2017 console game
2017 console game
2007 pc game
what the fuck went wrong?
looks fun and cool
boring shooting game and graphics doesn't save it
>looks fun and cool
Are you twelve?
C64 games had better graphics than this FOTM pos
Both are soulless titles made to show off and make money.
using term 'game' while showing a benchmark/techdemo no one actually played
posting pc game from 2007 because most of the current PC shit looks much worse
i could go on but this will get me enough (you)'s from enraged PCMR fags anyways so why bother
>Zelda gets BTFO in epic 570 post thread
>suddenly 7 salty horizon-hatethreads pop up.
Hmmmmm... really joggin' my noggin' here.
Too bad is just good graphics that you can't interact with
I own both. I beat Horizon a couple of days ago.
My one complaint about the comparisons is that they are vastly different kinds of games. Zelder is objectively the better game in my opinion, and I sincerely wish the devs of H:ZD had waited to release for another year so they could jack some of the things that Zelda did better.
The world is full of stuff in both games, but H:ZD makes it feel like you're playing on a well designed movie set, and Zelder makes it feel like you're actually dicking around in an (admittedly more polygonal) actual environment.
I'm not a graphics fag but jesus christ this doesn't even look good. all that fog
Weren't only like the last 20 or so posts hzd praise?
pop-in is the thing that keeps console games from being 10FPS,
HZD is solid as fuck in every way. Fucking hate it when it's foggy, though. Worst shit.
>using term 'game' while showing a benchmark/techdemo no one actually played
Just because you were in kindergarten in 2007, doesn't mean no one played a fucking Crysis, you newfag kid.
Everyone played it.
And Crysis has better and real gameplay unlike another Far Cry garbage clone with slow motion for console fags who can't aim for shit for "weak glowing parts".
>HZD is solid as fuck in every way. Fucking hate it when it's foggy, though. Worst shit.
It's not even real RPG and it has trash quests / plot. If you think it's solid, heh, your taste is utterly bad.
You didn't play it. Nice try, though.
Really makes you ponder
There is no "taste" in a subjective hobby, you should grow out of this 14 year old mindset
>The Order
Did you play it?
I've played both and Crysis is pretty fucking average. Amazing at the time, but also generic as fuck.
Crysis has 60 fps and better graphics and that's 2007 game.
Sorry, console pleb.
Nothing, console btfos that trash
Did you play HZD?
I'm gonna play that soon.
bait harder nerd
>4 hours long QTE trash
my sides
Darkest Dungeon alone is better than all games on the left.
I bought it for 3 bucks in the latest sale, for that it's pretty good.
I'd rather buy 2 burgers than that shit.
Stay fat
>this autist desperately trying to force the Order in every thread
Post more.
Looks better in motion
YoU dOnn'T HAvE a 4K tV So yOU cAn'T teLl If IT iS in FoUR K
>looks fun and cool
is a generic open world game
>boring shooting game and graphics doesn't save it
one of the more inventive and enjoyable shooters of the last decade
I'm tired of the shitty "Crysis was just a benchmark" meme, it's a damn fine game
That rock on the right looks waaay closer than it should