disguise?

That shit with FEZ II was a complete lie to get attention right ?

Nice argument, internet warrior.

The Millenium Puzzle in Wild Arms 2 says no.

Why are you so upset? Games like MGSV and BotW exist because the Japanese do not fully understand how to make good open world games with a lot of content. They struggle with even making linear games that are worth playing as it is, and practically all of their linear experiences are piss easy and involve constant hand holding.

The point is that it was Phil himself pretending to be someone else wanting FEZ 2 to come out.
Look at the delete button.

He looks about 12-14 I'd say. No older than 15.

he's not paying attention to the game because he doesn't like it while pretending to be an unbiased player to try and point out how shit he thinks the game is. He's not bad at video games, I've seen him play other games on stream. He basically just wants to make the game look like shit

considering he's 'retired' from the game industry and not receiving any attention I don't think so

I can read you know. I just don't see how that makes FEZ a bad game. It's not an argument.

what do we have here -- another emotionally compromised retard?

Joke thread.

neo/v/ is too stupid to even open an image

At the time, yes.
But of course only when talking about the bigger ones.
And not anymore.
Because western AAA games are just as guilty.

>Japanese games are handholdy and treat you like an idiot

Literally every single western game released these days has that obnoxious breadcrumb system that tells you exactly where to go and exactly what to do because god forbid players have to think for themselves.

I've never played it so I wouldn't know

>Literally "I'm just pretending to be retarded"
Fuck off

>At the time, yes.
did you even listen to the video? they talk about Street Fighter IV as an example of ''non linear game''. they are autists

All of these can be said about western games as well. The divide of "only western/eastern games are good" is simply an imagination of weeaboos and westaboos.

Almost everything these days is casual and holds your hand incredibly tightly to enable shitty players who are like "WOOOW HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT" because they kept mashing through the dialogue.

>Person stats that something is a certain way
>Attempt to discredit them by saying something else is that way


yes, literally pretending to be retarded