What does Sup Forums think of Tekken 7?

What does Sup Forums think of Tekken 7?

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Too many button combinations I mean why do you even need all that, just give me punch and kick and we're good.

Tekken 3 best Tekken.

It's fun. Not fan of rage arts though.

the most fun ive had with a fighting game in years

I loved it. Played the hell out of the demo, even got a cheat device just to unlock more from it.
Tekken Force though, chicken! That was just the best thing ever. I really wish more fighters incorporated a beat 'em up mode.
I'd love to fight through goons on the way to Gill in 3S or undead hords in VS.
That it didn't get an Online Release/Remaster whatever for PS3 and unlikely for PS4 is a real damn shame.

Kazuya is the best

Nice kaz, disappointed by the lack of electrics and wavedashes, entertained of getting a perfect on eddy scrubdo

Almost every change they made was for the worse as far as I'm concerned, compared to TTT2. Street Fightery characters that don't belong in Tekken, uninspired new characters, many old characters I liked are missing, customization is shittier, fucking cutscenes in the middle of a fight (rage arts), obviously no Tag Mode (then again is it so obvious... why can't Tag Mode be a part of the main series rather than a spin-off?), as a PS4 game you have to pay for the online... It is still Tekken though and mostly unchanged with many cool characters still remaining and obviously the graphics are better. But if it's a more expensive version of mostly the same game it better be actually better.

I played tekken 1 and 2 back in the day, and some 3 and it was fun, I was a kid at the time so I didn't know shit about what I was doing.

After that I really fell off tekken all together until now and decided to jump back in with T7.

I'm having a LOT of fun with it. I think the bad taste of SFV and how shit Marvel looks really set my expectations really low.

Story stuff is pretty shit though, I always thought the mishimas had way too much focus and now here's a game that's all about them and I thought "great, now we can move on" then the ending sets up for more lame mashima shit

>they made 7 of these since ps1 era, not including the unnumbered ones
little much tbqh

The last Tekken game I bought was 5 (original version). Since then I found all the FGC stuff and always thought Tekken looked pretty hype. T7 is a lot of fun, I only play Kuma and get beat pretty hard most of the time online but it's still so enjoyable.

I play Melee mostly now so it's nice to change to something that isn't kind of busted (from what I can tell, pros may feel differently) but has very involving movement.

Can't comment on story/single player because I haven't touched it.

What I never got is why so many Tekken players were hyped for this game even when they had no intentions of playing any of the new characters. There's so little anything new to this game.

there's an actual playerbase, new rage system, new moves for every character and an entirely new juggle system

plus TTT2 fucking sucked

I really like it as a fighting game.

but its an unfinished gamethat namco have only been able to get away with putting out because Capcom have been violently shitting the bed for the past couple years

Seriously look at the story mode its awful and short. its like theyve fired the writers and as a result they have a story that is nothing more than 'Hey look, akuma showed up'

but thats ok because when it comes to fighters outside of the base game its not the story that matters right? its the variety of stories with the cast.

except theyve gotten rid of all the arcade mode stories and cutscenes and replaced them with Character chapters

Character chapters suck so much dick its unbelievable.

its litterally a paragraph followed by a single fight followed by a badly made, 'comical', in engine cutscene and as a result not only have we not learned anything newabout characters stories. we know pretty much fuck all about the new characters personalities or stories.

the onlines featureless, team battles gone,survivals gone, there no frame data in game, move lists are incomplete, rage arts are generic, mid arcade mode character interactions are gone and customization has even less options than TTT2 which had less options than T6

theres not even a shoes slot

Pic related

The game pisses me off quite alot but I still like it, guess that's how every FG is

>there's an actual playerbase

Well a lot of people complain that they still have problems finding matches, "connection to the player has been lost" error messages and netcode sucking even after the patch... whereas I still have no problems at all finding matches in TTT2 (during a sensible time of the day). Even though on forums, Youtube etc. you get the impression that nobody cares about TTT2 anymore. Weird.

Anyone who's been exposed to more technical, more dynamic fighting games will quickly pass on tekken. Other top fighters, namely Street Fighter, KoF and MK/Injustice have advanced impressively in their latest installments; but the relic that is tekken just can't seem to evolve, furthermore many combos can be done simply by hitting 1-button, and the nearly "instant-kill" rage art moves are just laughably broken. Instead of a supplying a proper fighting engine, matches in T7 seem to rely heavily on "who can get their rage move off first". So many elements of the gameplay don't even require any sort of skill. In my book, slow motion over and over again also gets old very quickly. And in the end, it's more of a novelty or gimmick rather than an actual, thought-out fighting game mechanic. But hey, the casual crowd will be pleased!

If you want something a little more "button-masher-friendly," tekken might be your cup of tea.... Key word, might.


Its shit

That's just PS4 version being bad. Everyone is switching to PC because it actually works. It's pretty ridiculous that Bamco hasn't fixed the PS4 version yet.

This, totally this. The only new character that got a story is Claudio. Shaheen is just a random arabian agent who's friend died and Katarina is just whore. I always liked the know the backstory but bandai namco fucked it up.

>Lacks any complexity or depth
>Extremely homogenized cast
>Heavy amount of slow down on the PS4 version
>THIRTEEN yes count them 13 frames on input lag
>No cross platform play
>No rollback netcode
>Complete rehash of the previous games
>Retarded comeback mechanics rewarding the losing player with an almost instant kill free super
>Worst cast out of any tekken game
>"Newcomers" are just reskinned old characters
>Dumbed down mechanics (tekken was already a very dumbed down game) such as 1 button throw techs
>Backrolling on the ground to escape will now result in you being launched
>No widescreen support
>Literal 1 button infinites

Absolute garbage, not only one of the worst tekken games but one of the worst fighting games ever made

I've got no problems playing online after the patch.

Not having frame data in the game is a legit problem. Rest is just window dressing for casuals.

What if you were to give this game to, say, twenty.. intelligent people i mean, what would that do? Let's face it what would it do?


This. It's also very gay.

They would change the story mode narrator for sure

>Injustice/MK have better mechanics
Opinion invalid


Literally what do you by this? Wavedashing Hei and Xiao's stance rolls and bullshit are too advanced for mash. Even a mashy Eddy or Kat would get killed by a Chloe or a Gigas


why you keep posting the same shit

I love denying shitter Kings of their grab combos with my Drag and Jack. It's hilarious watching them flounder tryimg to do a simple juggle because they only practiced grabs


Reminder tekken 7 has the most input lag out of any fighting game ever made


>practiced grabs
Yeah it takes a lot of "practice" to mash 1 button

The core combat system is fun but

>No tutorial
>Shitty single player features
>Rage arts
>Poor matchmaking

And its cute denying them. Seeing them struggle using T3/T5 strats is too hilarious.

>The core combat system is fun
Nah its casual button mashing garbage

Loving it but I have gripes that Harda does not seem to be addressing. Namely, there's no replays and the customization is very low effort compared to T6.

>All these retards talking shit

see me online right now faggots

I miss mokujin

>play me at this shitty game
How about no.

if it's so shitty why aren't you #1 tekken player getting mad sponsorships cunt? Why isn't eddie topping tournaments if he's so good?

that's what I thought, basement dwelling nerd

>45 bongs for a game with half the content of T5
I'll tell you when it hits the bargain bin in a few months

Why the fuck would i waste my time on a shitty casual children's game?

>its so easy lmao
Go get them madcatz sponsorships n shit cousin, that's right you're awful

>that's right tekken is awful

still waiting for you to show me your tournament winnings son

The core gameplay is good but rage moves absolutely ruin it. Not to mention they are cringy as fuck. Really not digging anime aesthetic and shitty wubstep soundtrack. I have no idea what the fuck Harada is doing, but you faggots deserve it. This thread is actually the first one with decent oppost in recent memory, usually it is meme garbage (who is your waifu? you bought xs game right? x is cute! Cute!) and speaks volumes about current playerbase

I just want another edgy serious Tekken 4

When's Eliza on PC?

i could beat you 100 games in a row

i could beat you 1000 times in a row

the only people that complain about ragemoves are mashers

>Really not digging anime aesthetic and shitty
lmao are we playing the same tekken

>tfw ssr AOP u/f+3 all day erry day

I haven't put the game down since it came out. It's becoming a bit of a problem.

the wubstep is garbage though, worst Tekken soundtrack in ages

That's fine, it makes me feel good when I have an opponent who knows how to defend against grabs and I still get a full chain on them.

Nah you just suck

Tekken 7 is certainly more anime than Tekken 4 to which user in is probably comparing it.

It's button mashing friendly in the sense that cool looking stuff happens when buttons are mashed. But certainly button mashing is not the way to win against an opponent who actually knows what's his doing.

already here bro

Rage arts are so much better than the old damage buff system.

its the dark souls of fighting games

In the game itself, yes, but not playable. Don't see any DLC either


Gameplay seems solid.
Soundtrack is shitty dubstep and it lacks the novelty game modes.
Also the custom clothes look weird, like they float a little too far from the body.

Good menu music.
Good online play on PC.
Good boobs+jiggle.
Shit singleplayer, if you dont want to play online, dont get it.

I wish it was easier :(

and how many tournaments have you won hardcore faggit?

Which version will they use at EVO?

how? Did you have a patch today?

He probably pre-ordered and is just messing with you.

Steam updates for the week in an hour and 15 min so check back then, she has a good chance to be added for purchase.

If you think Tekken 2 and 3 aren't anime you've never watched anything from before the year 2005.

Tekken roster + Injustice 2 gameplay = perfect game

I like Tekken, don't get me wrong, but it is a bitch to learn. That there is shit like jumping off the wall, crouch dashing, crouch cancelling, Korea backdashes, and NONE of it is explained anywhere in the game is bullshit. Also even NRS has the sense to put frame data for every move in their game. For Tekken you have to download some fan mod in order to get it to display, and even then it has errors and you're screwed if you use PS4 instead.

>Tekken roster + Injustice 2 gameplay = perfect game

Injustice is a lot of fun and welcoming to newbies since anyone can pick it up and play without having to study an encyclopedia of fighting game terms.

>Know only a really basic combo with Leo, just in case I do hit a launcher or counter hit.
>Still when every match because people just mash and never block low.

I'd like to thank the Law I just played who didn't think and just mashed punches or kicks and eventually gave up and laid on the ground for me to kill for that last promotion.

>Tekken roster + Injustice 2 gameplay = perfect game
got those two mixed up buddy

Do you guys use dpad or analog stick on controller?

if you're playing on pad it's gotta be dpad

Don't worry friend. Your dishonest tactics won't carry you far

I don't expect just doing basic strings to carry me far. I just started learning Leo and wanted to go on line. At Expert now, and I kind of want to see how far I can go without knowing a real combo.

Are the first two worth playing?
I've only played 3.

>tfw can't block low

They just come out too fast.

t. eddie masher